Ultimate Guide: How To Write Article Review- Format, Types, Tips and Examples

Ultimate Guide: How to Write Article Review:- Format, Types, Tips and Examples

Have you ever read an article and thought, “I’ve got some thoughts on this piece?” Well, that’s where article reviews come in. An article review is a written evaluation of a published piece, where you summarize the content and analyze its strengths and weaknesses. Sounds cool, right?


But why should you care about writing article reviews? Well, they’re not only a fantastic way to sharpen your critical thinking skills but also an excellent opportunity to practice and improve your writing. Plus, they’re a common assignment in academia and can even help you build credibility as an expert in your field!

So, are you ready to become an article review superstar? This blog post has got you covered! We’ll go through the format, types, tips, and examples of article reviews, plus some common mistakes and how to avoid them. By the end of this post, you’ll have everything you need to write an A+.

Get to learn how article review assignment help team deliver A+ quality review assignment  . Let’s get started!


Format: The Blueprint of Your Article Review

A solid structure is the foundation of any great article review. Think of it as a blueprint that will guide you through the process and help you organize your thoughts. Ready to explore the key components? Let’s dive in!


Crafting the Perfect Title and Citation

Kick off your review with an attention-grabbing title that reflects the content of your review. You’ll also need to include the citation of the article you’re reviewing. Remember to follow the appropriate citation style (like APA, MLA, or Chicago) based on your requirements.


Introduction: Hook ’em with a Killer Opening

First impressions matter, so make sure your introduction is engaging and informative. Start with a hook, like a thought-provoking question, an interesting quote, or a surprising fact from the article.


Then, briefly introduce the article’s topic, author, and main argument. And don’t forget to mention the purpose of your review!


Using quotes or intriguing facts to engage readers

For example, if you’re reviewing an article about climate change, you could start with a shocking fact: “Did you know that the last decade was the hottest ever recorded on Earth?” This will instantly grab your readers’ attention and set the stage for the rest of your review.


Summary: Striking the balance between brevity and detail

Next up, provide a concise yet comprehensive summary of the article’s main points. Aim to capture the essence of the piece without drowning your readers in details. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point!


Analysis: Unleashing your inner critic

Now comes the fun part: analyzing the article! This is where you’ll flex your critical thinking muscles and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the piece. Discuss the author’s argumens, evidence, and writing style. Are they convincing? Is there anything missting or flawed? Be objective and fair in your assessment.


Conclusion: Ending on a high note

Wrap up your review by summarizing your main findings and offering your final thoughts on the article. What’s the overall impact of the piece? Is it a valuable contribution to the field? Don’t forget to include a call-to-action for your readers, encouraging them to read the article or share their own thoughts in the comments section.

Types of Article Reviews: Know Your Style

Not all article reviews are created equal. Depending on your goal, you might choose a different approach to reviewing an article. Let’s take a look at three common types of article reviews and when to use them:

1.     Descriptive Reviews: Painting the Picture

Descriptive reviews focus on providing a thorough summary of the article’s content. Your goal here is to give your readers a clear understanding of what the article is about and the author’s main arguments. This type of review is ideal when you want to inform your audience about a specific topic without diving too deep into a critical analysis.


For example, if you’re reviewing an article on a new scientific discovery, a descriptive review would help readers grasp the key findings and their implications.


2.     Critical Reviews

Critical reviews go beyond summarizing the content and dive into a deeper evaluation of the article. You’ll assess the author’s arguments, methodology, evidence, and writing style, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the piece.


This type of review is perfect when you want to offer a well-rounded critique and engage in a meaningful discussion about the topic.


For instance, if you’re reviewing a controversial opinion piece, a critical review would allow you to dissect the author’s arguments and present a balanced assessment.


3.     Comparative Reviews: The Ultimate Showdown

Comparative reviews involve analyzing two or more articles on a similar topic, comparing their approaches, arguments, and conclusions. This type of review is useful when you want to offer your readers a broader perspective on a subject and encourage them to explore multiple viewpoints.


Imagine you’re reviewing articles on different diets, like keto and paleo. A comparative review would enable you to highlight the similarities and differences between the two, helping readers make informed decisions about their nutritional choices.


Real-life examples for each type

  1. For more inspiration, check out these examples of each type of article review:


  1. Links to articles or blog posts that delve deeper into each type

Want to learn more about each type of article review? These resources have got you covered:

Now that you know the different types of article reviews, let’s move on to some tips that will help you excel in your review-writing adventure!

How to Write Article Review Like Expert Writer

Tips: Secrets to Writing an A+ Article Review

Mastering the art of article review writing doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With these tips in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to crafting an insightful and engaging review:


Tip #1: Be a thorough reader: why skimming won’t cut it

To write a top-notch review, you need to know the article inside out. Read it carefully, and don’t be afraid to read it more than once. Pay close attention to the author’s main arguments, evidence, and writing style. The better you understand the article, the more informed and effective your review will be.


Tip #2: Note-taking and organization: your secret weapons

As you read the article, take notes on the key points, arguments, and evidence. Jot down any questions, thoughts, or reactions you have while reading. Organizing your thoughts from the get-go will make the writing process smoother and ensure you don’t miss any crucial details in your review.

Tip #3: Authenticity: let your unique voice shine

Don’t be afraid to inject your own personality and writing style into your review. Your readers want to hear your voice and perspective, not a regurgitation of someone else’s thoughts. Be true to yourself, and your review will resonate with your audience.

Tip #4: Fairness: the art of objective analysis

When analyzing the article, it’s essential to remain objective and fair. Even if you don’t agree with the author’s viewpoint, strive to present a balanced assessment of their work. Recognize the article’s strengths and weaknesses without letting your personal biases cloud your judgment.

Tip #5: The polish: editing and proofreading your masterpiece

Before you hit “publish,” take the time to edit and proofread your review. Look for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, as well as any awkward phrasings or inconsistencies in your argument. A polished review will not only be more enjoyable to read but also showcase your attention to detail and professionalism.


Top-notch proofreading hacks

Need some help with proofreading? This YouTube video offers some fantastic tips and tricks to catch those pesky errors and polish your writing to perfection


With these tips in mind, you’re ready to tackle any article review that comes your way. But before you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), let’s take a look at some common mistakes to avoid and examples of great article reviews in action!


Oops! Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Alright, friends, you’ve got the format, types, and tips for writing an amazing article review in your toolkit. But wait, there’s more! To truly rock your review, watch out for these common blunders and learn how to dodge ’em like a pro:


  1. Over-summarizing or under-analyzing

Strike the right balance between summarizing and analyzing. Keep your summary short and sweet, focusing on the article’s main points. Remember, the meat of your review is the analysis and evaluation, so don’t let the summary hog the spotlight!


  1. Forgetting the article’s context or background

Think big picture when reviewing an article. What’s the context or background behind the author’s arguments? Any hidden assumptions or biases? Tackling these aspects in your review will make your analysis richer and more insightful.


  1. Plagiarism pitfalls and how to steer clear

Always give credit where it’s due. Paraphrase or quote the article when needed, and don’t forget to cite your sources according to the proper citation style. Keep your review original and authentic to sidestep plagiarism.


  1. Getting too subjective or biased

Sure, your opinion matters, but keep your review as objective as possible. Don’t let your personal beliefs or biases cloud your judgment. Focus on offering a fair and balanced assessment of the article instead.


  1. Neglecting the importance of a well-structured review

A messy or poorly structured review can be super confusing for your readers. Stick to the format we chatted about earlier, and use clear headings and smooth transitions to guide your readers through your review.


And that’s it.  By dodging these common slip-ups, you’ll be on your way to crafting an article review that’s both engaging and informative. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and start writing!


A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Own Article Review

Now that you’ve learned the ins and outs of writing a top-notch article review, it’s time to get down to business.


Step 1: Review the article with a critical eye


Start by carefully reading the article you’ll be reviewing. Keep a critical eye on the content, and make sure you fully understand the author’s main points and arguments.


Step 2: Jot down your notes and organize your thoughts

As you read, take detailed notes on the article’s key elements. Organize your thoughts using headings and bullet points, so you can easily refer back to them when you’re writing your review. This will help you create a well-structured and focused piece.


Step 3: Draft your review, following the format and tips we discussed

Once you’ve got your notes and thoughts organized, start drafting your review. Remember the format we covered earlier, and use it as a guide for structuring your piece. Keep the tone engaging and informal, and make sure to follow the tips we discussed to avoid common mistakes.


Step 4: Add some flair with catchy headings, links, and multimedia

To make your review even more engaging and fun, spice things up with catchy headings and subheadings. Add links to other blogs or articles that support your points or offer additional insights. You can even include multimedia like images, infographics, or YouTube videos to illustrate your points and keep your readers hooked!

Step 5: Edit and proofread for a polished final product

Check for typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies in style or formatting. Make sure your review flows well and is easy to read. A polished final product will leave a lasting impression on your readers and demonstrate your expertise as a reviewer.


Step 6: Share your masterpiece and engage with your audience

Congratulations, you’ve created an awesome article review! Now it’s time to share your work with the world. Publish your review on your blog or platform of choice, and promote it on social media or through email newsletters. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and encouraging them to share their thoughts and opinions on the article. After all, the best reviews spark lively conversations and inspire further exploration of the topic.

Wrap Up!

With the right format, a clear understanding of the different types of reviews, and some handy tips, you can craft an engaging and informative review that’ll resonate with your audience. Remember to avoid common pitfalls, add some flair with multimedia and catchy headings, and most importantly, have fun with it!

16 Geoprocessing Tools Every GIS Analyst Should Know

16 Geoprocessing Tools To Use In GIS Homework Like GIS Pro

GIS involves utilization of tools in the GIS software to manage and analyze geographic(spatial) data. It mostly involves collection of data, processing and interpretation with an aim of creating maps. Other than possessing problem solving, team work, excellent communication and strong analytical skills; GIS Analysts must have knowledge of some basic geoprocessing tools.

Are you a student or newbie in using GIS software and would like learn to geoprocess like an expert GIS analyst? Well, you are at the right place. In this post, we have compiled an ultimate list of top 16 geoprocessing tools that GIS analysts at our GIS homework help service do use most.

You will learn basics as well as most common ways of processing GIS data that include clipping, buffering, merging, intersecting among others. Our comprehensive list of geoprocessing tools include tools that can be used in ArcGIS and QGIS softwares.

Geoprocessing tools are very essential when one wants to execute a certain analysis using the GIS software such ArcGIS or Qgis. Some of the most common geoprocessing tools that every GIS Analyst should know:

  1. Buffer tool
  2. Clip tool
  3. Merge Tool
  4. Dissolve tool
  5. Intersect Tool
  6. Union Tool
  7. The erase (Different) tool
  8. Spatial join tool
  9. Extract by Mask Tool
  10. Clip Raster Tool
  11. Extract by attributes tool
  12. Reclassify
  13. Project tool
  14. Near
  15. Calculate by Geometry
  16. Near

Buffer geoprocessing tool

This is a reclassification process based on distance inside or without a certain closeness. The output are normally polygons around input features at a given distance. Buffer geoprocessing process works in two ways: Euclidean and Geodesic.

Euclidean measures distances in 2D (Two-Dimensional) cartesian plane whereby the distances are calculated between two destinations on a cartesian plane (flat surface). It is ideal in analyzing distances around polygons that are focused in quite a small area.
Geodesic buffering calculates distances between two location or points on a geoid surface. The methods applied determine the kind of buffers created.

In ArcMap buffering can be performed through the following procedure: Click edit tool followed by clicking the feature where buffering is to be created around> click editor menu and then buffer> type the desired distance in map scale units> Select the target in which the new feature will be created> click ok.

geoprocessing tool
Figure 1: Showing Geoprocessing Buffer Tool


buffering process
Figure 2 Showing buffering process

Clipping geoprocessing in ArcGIS

This is creating a subset dataset from a larger dataset through cutting out a section of a certain dataset using a section or multiple of the features in another dataset. The clipping process is useful in choosing an area of interest or study area during spatial analysis. The clipping layer is always a polygon whereas the input layer can either be a polyline, points or polygons. Clipping can be performed both on vector and raster datasets. For Raster dataset, clipping is done using either graphics, data frame or polygons.

Clipping geoprocessing is as follows:

The first step involves clicking the edit tool on the editor tool bar

Clipping geoprocessing Tool
Figure 3: Showing Clipping geoprocessing Toll


Step two involves selecting the features to be clipped

clipping - geoprocessing tool
Figure 4: Showing the second step in clipping


Step 3 involves typing the input features, output features and the tolerance value. Click the type of clipping operation whether to maintain or discard, then Ok.

3rd step in Clipping geoprocessing
Figure 5: Showing the 3rd step in Clipping geoprocessing

Merge Geoprocessing Tool

Merging in ArcGIS involves combing chosen features of the same layer or multiple layers into a new single feature. The feature must be either from a polygon or a line layer. In addition, also data sets must be from the same data type. The selected feature can either be modified or preserved.

Merging process in ArcMap involves the following process: Clicking the edit tool bar followed by clicking the features you would like to merge. Click the merge tool then click the feature the features will be merged into and finally click Ok to execute the process.

merging tool
Figure 6: Showing merging tool



showing merging geoprocessing
Figure 7: Showing merging geoprocessing.

Dissolve Geoprocessing tool

Dissolving tool generalizes and simplifies boundaries from a more complex to a simple. In most cases this tool adjacent edges on a common attribute values basis. The edges(boundaries) will melts into one only if the neighboring polygons share the similar dissolving attribute.

In ArcMap, dissolving tool can be accessed in the data management tool in the generalization toolset. It involves setting the fields that you would like to dissolve. To perform the dissolving geoprocessing: Click Arctoolbox> data management tool > Generalization > Dissolve > double click it. In the new window pane that appears > input files > output files will be selected automatically > Dissolve > Ok.

location dissolve tool in the Arctoolbox
Figure 8: Showing the location of Dissolve tool in the Arctoolbox


dissolving geoprocessing
Figure 9: Showing Dissolving geoprocessing.


Intersect Tool

This tool calculates a geometric connection of the input features. In most cases, percentages or features of the feature that overlay in all layers or feature classes will be inscribed to the output(product) feature class. While performing this analysis it is advisable that the input features simple one like point, polygon or polyline.

To perform this analysis in ArcMap, go the toolbar > geoprocessing > intersect > enter the input feature, out put feature class, join attributes, tolerance attribute, output type > click Ok.

intersect geoprocessing tool
Figure 10: Showing intersect geoprocessing


Union Geoprocessing Tool

The Union geoprocessing performs calculation of geometric union of whatever number of feature layers and classes. All input feature layers or classes must polygons in order for the output feature class to comprise polygons representative of geometric union of all involvements as well as the all the fields from all the input feature classes. Furthermore, union tool controls the spatial reference, clusters and cracks the features, determines geometric relationsamongst features from all feature classes and inscribes new features to the output.

To perform Union geoprocessing in ArcMap: Go to geoprocessing > navigate to union > click union > input the features > click Ok to execute the analysis.

union geoprocessing
Figure 11: Showing union geoprocessing.


Erase Geoprocessing Tool

Erase tool generates a product feature class by overlapping the input features with the erase features. Only those percentages of the input features falling exterior of the erase features are copied to the product feature class.

To carry out erasing geoprocessing in ArcMap: Go to geoprocessing> navigate to search > type and search erase geoprocessing tool > Enter input features > enter erase features > enter output feature class > enter tolerance > click Ok to execute the analysis.

Erase geoprocessing tool
Figure 12: Showing erase geoprocessing.


Spatial Join Geoprocessing Tool

This tool joins attributes from one feature to another grounded on the spatial connection. The target features and the merged attributes from the combined features are inscribed in the product feature class. All attributes of the merge features are added to attributes of the target features and cliched over to the output feature class. In the process attributes to be written to the output can be defined.

Spatial join analysis can be carried out in ArcMap as follows: Click on the geoprocessing> navigate to search > type spatial join tool > click the tool > enter the target feature, join features, click Ok to execute the analysis.

spatial join geoprocessing tool
Figure 13: Showing spatial join geoprocessing.


Extract by Mask

This is a spatial analysis function that extracts the cells of a raster that correspond to the areas defined by a mask. Attributes from the input raster will be carried over to the output raster attribute table.

To perform extract by mask analysis in ArcMap, the following steps are followed: Click the geoprocessing and navigate to the search > type extract by mask > click the tool> input the Raster data, input the feature mask data, enter the output raster > Click Ok to execute the function.

Showing Extract by Mask Analysis
Figure 14 Showing Extract by Mask Analysis


Clip Raster Geoprocessing

The Clip Raster tool permits the extraction of a percentage of a raster dataset on the basis of a template extent. The clip product comprises of any pixels that interconnect the template extent.

Clip Raster geoprocessing is carried out in ArcMap as follows: Enable image analysis Toolbar > image analysis > select the Raster to clip > enter polygon boundary to clip to > Click clip icon > click save to export Raster.

Clip Raster geoprocessing tool
Figure 15: Showing Clip Raster geoprocessing


Extract by Attributes Geoprocessing

This function involves extraction of the cells of a raster on a logical query basis. Attributes from the input raster dataset are normally passed over to the product raster attribute table. Liable on the property presence documented, part of the attribute values may require to be recalculated.

In ArcMap, extract by attribute analysis can be performed as follows: Click on geoprocessing > Navigate to search and type “extract by attributes” > Navigate to the tool > enter input raster, enter the “where value cluster”, enter the output raster > click Ok to perform the analysis.

Showing the extract by attributes geoprocessing
Figure 16: Showing the extract by attributes geoprocessing.

Figure 15: Showing the extract by attributes geoprocessing.

Reclassify geoprocessing tool

Reclassify tool deals with values in a raster. The tool reclassifies the values in a raster. It uses some parameters such as “classify or unique” generates map based on the values of the input raster dataset.
Reclassify geoprocessing can be performed as follows in the ArcMap: On the geoprocessing navigate to search > enter “reclassify” > click on the tool analysis > enter the input raster, enter the reclass field, enter reclassification (whether unique or classify), enter the output raster > click Ok to execute the function.

reclass geoprocessing tool
Figure 17: Showing reclass geoprocessing

Project Geoprocessing Tool

Project geoprocessing tool is useful in projecting spatial data from one coordinate system to another. To perform this in the ArcMap, the following steps are followed: Go to Arctoolbox > Data management > projection and transformation > project > enter the input dataset or feature class, output dataset or feature class, output coordinate system > Click Ok to execute the function.

showing project geoprocessing tool
Figure 18: Showing project geoprocessing tool.

Near geoprocessing Tool

Near(analysis) tool helps the GIS Analyst to compute distance and extra nearness info between the input features and the nearby feature in another layer or feature class. To perform “near analysis” in ArcMap, the following steps are useful: On the geoprocessing navigate to the search > type “near analysis” > On the appeared tab enter the: Input features, near feature, enter the method and click Ok to execute the function.

Showing near(analysis) geoprocessing
Figure 19 Showing near(analysis) geoprocessing

Calculate by geometry geoprocessing tool

Calculate by geometry can be utilized by any GIS analyst when they want to add info to a feature’s attribute fields in place of geometric features and location of each feature like area or length, elevation and x-y coordinates.

To carry out “calculate by geometry” in ArcMap, the following steps can be followed: go to the geoprocessing and navigate to search > click and type “calculate by geometry” > click in the “add geometry attributes”> enter input features, geometry properties, length unit, area unit > click Ok to execute the function.

Showing calculate by geometry geoprocessing
Figure 20 Showing calculate by geometry geoprocessing


Introduction to arcgis pro (no date) Introduction to ArcGIS Pro-ArcGIS Pro | Documentation. Available at: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/get-started.htm (Accessed: April 3, 2023).