Writing Evidence Based Practice Papers in Nursing

How To Write Evidence Based Practice Papers in Nursing

evidence based practice papers in nursing Are you a nursing student looking for information on how to write evidence based practice papers? the reason why it is important to base our nursing care on evidence based research is to enhance nursing care delivery services, improve patient outcome and also assist other agencies enhance health care delivery through published interventions.

Since back in the day, the medical field has been one of the most crucial fields in the society. Quality assurance is of very high value as this can draw the thin line between life and death. However this does not all start in the hospital as a head nurse or doctor but rather it starts right from nursing school. Evidence based practice papers are simply written to prove a certain hypothesis that is at hand. Are you trying to reinvent the wheel? No! But rather just trying to modify it.

These papers are important as they help keep up with trends, save cost, evaluate projected outcome and to do away with methods that are quite outdated. An evidence based practice contains a couple of sections and are basically written with the same formatting as essays, but with a bit of a twist that I will take you through. At the end of this trust me you’ll be a pro at it.

Guidelines of Writing Evidence Based Practice Paper


Right down from the basics you will need a title for your evidence based practice. This is majorly to guide you on what you are to write and it creates the basis for your hypothesis. Your title should be quite brief and pinpoint clearly what your evaluation will be on. Your tile can take a couple of forms as well. It can take the form of a question, a simple statement or an opposing fact. This way you will have set the direction right from the start and you will give the reader something to anticipate at the end of it. Simply think of it as a pacesetter.

Establish your thesis

A thesis is basically the controlling statement that you are standing with. Have in mind that a thesis is different from a hypothesis in that: a hypothesis is an idea that you can either prove or put claims against it. However a thesis is basically what you stand for and it gives the agenda that you will be pushing all through. Any evidence based practice without a thesis is a considered an incomplete paper as it leaves a lot to guesswork and imagination.

Read our article on how to write nursing capstone project papers to understand what makes a strong thesis statement.

Good formatting

The format of your nursing essay paper is basically the eye catcher and it snatches the attention of your reader. It is always good to maintain a certain level of professionalism even as you write your paper. The best formatting to go for at this juncture is the APA formatting. You will find out that when you have mastered this formatting then all you need to take care of is the content and the rest will flow. Basically, the APA formatting is the kind of formatting used in social sciences and it gives a continuous flow of ideas which explains its dominance. It is divided into four main sections that are;

  1. Title- This hints what they appear is all about and gives the reader the direction to take and what facts to use during their evaluation.
  2. Abstract- This is the basis of your thesis and your try explaining it in not more than 250 words and not less than 150 words. Let your reader know that you really know what you are talking about
  3. Main body- This is the ‘flesh’ of your paper as it contains all the facts, figures and arguments placed. This is the platform that you have to put all your ideas and arguments all together to boost your thesis.
  4. References- Many who have had their papers rejected will tell you that they lacked this part of the paper. This is where you let your reader know from where you sourced this information. But first hold that thought, I will be expounding it in a few.


research in nursing careThe quality of your work will be determined by the amount of research you carry out. In this field, as you might well know half a dosage is not the same as a full dose. A 1*2 prescription is not similar to 2*1. Despite the fact that they add up mathematically they don’t add up medically. You have to get current references and make sure that in the event that you decide to quote something that you indicate from where it is lifted from.

After all, you do want to produce fresh content. This is simply a process that you will follow; the title gives birth to your thesis, your thesis brings about research, research produces evidence and evidence will ultimately give the evidence based paper you are looking for. The one thing that you need to realize is that you are not limited to the number of contexts that you can research from. You can simply cover a wide scope for more credibility. Also, make sure that you get your facts right. As you write your evidence based practice paper in nursing, have in mind that the quality of your work is directly proportional to the quantity of your research.


Getting back to this as earlier promised; references take the guesswork out of your paper. They are the surest indication of research and they get even better when you can link them up together. You can get an inter-relation between your references and this strengthens your paper even the more. Despite the fact that you are just proving your hypothesis, you can make an original piece from other peoples work. The way to do this is getting creative and where you borrow their ideas make sure that you give them the credit they deserve. That way you will have put your best foot forward as far as evidence based practice papers are concerned.

Another very important thing to put in mind is that you should always describe your methods. On this, you should be very keen as your credibility is at stake here. You should ascertain that all measurements, figures, interviews, observations, and surveys are taken with precision and are transferred correctly. Do this and trust me you will have anchored yourself properly as far as your paper is concerned. Get the right material, formatting and ensure precision in everything and you’ll be good to go.

Where To Buy Evidence Based Papers in Nursing

Are you a nursing student looking for the best nursing paper writing service online?  our team of writers are well versed with different nursing papers.  We are experts in writing DNP projects, essays, research papers among others.


Better Schooling: Australian and British Education Systems?

Comparison between Australian and British Education Systems

UK education systemsAustralia and the United Kingdom are both English-speaking countries. Are you a teacher or student looking to join the education systems in either country? Understanding how each education systems works would help you settle quickly and start working toward your goals. The two systems differ in certain aspects, and it is in your interest to know what those differences are. This comparison between Australian and British education systems hopefully provides information you would find helpful.The comparison touches on areas such as costs, examinations, regulation, funding as well as higher education.

Australia Boasts Eight Different Systems of Education

The Australian government, a federal system, has the primary responsibility for education. The country’s population is smaller than that of the U.K. Can you believe Australia boasts of eight different education systems? What’s more, each system sets its own high school leaving exams. Being a registered teacher in one state does not automatically qualify you to teach in a different one. If you wish to move to another state, you will need to register with them.

Increasingly GCSE-focused U.K. Education

The U.K. has made significant changes to the GCSE examinations.These changes started with Michael Gove, a former education secretary in England. The new GCSE is similar to the O-levels of pre-1988 U.K. The new move hopes to address what Gove called the “dumbing down” of the curriculum and grade inflation. The new exams are supposed to be more challenging than GCSE has ever been.

Australia does not have a GCSE equivalent, and no one body sets the country’s education agenda. However, the U.K. seems to be gravitating — albeit unconsciously — toward a federal style system similar to that in Australia. That said, there will always be country-specific differences that set each country’s system apart from those in other jurisdictions.

Types of Schools in Australia

Australian schools aim to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for life after school. Their education systems covers key learning areas including math, English, arts and science, languages, society and environmental studies, and physical education. They also study technology and health education.

The types of schools found Down Under include government schools, non-government schools, and those based on educational philosophies. Non-government schools include faith-based schools such as Islamic or Catholic schools. Some of the educational philosophies guiding the establishment of schools are the well-known Montessori and Steiner. Every school in Australia needs to ensure registration with specific state’s education department.

Types of Schools in the U.K.

The four main types of school found in the U.K. are academies, maintained Schools, independent schools, and free schools.

Maintained Schools

Local authorities own and maintain these schools. Maintained schools have to adhere to all the requirements of the national curriculum. There are four types of maintained schools. These are foundation, trust, voluntary controlled, and voluntary aided schools.


Academies are state-funded.  That said, they exercise more independence than most other schools when it comes to directing their curriculum. They have the power to introduce faith-based topics or even change school hours. Sponsors from the business world, faith or voluntary groups work with the Department of Education to establish academies.

Free Schools

Funded by the government but not controlled by the local authority, free schools are like the academies. They can exercise some flexibility regarding term dates and the curriculum. Universities, community groups, parents, charities, or teachers usually establish these schools.

Independent schools

They are public or private schools run using fees paid by parents. They may also get support from various organizations.They can set their curriculum. To ensure independent schools maintain the required standards, the independent schools Inspectorate regularly inspects them.

Compulsory Education both Countries Proceeds Until the Age of 16

Just like in Australia, compulsory schooling in the U.K. starts at the age of five and continues until learners attain the age of 16. Except in one state, Tasmania, compulsory education in all states in Australia proceeds until children hit the age of 16. Compulsory education ends a year earlier in Tasmania, when learners are, often, 15.

Qualifications In Australia

Australian students strive to improve their Tertiary Admission rank — aka ATAR. The ATAR replaces by the year 2018 the Overall Position ranking currently applicable in Queensland. Queensland uses a system based on teachers’ assessments of students’ abilities. The ATAR is the main method that guides the selection of students for university programs.

Most of the programs offered at the universities usually set a minimum ATAR. Naturally, all year 12 students stress over their ATARs after they have sat the exams. Some experts have criticized the ATAR system arguing it forces learners to avoid or choose certain subjects to improve their score.  However, universities are increasingly adopting selection methods that do not consider a student’s ATAR only. Many expect the reliance on ATAR for selection of students for tertiary education to continue declining.

Qualifications In the U.K.

U.K. secondary school students focus on GCSE exams. They sit for these exams at the end of year 11. Traditionally, they have studied math, English, and science. Learners can also study the arts, humanities, technology, vocational studies or languages. Some may leave school at this point, but it certainly is not a good idea. The majority of students in the U.K. are preparing for the A-levels during years 12 and 13. Year 12 is also referred to as “lower sixth” while year 13 is commonly called “upper sixth.”

Diploma or Degree After GCSE exams

Also, a learner in either year 12 and 13 can be said to be a “sixth form” or “upper secondary” student. Successful upper secondary students can choose to join university or get a diploma. The diploma is a relatively new development in the U.K. The traditional path has always been proceeding to the university after the A-levels. In England and Wales, the law requires all kids aged 5 –16 to acquire at least primary and secondary school education.

School Terms

The academic year in the U.K. typically starts in September and ends in June or July of the following year. Each academic year has four school terms. Local education authorities in the U.K. are responsible for setting their holiday and term dates. The longest holiday break runs for five to six weeks. It is the summer school holiday when most people plan their travel.

In comparison, the Australian school year starts in early February and ends in November or early December. The term commencing date varies with states as well as whether the school is a government one or not. Earning an undergraduate degree Down Under takes 3–4 years. In comparison, it would take you 6 – 12 months less time to obtain the same degree in the United Kingdom. That means studying in the U.K. can allow you to enter the labor market a bit earlier.

Australian and U.K. Class Sizes

As a prospective student or teacher, you want to know how big classes are in Australia and U.K. Classes in the U.K. have a maximum of 30 students while 25 is the highest number of learners sitting in Australian classrooms. You may think being a teacher in the U.K. is a lot tougher than it would be Down Under. Class assistants working to support teachers in the U.K. make the slightly bigger classes there more manageable.

Tuition Costs

As a potential student, you would want to know how much it would cost to earn your degree in either country. In both countries, domestic students pay less than international or other students. And governments in both regions set a fees limit beyond which institutions cannot charge. Additionally, both countries provide subsidies and loans that make education more accessible than in most other places.

Tuition Costs In the UK.

How much you pay depends on the particular country. For instance, costs in the United Kingdom for Home students studying typical undergraduate degrees in English universities in the U.K. pay up to 9,250 pounds per year. Welsh institutions charge up to 9,000 pounds for home students. North Irish universities charge home students up to 5,220 pounds less than what England charges its home learners. It gets more interesting. Can you believe that home and European Union students pay ZERO for their undergraduate degrees in Scotland? However, learners from Wales, Northern Ireland, and England end up paying 9,250. International students spend even more.

A typical degree would, therefore, cost you between 0 – 27,750 pounds in the U.K. It would all depend on which country you chose and whether you are a local, EU, or international student.

Tuition Costs In Australia

Australian education systemsIn Australia, the costs can differ significantly across states. Institutions charge fees per unit rather than per year. A student can expect to study a cluster of courses, and each class belongs to a specific “band.” Australian universities offer subjects from different bands at different costs. That means students pay different amounts every year depending on what they are studying.

There are various similarities and differences between Australian and UK education systems. Developing a clear understanding of these differences and similarities can help you make informed decisions regarding preparation. Hopefully, you can now move forward with confidence.

However with the looming Brexit, we tuition costs in the United Kingdom to significantly change.

This post was researched, compiled and written by our MBA project writer in UK who has vast interests in educational maters. visit us at https://www.expertwritinghelp.com for dissertation and academic coaching services at affordable rates.