Different Types of Essays and Formats

Different Types of Essays and Formats

types of essays and formatsDid you know there exists different types of essays and formats and some you might never learn in your school years? Writing essays is a must do for all high school, college and university, however, you will be restricted to a few types of essays and formats. We encourage students to learn different essays formats and structures as they might be required to understand them in their professional life.

Depending on the institution and academic level experience shows that most employers respect job seekers who are college graduates. Holding a university degree announces to the world that you have what it takes to accomplish great things. You probably know that earning that coveted degree is not going to be a walk in the park. Enjoy your life at the university; attend all the parties you want, but always ensure you turn in your assignments on time. Throughout your college life, you will write dozens of papers on various subjects relating to your degree program. Essays are a reality of college life, especially if are studying a degree in the humanities or the social sciences. Different types of essays exist. If you seek to understand the different types of essays and their formats, you have come to the right place.

Formats and Types of Essays You Should Learn

First things first — what is an essay? An essay is usually a short piece of writing covering a topic relating to a particular subject. Not all essays are brief. The voluminous works of prolific writers such as Alexander Pope or the equally talented John Locke are essentially essays. You now know what an essay is; let us move on to the various types of essays and their formats.

Type of essay: Expository essay

The first type of essay you need to familiarise yourself with is the expository essay. An expository essay, also known as an explanatory essay, attempts to describe or explain something. Scholars use this type of essay to present information with the sole purpose of educating the reader. Once in a while, your professor might ask you to write an expository essay to help you discover more about a specific subject, to test your researching skills, and to assess your understanding of the subject in question. When writing this type of essay, you cannot use “I” in your sentences, though you might use “you” when referring to your audience. You need to stick to the facts; your personal opinion is not of any help when tackling such an assignment.

You must include citations, and you will need to follow a particular referencing style. Typically, you will need to use the MLA formatting style, APA, or Harvard styles.

Type of essay: Persuasive essay

The second type of essay you will interact with is the persuasive essay. In this kind of essay, the job of the writer is to persuade the reader to support a specific point of view. Here, your instructor wants you to gain a deep understanding of your subject and take a position relating to the subject matter. To do this, you must use your power of reason to build sound arguments that withstand criticism. Unless your teacher prefers a different essay format, a persuasive essay usually requires the MLA formatting style.

Type of essay: Comparison and contrast essay

how to write different essay formatsThe next type of essay is the comparison and contrast essay. In this kind of essay, the writer aims at exploring and exposing the similarities and dissimilarities between ideas. You will need to bring your analytical ability and critical faculties to bear upon the subject at hand. You should be able to succinctly describe what two ideas or realities have in common and what makes them distinct. Usually, no scholarly research and referencing is needed. Therefore, citation is not necessary.

You should also get a clear understanding of what a cause and effect essay is. This type of essay concerns itself with the how and why of things, and the effects that certain situations and events give rise to. For example, your professor might ask you to write a cause and effect essay on the causes of overeating in children and the effects of overeating on the health of these children. You are not allowed to use “I” when writing this type of essay. A cause and effect essay insists on facts, and your opinion should not appear anywhere on the piece you are writing. When you extricate yourself from the essay and present facts, the result is that your work seems authoritative and reliable. You will have to cite all your sources, and it is important that you find sources that lend validity and credibility to your work. The recommended format for this type of essay is MLA or APA style. Still, your professor might suggest that you use a different formatting style. It is best that you follow your teacher’s instructions.

Type of essay: Research essay

Then there is the research essay. In this type of composition, the objective is to analyse a perspective or to argue a point of view concerning a narrow topic. The writer needs to find objective and relevant material and comb through it to locate the specific research that supports their ideas. The writer needs to evaluate and interpret the material and make their point. Either MLA or APA formatting style is suitable for this type of essay.

Your tutor might require you to write a review at some point. A review aims at analysing and presenting a piece of work, say a film or a book, to evaluate its overall validity and effects. Your subjective opinion is all right, but an objective angle has its significance too. A review having a lot of personal views might seem less formal. All assertions made require proof. As long as you have used reference material, you will need to include citations. The MLA formatting style is suitable for reviews.

How to Write And Format Essays

Finally, you want to know what an informal essay is. As the name suggests, an informal essay communicates subjectively in a style that is more conversational and expressive than what you would find in any other type of composition. You can include your personal opinion, persuade, and inform. For this kind of piece, you do not need to add citations. As a result, no formatting style is necessary.

The types of essays and their formatting styles in this article are not the only ones. There are others, and it is your job as a good student to read up on them and increase your knowledge. The explanations presented here should help you avoid mixing up things as you write your essays.

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Guide to Improve Grammar For ESL Students

Guide to Improve Grammar: What ESL Student Should Learn

How to Improve Grammar: a Guide for ESL StudentsLearning a new language has its benefits, but it can be quite hard. Things get harder when the language in question happens to be English. If you are an international student studying a degree in an English speaking country such as the U.S. or the United Kingdom, you have no choice but to become proficient in this language. Follow this guide to improve grammar within the shortest time possible, and reap fruits of being proficient in the language

When learning any new language, you will find words spelt in ways that leave you confused and wondering if you will ever learn. Also, there are a lot of grammar rules that might appear somewhat illogical; rules that are unlike anything you have seen in your native language. Take heart; you are not the only one. Even native speakers find themselves needing someone to explain something whenever they feel a little confused.

Guide To Improve Grammar: Reasons To Learn English

Why learn English when there are so many languages in the world from which to choose? Having a better understanding of this language will help you communicate with and make new friends in school, at work, and elsewhere. Additionally, mastering the Queen’s language can open more doors in education. In fact, learning English has been known to improve one’s career prospects. The opportunities that await you are endless, and with determination, you should be speaking English fluently soon.

To learn English as an ESL student, you will need to study various core topics. You must practice grammar, English vocabulary, spelling and reading, listening, writing, and a lot of common English phrases. You will need to learn a bit of slang if you desire to learn how to use this language in different settings. Some of the topics will empower you when it comes to writing academic papers or business communications. Others will stand you in good stead during person-to-person conversations or when watching television.

Guide To Improve Grammar: Steps To Improve Grammar For ESL

Learn grammar rules

You must resolve to master all the rules of English grammar as an ESL student. Internalizing these rules develops in you an excellent understanding of proper English syntax. This understanding becomes more useful as you continue on your journey to becoming completely fluent.

There is nothing like a writer who lacks a crystal clear understanding of how grammar rules work. So if you will be writing in this language, you do not have much choice — you must master the rules.

Improving your comprehension and conversational skills is critical. When you practice reading, you incorporate all the technical rules of English as you strengthen your comprehension skills. You will develop a contextual understanding of words and sentence structure.

Engage in listening activities

Listening activities give you a clear understanding of how native speakers pronounce words. Additionally, listening offers you an opportunity to learn how grammatical sentences sound during normal conversation.

Learning English common phrases is another practical way of gaining fluency. This language has a thousand and one idiomatic sayings and slang that ESL students like you might find senseless and even downright illogical.

Start by learning the meaning of such idioms. The internet or the local library is an excellent place to start. Once you have grasped how natives use a specific figure of speech, start practising it in your daily conversations. You will surprise yourself how soon you will start sounding like a real native speaker. You will stop feeling awkward when having a conversation with such speakers.

Guide To Improve Grammar: Make Internet Your Friend

Guide To Improve GrammarAs already mentioned, the worldwide web is an incredible resource when it comes to learning English or any other subject. People no longer use dictionaries; they use their favourite browser to look up words they do not understand. What is more, they get to hear native speakers pronounce the words.

Make use of online videos, too. There are hundreds of online teachers who want to share with the world the joy of being able to speak fluent English. These trainers have taken their time to create incredible videos where they explain in simple language how to use idiomatic phrases, phrasal verbs, and most importantly, how to pronounce words in a sentence. One great thing about watching and listening is that you will retain a lot of the knowledge you gather from those YouTube lessons.

You can find a lot of ESL-focussed English lessons online. Such resources are created purposely for the benefit of ESL students. Most of these lessons are interesting and engaging and will help you understand a lot of useful English concepts. Additionally, these resources address all the mistakes people make when they are learning this language. They also provide tips on how a learner can avoid such errors and remember all the new language rules they have already learned.

Also, some games and puzzles can help you practice language skills. Playing these games is an interactive activity that tests how well you have mastered the grammar rules, punctuation, vocabulary, and spelling. You can find a lot of practical study guides that will help you improve your proficiency in English.

As you follow our guide to improve grammar, know that becoming proficient in English is a highly rewarding journey. Most of the big corporations and multinationals require their employees to be proficient in English. Similarly, top universities and colleges in the world teach their programs in English. Start it now and take your communication skills and career to the next level.

According to an article “7 benefits of learning English” published in EFL Magazine most academic work is written in English. Therefore, ESL students from non english speaking countries like China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and many more require to academic writing help. At expert writing help we assist students write quality Economics essays, GIS essays, nursing capstones and history assignments. Given most of statistical programs are written in English we offer ESL students with help with data analysis assignment at affordable rates