nursing capstone project writers

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

80+ Best Nursing Capstone Project Ideas For MSN, DNP Capstones in 2025


nursing capstone project ideas


Both undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students are required to write nursing capstone projects. The culminating assignment evaluates student knowledge, skill and implementation of nursing knowledge acquired during the program. Therefore, in your nursing capstone project you are required to demonstrate competencies in research, critical thinking, organization and communication.

Nursing capstone can be formatted as a policy analysis, case studies, program evaluations or research depending on nursing program requirement. However, they will consist of evidence based practice formal paper. The approach heavily relies on data just like in any scientific project to formulate solution to a clinical problem.

The process of developing a nursing capstone project starts with finding feasible nursing capstone project ideas. Unfortunately, most nursing students face difficulties generating suitable nursing capstone idea. With the right skills and guidance developing nursing capstone ideas is easy. If you grind to a halt you can talk to your instructor or DNP capstone project writer for assistance.

The first step involves brainstorming all the nursing themes you have learnt both in class and during clinical rounds. You’re turning a whole bunch of nursing capstone project ideas over in your head. But you haven’t picked any one of them. Some of your nursing capstone project ideas seem to be too broad while others aren’t even researchable. It’s also possible no nursing capstone ideas are swirling around your head at this time. That’s awful. And you’re looking around to see if you can get a bit of inspiration. You’re in luck. We’ll suggest 80+ nursing capstone project ideas to get your thinking into gear.

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You Seek Practice-based Nursing Capstone Project Ideas


There are different kinds of studies conducted around the nursing world every day. For the most part, researchers focus on generating new knowledge for their field. But some studies aim to provide practical solutions to an existing problem rather than generating new research. The nursing capstone project is an example of such studies.


While writing your nursing capstone project, the goal should be to change or implement a policy, process, or procedure. Practice-based nursing continues to gather up momentum everywhere. And it’s only natural that your nursing capstone project should reflect that reality. Your familiarity with practice-based nursing should help you think up a ton of good nursing capstone project ideas.


Where Do I Get Suitable Nursing Capstone Project Ideas?


You can fish them out from lots of places. Let’s look at some of the sources that could give you good ideas for your nursing capstone projects.


Class notes and past papers


Start with your class notes. A review of the notes you’ve written throughout the semester gets your brain spewing out great ideas. You’ll also want to dig up a few of your past nursing essays, term papers, and case studies. Skim through them. See if you can get a couple viable nursing capstone project ideas.


Past nursing capstone papers


Past capstone papers written by other student nurses may also be a source of many suitable ideas. Scan them. See if any good ideas pop into your head.


You’ll want to capture ideas and thoughts as they happen. You don’t want to exclusively rely on memory. That’s because memory fades — quickly.


Your clinicals


Clinicals are another awesome place when it comes to finding good ideas. You’ve worked with a real nurse (preceptor). And you’ve learned a ton.


You’ve got firsthand knowledge regarding how nurses provide care. To what extent did the facility apply evidence-based nursing? Did nurses use traditional method where a new evidence-based one would’ve been the best idea?


Recent nursing journal articles


You likely are a regular reader of a few nursing or medicine-focused journals. That means you’ve devoured loads of research and review articles.


Have you read the most recent publications? What topics are trending in the vast nursing world? What one idea can’t medical researchers stop debating? Reading recent articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals is a great way to land viable nursing capstone project ideas.


Read news articles


What do you think of that gripping news article that detailed abuse in a local nursing home? Wouldn’t you like to do something for those ill-treated elderly folks?


Abuse in nursing homes is a perennial problem. What do you think management in those facilities should do to combat this stinking vice? As you ponder the problem, many viable ideas for your nursing capstone will spring to mind.


But these aren’t the only sources for good nursing capstone project ideas. What other places can you think of? Don’t worry. We’re here to help. And the time’s come for us to present the ideas we promised you.


Let’s roll.


80+ Nursing Capstone Project Ideas You Can “Borrow” for Your Project


  1. Compassion fatigue in Operating Rooms nurses
  2. Burnout in critical care nurses
  3. Why inpatient medication education matters
  4. Reviewing clinical workload policy in nursing programs
  5. Understanding nurse compassion satisfaction vs. burnout to boost productivity
  6. Nurse-physician collaboration and job satisfaction
  7. The ambulatory oncology environment and patient safety
  8. Interactivity during the onboarding orientation of nurses and the attendant perceptions
  9. Using simulation in the academic setting to incorporate caring competencies
  10. Nurse retention and the factors that influence it: The perception of hospice nurses
  11. The place of hospice and palliative care in nursing education
  12. Correlation between emotional intelligence and caring behavior in Emergency Room nurses
  13. Simulation design: Implementing best practices
  14. Intuition and years of experience in an area of clinical practice: Is there a relationship?
  15. Using unit-based simulation for improvement of cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills
  16. Effects of Implementation of evidence-based fall risk scale on fall rates
  17. Person depression stigma in hospital-employed Registered Nurses
  18. Do Demographic factors correct with adherence to hemodialysis treatment regimen
  19. Identifying and referring patients to palliative care: Primary care nursing barriers
  20. Effects of social media stress and the implications for quality of life of nurses
  21. Using technology to teach mindfulness meditation in palliative care
  22. Compassion fatigue in private practice
  23. Correlation between exercise and compassion fatigue in medical surgery nurses
  24. Using telephone follow-up to lower readmission rate in patients after gynecologic oncology surgery
  25. Designing and Implementing a new graduate Registered Nurse residency program
  26. Preparing student nurses in the obstetrical environment using high-fidelity simulation
  27. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
  28. Measuring depression in males with Obsessive compulsive personality disorder
  29. Factors influencing the decision of mothers regarding breastfeeding
  30. Using technology to improve patient safety in nursing homes
  31. Utilization of concept maps in enhancing critical thinking first year student nurses
  32. Relationship between patient perception of urgency and utilization of emergency departments
  33. Assessing transformational leadership in nurse managers
  34. The effect of non-pharmacological protocol on sleep quality in a geriatric population
  35. Effects of organizational communication on job satisfaction among delivery room Registered Nurses
  36. Examining peer-led simulation on critical thinking and cognitive learning
  37. Understanding the attitude of Registered Nurses toward patients with obesity
  38. Evaluating purposeful rounding on patient falls
  39. Examining the relationship between hospital orientation and unit orientation
  40. Nursing education and experience and their impact on medication mistakes made by Registered Nurses
  41. Early detection of prostate cancer in African American men
  42. Examining sabotage and workplace bullying
  43. Assessment of delirium by critical care nurses: Practices and perceptions
  44. Nursing attitudes toward patients suffering from HIV and Aids
  45. Understanding the factors that influence parent satisfaction in relation to pediatric nursing care
  46. Using non-pharmacological methods to provide care to dementia patients
  47. Lyme disease: prevention and management
  48.  Diabetes: Management and prevention
  49. Proving nursing care to patients with ADHD
  50. Visitation models: A review
  51. Nursing roles: A review
  52. Designing a new program for easing new Registered Nurses into their units
  53. Reducing re-admissions of patients after heart surgery through after-the-operation follow-up
  54. Examining the transitioning of a new graduate RN from the classroom to the hospital
  55. Designing a new method for calculation of dosage
  56. Using probiotics to prevent diarrhea after use of antibiotics
  57. Emergency planning systems
  58. Preventing dementia in patients with dysfunctional behavior
  59. Sexual harassment among Registered: Examining barriers to personal growth and development of female nurses
  60. Designing a program to improve access to quality care by pregnant women in rural areas
  61. Preventing and treating obesity in children aged 6-12
  62. Improving the quality of life for patients with congestive heart failure
  63. The effects of longer work shifts and productivity among registered nurses in busy hospitals
  64. Does online learning affect the competence of nurses graduating from online nursing programs?
  65. Personalized approaches to management of sleep disorder in elderly patients
  66. ADHD and bipolar disorder in young children aged between 6 and12 years
  67. Managing psychological systems using non-pharmaceutical methods
  68. Screening for apnea in patients with heart disease
  69. Perception and utilization of emergency departments by patients in palliative care
  70. Managing dysfunctional behavior in patients with dementia
  71. Encouraging breastfeeding to promote infant health
  72. The effects of stress on productivity and job satisfaction of the occupational health nurse
  73. Preventing intraoperative hypothermia through pre-procedure warming
  74. Developing a new mental health guide for educators
  75. The impact of nursing essays on clinical decision making skills
  76. Rekindling and fanning the passion for nursing among final-year student nurses
  77. Using pre-employment testing to improve retention of nurses
  78. Incorporating mindfulness education into learning to reduce stress among nursing students
  79. Examining lateral violence among new graduate Registered Nurses
  80. Exploring nurse readiness for inpatient diabetes management
  81. The effects of peer-mentoring on academic performance of nursing students
  82. Developing an orientation program for clinical psychology experience
  83.  Using simulation during orientation to increase self-confidence in nurses around hospital procedures, policies, and equipment
  84. Use of music in pain management
  85. Implementation of new education method to improve diabetes management


Did You Spot Any Good Nursing Capstone Project Ideas?


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