Latest 40 Nursing EBP Project Ideas
Evidence-based practice in nursing has become vital to improving the quality of care provided to patients. Incorporating evidence-based practice into nursing significantly improves patient outcomes and patient, family, and healthcare provider satisfaction. On the other hand, it can reduce costs and the risk of maltreatment by cutting down on avoidable tests and procedures.
What is Evidence-based Practice in Nursing?
Evidence-based Practice (EBP) is an approach to healthcare that utilizes up-to-date research available to improve patient health and safety to reduce overall cost and variability in health outcomes. EBP can also be described as a problem-solving approach to the delivery of health care with the integration of the best evidence from well-designed studies and patient care data while combining it with patient preferences, values, and nurse expertise.
Process of Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing
Evidence-based practice has seven steps, which are numbered from zero to six. So, here is a brief overview of each step in the EBP process.
Step Zero: Cultivate a Spirit of Inquiry
To cultivate the spirit of inquiry, you must ask curious questions. For instance: in patients with head trauma, how does supine positioning compared with elevating the head of the bed 30 degrees affect intracranial pressure? By asking this kind of question, you lay the foundation for EBP. Without this spirit of inquiry, the successful steps in the EBP process won’t follow.
Step 1: Ask Clinical Questions in PICOT Format
Inquiries in the PICOT format take into account the patient population of interest (P), intervention (I), comparison intervention or group (C), outcome (O), and time (T). The PICOT format offers an efficient framework for searching electronic databases designed to retrieve articles only relevant to the clinical question. Taking the rapid response teams as an example, you can frame a question about whether the use of such teams will result in positive outcomes as follows: “In acute care hospitals (P), how does having a rapid response team (I) compared with not having a response team (C) affect the number of cardiac arrests (O) during four months (T).
Step 2: Search for the Best Evidence
The PICOT format offers the best way to search for evidence to inform clinical practice. For instance, if a nurse, in the rapid response case we used above, types “what is the impact of having a rapid response team?” into the search field of a database, she or he will have several abstracts, most of them irrelevant.
If the PICOT format is used, it will help identify the keywords or phrases that, if typed and combined well in the search engine, will find all the relevant articles for the question. In the PICOT question on rapid response teams, the key phrase to fill into the database search field would be acute care hospitals. This is a common subject that will yield thousands of citations and abstracts.
The second phrase to search would be rapid response team, then cardiac arrests, and the other remaining terms in the PICOT question. Lastly, combine the results of the searches for each of the terms to narrow the results to articles pertinent to the clinical question. Also, it helps to set limits on the final search.
Step 3: Critically Appraise the Evidence
Now that you have a selection of articles for review, you must appraise them to determine which ones are the most relevant, valid, reliable, and applicable to your clinical question. In this process, use the following three critical questions:
- Are the results of the study valid? The question of validity is founded on whether the research methods are thorough enough to render findings as close to the truth as possible. Did the scholars randomly assign subjects to treatment or control groups and ensured shared key characteristics before treatment? Were valid and reliable tools used to measure key outcomes?
- What are the results and are they important? For purposes of intervention, the question of study reliability addresses if the intervention worked, its impact on results, and the possibility of getting similar outcomes in the nurses’ practice settings. In qualitative studies, however, the question of reliability includes determining whether the research approach fits the purpose of the study, as well as other aspects of the research such as whether the results can be confirmed.
- Will the results help me care for my patients? The question of study applicability covers clinical considerations such as whether subjects in the research are the same as one’s own patients, whether the benefits outweigh the risks, feasibility and cost-effectiveness, and patient values and preferences.
Step 4: Integrate the Evidence with Clinical Expertise and Patient Preferences and Values
Certainly, research evidence by itself is not enough to justify a change in practice. Clinical expertise, based on patient assessments, laboratory data, data from results management programs, and patient’s preferences and values are critical elements of evidence-based practice. Since there is no clear-cut formula for how to weigh each of these elements, the implementation of EBP is highly influenced by institutional and clinical variables.
For instance, there is evidence indicating reduced incidences of depression in burn patients if they get eight sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy before hospital discharge. You what your patients to receive the therapy up to the eighth session and so do they. However, the budget constraints your hospital experiences hinder it from hiring therapists to provide this treatment. So the resource shortage deters enactment of the evidence-based practice.
Step 5: Evaluate the Outcomes of the Practice Decision or Changes Based on the Evidence
Once an EBP is implemented, it is vital to monitor and evaluate any changes in outcomes to ensure positive effects are supported and negative ones remedied. Remember that because an intervention was successful in a thoroughly controlled trial does not imply it will equally be effective in the clinical setting.
Monitoring the effect of an EBP change on the health care quality and outcomes will help nurses spot flaws in application and identify the most precise way most patients can benefit. If the outcomes diverge from those reported in the research literature, monitoring will help find out why.
Step 6: Disseminate EBP Outcomes
Nurses can attain excellent outcomes for their patients through evidence-based practice, however, they often don’t share their experiences with fellow nurses in their own or other healthcare facilities. This leads to pointless replication of efforts and propagates clinical approaches that aren’t evidence-based.
One of the best ways to disseminate successful initiatives of EBP is by doing EBP rounds in your institution, presenting at local, regional, and national conferences, and reporting in peer-reviewed journals, publications, and professional newsletters.
Undoubtedly, the application of EBP in nursing has significantly increased in different hospitals and healthcare centers worldwide. Evidence-based practice project ideas offer a great way to gain valuable knowledge and practice while providing patient care. Furthermore, EBP offers an opportunity to help nurses by contributing to global healthcare.
Some of the most pressing evidence-based practice project ideas concern medical surgery, geriatrics, midwifery, and management and leadership in nursing. Need some inspiring topics for your upcoming nursing EBP project? Look no further! Here are 40 nursing EBP project ideas you can consider in your nursing evidence based practice paper.
Latest 40 Nursing EBP Project Ideas You Can Use in your DNP Journey
As a DNP student, you will be required to develop EBP project to demonstrate your skills to translate evidence into practice and communicate outcomes. Our non exhaustive list of innovative EBP project topic idea should be your first landing before you can start writing your project. Our top DNP project writers have prepared a latest 40 nursing EBP project ideas you can use in your DNP proposal
- Senior nurses and attitude towards the application of evidence-based practice care solutions – a primary investigation
- Evidence-based nursing practices for the disabled in inpatient settings in the US – literature review
- Selection of treatment procedure through evidence-based practice – an analysis of nursing care
- Evidence-based support for Continuing Professional Development requirements in nursing education – analysis of literature
- Mental health nursing – perspectives from evidence-based practice in the US
- Is care quality improved through evidence-based nursing? An investigation
- A systematic investigation of the relationship link between nursing education and professional excellence in the US
- Nursing staff screening and recruitment – an evidence-based approach
- Why is evidence-based nursing and care highly recommended? An explorative analysis
- A critical appraisal of the challenges in the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing in the US
- An analysis of the practical implications of the theoretical foundations for evidence-based nursing practice in the US
- Safety precautions for patients with dementia in inpatient settings in the US based on evidence-based practice – review of literature
- Catering to patient preferences through the evidence-based nursing approach – an analysis from the US
- How do practitioners evaluate evidence-based nursing practices? An investigation
- Tracing the historical context of evidence-based practice in nursing in the context of current achievements
- What do nursing students think about evidence-based practice in nursing? A qualitative study
- Palliative care in inpatient settings – a review of evidence-based practice perspectives in the US
- Addressing the implementation gap between knowledge and practice in evidence-based nursing in the US
- What is the impact of nursing leadership styles on the synthesis of evidence-based practice in Cardiac ICUs in the US? A primary exploration
- The use of social media applications for the provision of evidence-based nursing care in the US – an investigation
- What is the role of evidence-based practice in promoting collaborative decision-making in ICUs in the US?
- A systematic review of the specialized evidence-based nursing practice models in the US and the UK
- Evidence-based nursing evaluation and practice as an integral part of nursing education – a review
- How do nurses translate evidence base into actual practice? A qualitative exploration of the quantity and quality of theoretical evidence translated into practice in the US
- How relevant are PICOT guidelines in evidence-based nursing evaluations and practice care solutions? Review of literature
- How do nurses define safety in practice – an evidence-based care approach
- The evidence base for sexual abuse in developed and developing countries – a literature review
- Evidence-based nursing in real-world contexts – an analysis
- Is the evidence-based practice of a health concern universal or does it differ according to co-related determinants? An Investigation through peer-reviewed literature
- What do nursing students think about evidence-based practice in nursing? A qualitative study
- The collective knowledge of a nursing department based on evidence-based practice – how often does this happen?
- Antibacterial foam dispenses effectiveness compared to simple washing of hands with water and soap in nursing units
- Does the historical evidence point to the efficacy of analyzing evidence-based practice for nursing studies? A review
- What is the best way to write a systematic review to maximize the efficacy of evidence-based practice? Insights from literature
- Is evidence-based nursing effective in sharpening nurses’ critical thinking skills? Qualitative guidelines
- Effects on oral contraceptives, especially on weight gain
- NCLEX: When should you perfectly take it
- How do nurses use evidence-based practice for self-care?
- Professional wisdom or educated guidelines? An analysis of the impact of evidence-based practice on nurse care delivery in the US
- Nursing theories learned in nursing school: Are they applied in practice
Without a doubt, there are several great nursing EBP project ideas to choose from. So, figure out what works best for you and create a winning EBP project for your DNP. You can present the outcomes to your fellow nurses or publish your results in a nursing journal article for the rest of the nurses worldwide to read and practice.
Besides, if you are looking to get help with Nursing EBP project writing, don’t hesitate to place an order with us