Differentiating Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement

Differentiating Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement 

As the healthcare systems become more complex, the more the focus on patient experience expands. Nurses have taken the leading role and participated in nursing research studies, evidence-based practice projects, and quality improvement initiatives to improve patient outcomes.

Nursing research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement all work to support the three main goals of the Magnet Recognition Program and the Magnet Model component of new knowledge, invention, and development. The three main goals of the Magnet Recognition Program include:

  • Promote quality in a setting that supports the professional practice
  • Identify excellence in the delivery of nursing services to patients
  • Disseminate best practices in nursing services

The Magnet Model, on the other hand, includes the following five components:

  • Transformational leadership
  • Structural empowerment
  • Exemplary professional practice
  • New knowledge, innovation, and improvements
  • Empirical quality outcomes

To attain the goals of the Magnet Recognition Program and the new knowledge innovation and improvement elements of the Magnet Model, nurses at al levels of the healthcare system must work as a unit. However, nursing research, evidence-based practice (EBP), and quality improvement (QI) has subtle differences; thus, they often overlap, making it difficult for nurses to identify the best option for investigating a clinical problem.

This article will explain the basic differences among nursing research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement to make it easy for nursing students to know the differences and choose the best option when investigating a clinical problem.

Understanding Nursing Research

The main aim of conducting nursing research is to produce new knowledge or to confirm existing knowledge based on theory. Nursing research involves systematic, scientific inquiry to answer particular research questions or test hypotheses using rigorous and controlled procedures.

Even though nursing research involves investigation, exploration, and innovation, it needs a clear understanding of the philosophy of science. For nursing research findings to be valid and reliable, researchers must use the scientific method in sequential steps.

The research process starts with a compelling question(s) about a specific issue. For instance, what do you know about the phenomenon? What evidence is available or reported? What gaps are there in the knowledge base?

The investigation part of the nursing research involves a systematic, in-depth review of the literature to answer the compelling questions. The identified knowledge gaps often offer the motivation for developing a specific research question(s), a hypothesis, or a hypothesis. A decision can then be made on the primary theory that will lead the Research and help select the methodology to examine the issue.

Nursing research has two main study methods: qualitative (verbal) and quantitative (numeric). However, mixed methods that use both qualitative and quantitative are becoming popular. Whereas the quantitative approach seeks to examine the relationships among a set of variables related to the issue under investigation, qualitative studies aim to establish an in-depth meaning of involved variables.

Ideally, quantitative studies involve scientific methods to determine suitable sample sizes, different designs to control for potential errors, especially during data collection, and extensive statistical data analysis.

In nursing research, discoveries are made as data is collected and analyzed, and results and outcomes are interpreted. The final phase in the research process is the publication of study findings with a description of how the findings contribute to the body of knowledge.

Understanding Evidence-based Practice

Whereas nursing research is about discovering and developing new knowledge or authenticating existing knowledge, writing evidence-based practice (EBP) involves translating evidence and applying it to clinical decision-making. EBP aims to use the best evidence available to make informed patient-care decisions, and as such, the best evidence comes from Research. However, EBP goes further to use the Research and involves clinical expertise, patient preferences, and values.

Moreover, the use of evidence-based practice considers that the best evidence can be that of opinion leaders and experts, although no conclusive information from Research exists. While Research involves the development of new knowledge, evidence-based practice entails innovation that is based on finding and translating the best evidence into clinical practice.

Steps in the Evidence-based Practice Process

The evidence-based practice has seven critical steps:

  • Cultivate a spirit of inquiry
  • Ask a compelling clinical question
  • Collect the most relevant and best evidence
  • Critically appraise the evidence
  • Integrate with clinical expertise, patient preferences, and values in making a practice decision or change
  • Evaluate the practice decision or change
  • Disseminate EBP results

Nurturing a spirit of inquiry means that collectively or individually, nurses should always be questioning how to enhance healthcare delivery. A compelling clinical question is often initiated through either a knowledge-focused or problem-focused. Problem-focused initiators may emerge from identifying a clinical problem or areas of risk management or quality improvement. On the other hand, knowledge-focused initiators may arise from new research or literature findings, new theories and philosophies of patient care, or new regulations.

Irrespective of the origin of the cultivating question, the next step in evidence-based practice is reviewing and appraising the literature. A literature review for Research often involves identifying gaps in knowledge, but in EBP, a literature review is done to find the best current evidence.

Hierarchy of Evidence in Evidence-based Practice

When searching for the best available evidence, nurses must understand that a hierarchy exists concerning the level and strength of evidence available. The different rankings of evidence available are the same to some degree.

  • The strongest or highest level of evidence basically comes from a systematic review, meta-analysis, or a developed evidence-based clinical practice guideline based on a descriptive review.
  • The other levels of evidence are obtained from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), others types of quantitative studies, qualitative studies, and expert opinions and analyses.

Critical Appraisal

Once the evidence is collected, the researcher must critically appraise each study to guarantee its credibility and clinical importance. Critical appraisal is tedious and time-consuming, but it is crucial to determine what was done and how well it was done. Conducting essential assessment aims to answer the following key questions:

  • What were the results of the study? What is the evidence?
  • How valid are the results? Can the results be trusted?
  • Will the results be helpful in caring for other patients? Are they transferable?

Final Steps of Evidence-based Practice

The last step of the evidence-based practice process includes integrating the evidence with one’s clinical expertise while considering the patient preferences and evaluating the effectiveness of applying the evidence. Publishing or reporting the outcomes of EBP projects can help others learn about and use the best evidence.

Understanding Quality Improvement (QI)

Quality Improvement (QI) aims to use a systematic, data-led approach to improve processes and results. The principles and strategies involved in QI have advanced from organizational philosophies of complete quality management and progressive quality improvement.

Even though the concept of quality can be subjective, quality improvement in the healthcare system basically focuses on improving patient outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to clearly define the outcome that requires improvement, identify how the outcome will be measured, establish a plan for implementing an intervention, and gather data before and after the intervention.

Quality Improvement Methods

Different quality improvement methods are available. However, a popular format uses the acronym FOCUS-PDSA:

  • Find a process to improve
  • Organize an effort to work on improvement.
  • Clarify current knowledge of the process.
  • Understand process variation and performance capability
  • Select changes aimed at performance improvement
  • Plan the change, analyze existing data, and predict the results.
  • Do it; execute the plan.
  • Study (analyze) the new data and check the results.
  • Act; take action to sustain the gains.

Unlike EBP and Research, quality improvement basically does not require in-depth literature reviews and rigorous critical assessment. Nurses can be much more involved in QI projects than in evidence-based practice or Research. Moreover, Quality Improvement projects normally are site-specific, and results are not aimed at providing generalizable knowledge or best evidence. For instance, QI projects can include implementing a process to remove urinary catheters within a certain period, developing a strategy to improve wound-care documentation, and improving the process for patient education for a specific chronic disease.


If you are unsure about which practice, policy, or procedure is best, a research project can help generate this knowledge. However, because the best approach, process, or method is not yet known, it is prudent and ethical to assign some nurses to receive one and some to receive another through randomization or other means of assignment to a control group.


  • Nursing research, QI, and EBP all aim to support the three primary goals of the Magnet Recognition Program and the Magnet Model elements of new knowledge, innovation, and improvements.
  • The nursing research uses a methodology – qualitative or quantitative to develop new knowledge.
  • EBP finds and uses the best quality clinical evidence from nursing research to make informed patient-care decisions
  • QI involves systematic processes to improve patient outcomes

Therefore, all nurses must know and understand the differences among these three concepts for excellent delivery of nursing services to patients, promote the high-quality professional practice, and expend best practices in nursing services.

Additionally as a DNP student your required to know the distinctive features of nursing research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvements to guide you in crafting your project to impact patient outcome.

Incase your facing scholarly challenges get in touch with expert DNP project writers for assistance with writing EBP or quality improvement projects.

Give us a call today and get the best tutoring and nursing assignment services!

Ultimate Guide To Nursing Theories

Ultimate Guide To Nursing Theories

nursing theoriesOver time, tons of theories have been and are being developed. And the medical field has not been left behind. Understanding theories is a major part of the advancement of the discipline. Taking it down the foundation of theories, a theory is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.

Behind every theory, there has to be a theorist and in most cases, when stating the theory, their names are attached, say, Einstein’s theory of relativity, which is one of the most common theories out there. Nursing theories are no different and have theorists who present a set of ideas intended to explain facts or events that help guide and define nursing care and provide a proper foundation for clinical decision-making.

Metaparadigm of Nursing: Explaining Major Concepts of Nursing Theories

The concept of nursing is an all-around concept that works systematically. To make sense of nursing theories you need to first understand the pillars or rather the main concepts tied to nursing.


This very basic component focuses on the ‘patient’ or rather the receiver of the care and this explores all other people in their life. To better understand the ‘person’, a basic understanding of their social, spiritual and healthcare needs is needed. It is argued that a person is better endowed to manage their health when they have proper personal connections.


The health bit to this focuses on the patients well being, In this case, their well-being is not only tied to their physical and anatomy but also their spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social well-being. All these play an important role in the health of the person.


It has been said, we are as good as what we know which is very much influenced by what surrounds us. This component seeks to express the relationship between a person’s health and how their surrounding can influence their health. The question here is, how can a person’s environment influence their health?


Well, this would all be incomplete without their caregiver, who is the nurse. This concept sees to express the relationship between the patient and the caregiver. The role of the nurse in ensuring the patient achieves the best possible health outcome. It is arguably the key component to all this.

Over years of research, numerous theories have been established and while some are still debatable most of them have been adopted and inculcated in learning. However, despite these theories being different, they all share the metaparadigm of nursing.

Levels of Nursing Theories.

Generally, nursing theories are categorized into three levels

  • Grand nursing theories

These theories are considered to be the most complex as well as the broadest category. It is however applicable in a variety of situations and hence widely accepted.

  • Middle-range nursing theories

Middle-range nursing theories are quite moderate and are a little bit more specific when compared to grand nursing theories. These theories are less complex and thanks to their nature are testable and hence verifiable.

  • Practice level nursing theories

These are the least complex group of theories and have a very narrow scope of focus. Their nature allows them to be used only in specific cases and on specific types of patients. On the upside, since they are derived from the other two levels, they are easily complimented.

Here are a couple of nursing theories that you will encounter in the course of your academic pursuit in nursing. They are quite vast and there is so much more information on each of them individually, however, I will just highlight the basics to them.

Most DNP students develop DNP project ideas for EBP and quality improvement based on practice level nursing theories since they are concerned with nursing practice and patient outcomes.

Nursing Theories and Theorists

Environmental theory (Florence Nightingale)

nursing theorists
Vintage engraving of Florence Nightingale, 1820 to 13 August 1910, a celebrated English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing. She came to prominence while serving as a manager of nurses trained by her during the Crimean War, where she organised the tending to wounded soldiers

This is one of the most common nursing theories you will find. Florence Nightingale served as a nurse in the Crimean war and during her time there she made several observations and discovered that due to unsanitary conditions, most soldiers ended up dying from lack of; fresh air, pure water, effective drainage, sunlight and cleanliness rather than they did from wounds.

This formed the basis of her theory and was a game changer which ended up saving many lives back in the day. This theory tends to prioritize the environmental factors, to get the patient back to proper health conditions.

Despite this theory having been fronted in the 19th century its relevance in modern-day society still stands.

Virginia Henderson’s nursing need theory

“The nurse does for others what they would do for themselves if they had the strength, the will, and the knowledge. But I go on to say that the nurse makes the patient independent of him or her as soon as possible.” ~Virginia Henderson

This theory is quite modern and it seeks to promote the importance of increasing the patient’s independence to speed up recovery. Henderson’s theory is both vast and effective and she emphasized the psychological, spiritual, social and physiological components of care.

Patricia Benner’s novice to expert theory

With years of practice comes experience and this is variable since the level of exposure also varies. However, Patricia Benner developed a theory which was pretty much straight forward and it ranked the different levels of nursing into five categories i.e

  1. Novice
  2. Advanced Beginner
  3. Competent
  4. Proficient
  5. Expert: This theory not only takes into consideration the level of experience but also the level of education.
  1. Maternal role of attainment theory (Ramona Mercer): Ramona was a nurse who specialized in maternity and newborn care. Through her various interactions and experience, she realized the importance of bonding and parent-child attachment in a child’s life. She, therefore, created a theory that promotes maternal identity and bonding, however, this theory is not ideal for adoptions.

Ramona gave these four phases in her theory

  • Anticipatory phase- This starts during pregnancy as the mother-to-be makes certain changes in readiness for the baby
  • Formal phase- This involves, learning how to take proper care of the baby in various situations.
  • Informal phase- This is all about adaptation to the motherhood lifestyle and priorities
  • Personal phase- Individually, the maternal role has to be understood and accepted.

King’s theory of goal attainment

Taking this back to patient care plans, we cannot emphasize the importance of having a plan toward an attainable goal. This is exactly what this theory is about. It emphasizes on the importance of a goal-oriented recovery, that sees the nurse and patient setting goals that they both work towards.

This approach has proven to be quite effective as it incorporates the effort of the patient as well and this sets their focus on recovery.

Nursing process theory

Unitary human beings theory

Martha rogers is the name behind this theory and she depicted it as being a combination of nursing as an art and a science. This theory was based on couple of assumptions revolving around a ‘person’

Self-care deficit theory ( Dorothea Orem)

This theory seeks to provide a guideline on how nurses can help their patients can practice self-care and hereby maintain their wellbeing.

  1. Systems theory
  2. Adaptation theory
  3. Comfort theory
  4. Human becoming theory
  5. Human-to-human relationship model
  6. Interpersonal theory
  7. Transcultural nursing

Importance of Nursing Theories

While this may come as a very obvious question, it is a question worth asking when dealing with nursing theories.

Gives basis for future research

When basing research, scholars will need to study already published work so as to avoid replication as well as know what they agree with and what to dispute. Some of these theories have stood the test of time and are still relevant.

As you know, DNP projects aim at translating nursing research into practice. Nursing theories play a critical role in shaping the parameters of nursing care delivery. Therefore, our DNP capstone project writers utilize nursing theories to translate evidence into nursing practice to align with expected outcome.

Provides a foundation for nursing practice

Theories generally provide a proper basis for learning purposes. Every discipline is based on certain ideologies that have been tested and nursing medicine is no different.

It helps nurses understand their role in healthcare

The role of nurses in healthcare is both vital and complex. They have been entrusted with a very important task that ultimately helps preserve human life and this responsibility needs clarity for the proper execution of tasks.

Allows the nursing profession to maintain relevance

Nursing theories act as a guide and every so often they are revisited just to make sure they are dependable. With new information and theories in play, relevance is maintained since they help solve everyday problems. Their adaptability is a key strength.

Promotes education, research and practice

Right from college to the hospital, these theories remain relevant, after all, we practice what we learn. However, during practice, the hands-on experience sheds a whole different light on what you know.

Nursing theories are accepted universally and are vital to the nursing profession. As you consider having a career in nursing, remember you will learn more than just the human anatomy and procedures. The goal here is to help the patients achieve the best health they can in the most effective and efficient way. On top of that, it will be an added advantage if the patient now knows how to take better care of themselves to avoid frequent visits to the hospital.

Since nursing theories shape nursing concepts and play a critical role in patient care delivery. Nursing student will often be required to complete nursing theories assignments. We are the best nursing paper writing service to help with writing nursing assignments on any of the nursing theories.

A proper theoretical framework goes beyond stating the nursing theory to include detailed explanation of how the DNP will use the theory and its assumptions to investigate the clinical problem. Our DNP writing help will guide you develop a robust theoretical framework based on ethical theories, change theories, middle range theories and practice level theories.

DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department

DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department

Are you struggling to develop researchable emergency nursing capstone topics? You need to read our detailed DNP project ideas for emergency department. Each DNP topic idea comes with a comprehensive description and background information. The ideas will provide you with excellent base to build on a topic for your proposal.

DNP Project Ideas for Emergency DepartmentIf you enroll for Doctor of Nursing Practitioner in emergency nursing specialization, your studies will culminate in writing capstone project. The capstone project should be written according to AACN essentials and DNP guidelines of your school in order to obtain excellent grades. If you need assistance with writing and editing emergency nursing capstone project check our DNP capstone project help.

Who is Emergency Nurse Practitioner?

Emergency nurse practitioner is a specialist nurse that works in emergency department, trauma centers, ambulances and urgent care centers to treat minor injuries. Emergency nurse practitioner assesses, diagnose, treat and discharge patients. Just like a physician, emergency nurse practitioner gives injections, administer medications, conduct ECG examinations, apply plaster of Paris to fractures, treat burns and scalds etc.

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What is DNP Project?

The education sector is set up in a format that accounts mainly for academic qualification and leaves much to be done when it comes to turning theory to practice. However, the medical field has done things quite differently and have the DNP project that aims at solving this problem. Towards the very end of your academic endeavor, you will be required to this gruesome task that will require you to identify a problem and the end of it all, look into it in-depth and by the end of it, provide a solution or make recommendations on how you certain procedures or services can be made better. To do this, however, you need to be set up well right from the start. You need to be well aware of how to write a DNP project as well as choosing the right DNP project ideas for you.

How To Choose DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department?

  • Choose from your interest

DNP projects are basically done right as your bridge from school life to the professional space and your choice in a DNP project might tip the scale on how your progress. It has been advised by professionals all over the globe, for medicine students to choose a topic from among their interests.

Given that you are working with a topic that you are interested in you will delve more into research and your findings are not just for academic purposes but pull their weight on your career.

  • Choose a topic with credible material

With tons of research material available, it is very easy to fall prey to unverified material. This bit could pull the credibility of your project down the drain. Before diving into research, you need to identify credible sources, that are recommended and approved.

  • Go for the most relevant topic

Choosing your topic is more than just that, but you need to choose one that is relevant to the health industry as well as to the scope of your study. For the emergency department, I will give you a couple of topics that came highly recommended for the year.

Follow link below for additional DNP project ideas:

Nursing Leadership Practicum Project Ideas

How To Write DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department

  • Identify the problem

The very first step to this is identifying the problem that you aim to explore and understand it as well as breaking it down to understand why solutions have not yet been found or implemented. These problems are the backbone of the paper and will also reflect in your project title.

30+ DNP project ideas for emergence department

An emergency department nurse is a front line worker who is most often referred to as the first responder in hospitals. They are trained and well equipped with dealing with minor injuries without the need for consultations. However, this stretches far from injuries and covers burns, wounds, fractures and with this comes the essential responsibility of understanding your patient’s needs and their body as well. Competence in medicine is non-negotiable, after all this is human life we are talking about.

Here are a couple of DNP project ideas suitable for the emergency department 

  1. How has technology helped improved the ER?
  2. Dealing with trauma victims
  3. Dealing with pediatric fall patients in ER settings
  4. How to deal with staff after the unexpected death of a child
  5. Drug and alcohol screening for patients
  6. Effect of tasters on cardiac disorder
  7. Pediatric trauma and shock
  8. Recognition of water intoxication in children
  9. Emergency response for communicable diseases
  10. Patients management during a pandemic
  11. Dealing with patients allergic to certain medication
  12. Improving workplace environment
  13. Dealing with violent patients
  14. Nurses with access to the ER
  15. Essential tests to run on unconscious patients
  16. Improving emergency response in rural areas
  17. Crowd control during catastrophes
  18. Resuscitation procedure to increase chances of survival
  19. Do not resuscitate orders
  20. How many people can ride in an ambulance around the world
  21. Emergency response procedures
  22. Dealing with miscarriages
  23. Identifying and treatment of abused patients
  24. Resuscitation procedure and family involvement
  25. Nurse care managers in diabetic care
  26. How to enhance emergency care in rural areas
  27. Prevalence of Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis Patient
  28. Improving emergency patient care through music
  29. Improving ER care through mobile applications
  30. How emergency nurse practitioners deal with fatigue
  31. How to deal with emergency department overcrowding
  32. Reducing medical errors among patients coming from nursing homes to emergency rooms
  • Pick non-controversial topics

Picking the right topic is an art by itself but make sure that you don’t choose a very controversial topic as it might work against you. As much as you need to air out your point this could collide with your assessor’s point of view and that might work against you.

  • Go big on your introduction and conclusion

Pro-tip; always give your assessor something to think about even before they get to the body of your project. The kind of energy that you infuse into your paper, will definitely have its bearing on your overall assessment. Give the reader confidence that you know what you are talking about. After all, the aim of the DNP paper is to prove that you can apply what you learn in theory.

  • Pick the right literature to review

It has always been said that you cannot reinvent the wheel and that is true for the most bit, but the nature of the medical field is quite volatile and COVID-19 has presented the need for new procedures and precautions. Apart from such a new phenomenon, you will find literature on almost everything else. It is up to you to choose the most detailed and most accurate. How do you choose the right one though? It has been recommended that the review already embraced literature that is used in teaching institutions. Do a comparison with accepted literature embraced by different organizations and even countries.

  • Formulate your project goals

What do you aim to achieve by the end of your paper? Do not be afraid to go big on this one as well. When working with defined goals, you will use them as checkpoints throughout your paper. As you approach the conclusion segment, you need to check all the boxes and culminate it all in your conclusion segment.

  • Create analytic plan

Data analysis is vital in research. Your analysis may include a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. This combination will help you assess your data and draw a conclusion

  • Analyze the results

Collected and cleaned data should be analyzed using appropriate techniques depending on the data type. Quantitative data is analyzed using quantitative methods that include statistical techniques. Qualitative data, usually provides patient experiences, is analyzed using qualitative methods that include matching themes, content analysis, narrative and discourse analysis.

  • Make recommendations for a nursing practice

The aim of a DNP project is to put it into practice. After you have done your research what is your verdict? These papers work best since this is info coming from an unbiased mind. Your research could prove to be of much importance and solve a prevailing problem. It is not really about looking for a new solution but it could also entail making recommendations on how to tweak prevailing solutions and increase their effectiveness.

DNP projects are not always a walk in the park and take time, skill and dedication to get it done and lack of one of these will have a negative impact on the paper. Before I go on, I need to present you with another option to get your project done without even doing it. All you need to do is get in touch with expert writers and just like that you will get your work done professionally and in time at amazing prices. It’s the 21st, everything has been made easier and so should your project.

8 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid in Nursing Capstone Project

8 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid in a Nursing Capstone Project

nursing capstone writing tipsTo complete and graduate as a doctorate in nursing you need 33 to 43 credits and at least 500 clinical practice hours. This is equivalent of 2 years full time coursework. It is estimated that 13% of nurses hold a graduate degree, however less than one percent of these nurses have a doctorate degree.  According to American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) examination pass rates (first writes) DNP pass rates for the year 2020 stand at 90%, where 1292 DNP students passed their exams. Doctorate nurses are important pillar of healthcare services in the USA thus the need to increase the number. They play an important role in teaching future nurses and conducting  research to improve nursing science and practice.

The medical field is not a walk in the park, however, with the focus and resilience, you are sure to make it. However, at the peak of your academic pursuit in the nursing field you will be met with a DNP/DPI project. This marks the end of academic life and ushers you into the professional arena. A capstone project is often referred to as a research paper or DNP, they are all the same thing. At this point, most students will be stuck in a conundrum as they try figuring out where to start and where the line is drawn between the dos and don’ts of writing the perfect nursing capstone project. However, today I will be focusing on the don’ts as I shine a light on 8 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid in a Nursing Capstone Project, lets jump right into it.

Ignoring lecturers’ instructions.

Through the years you have gotten to understand how your lecturers want things done and given that they will be judge, jury and executioner on your paper then it is only wise that you follow their instructions to the letter. Before the project, you should watch out for insights that they give on the kind of formatting that they prefer, coverage preferred and basically how to do the paper. This will set the foundation of what you do, it will be a guide through your paper. See the paper through the eyes of your lecturer and you can be sure to ace it. It’s best to ride on their good side. Choosing a subject that does not hold your interest

In this day and age, it is vital that you do what you love and that is probably why you chose to pursue a career in the medical field. More to it, you have to stretch the same into specialization on what you want to do. So why MUST you choose a topic that interests you? Well, this is why.

When researching on and tackling a subject that you are interested in, you tend to put your all into it and you tend to go the extra mile to achieve perfection, which if we are to be honest, is what we are all after. You also tend to have a unique point of view on the subject since you are invested in it and have previously researched on it. Give yourself the chance to shine by doing what you know best.

Most importantly, you need to remember that this paper is the final one before lunging into the professional field. It holds with it the ability to kick start your career in a way you never expected especially If your paper has an impact on the field and is a solution to an existing problem.

Topical irrelevance

DNP capstone project helpWell, an evaluator always wants to be taken from point A to point B through a process that they can follow and hopefully agree with. Have in mind that the evaluator is conversant with the topic at hand. In light of this, you need to set high standards that will give an affirmation that you know what you are doing. Normally, when writing these types of projects, you will need to give a thesis or hypothesis and that will be the guiding statement that you will run with all through. It helps you remain relevant to your topic and sets you up for the perfect close.

A well-placed hypothesis will give you a good title as well as guide your process as well. On that note, you are probably wondering what brings about irrelevance. Well, this brings you to our next point on the common writing mistakes to avoid in a nursing capstone project.

Choosing a very broad subject

A capstone project is not necessarily very long and it should be approximately 25 pages long. However, you need to keep a small circle as far as coverage is concerned for efficiency. This all boils down to the hypothesis and topic that you choose make sure that you have a precise target to narrow the scope of focus. This will work to your advantage as well since you will have better leads on research material and will arrive at your conclusion easily. It does not mean that your paper will be any shorter but on the contrary, it will be more detailed and precise.

When handling a wide scope, you are most likely to lose focus on your goal and run the risk of irrelevance. It also means that you might stumble on conflicting theories that you are not able to reconcile. Most students are overly ambitious and want to handle global issues and miss the point while they could have gone smaller and aced it all. Through the process, I highly recommend that you do consultations with your lecturers to get their feel on your paper beforehand so that you position yourself right. Using wrong structure and formatting

To begin this, I need to stress that structure and formatting are vital components of your paper. At some point, your content won’t matter if you botch up your format. So, what do you need to know about the right format? And what is its importance?

Nursing Capstone Project Format Outline

APA style of writing is the worldwide recognized and recommended format of writing academic pieces. The simple science behind it is that it sweeps through every aspect of the paper that’s should be covered by the end of the paper. This assures you that you will not skip any vital details to your paper. As a matter of fact, you will realize that it covers all areas that your lecture will ask you to cover.

At a glance, this is what the APA style of writing is all about.

  • Title page

This should only include the title of your paper and not many details to it.

  • Abstract
  • Introduction

In this section, you introduce your hypothesis/ thesis as the guiding statement throughout your paper. Remember to constantly refer to it as you proceed to maintain relevance and not lose sight of the goal

  • Literature review

This is part of research where you take similar earlier published articles and review them in accordance with your hypothesis/ thesis.

  • Methodology

This is variable depending on what you are researching. It will cover a variety, right from methods available, pieces of equipment, procedures, safety measure and data collection.

  • Results

Once data is collected, it is analyzed and then results and findings are drawn.

  • Discussion

In relation to your guiding statement how does your research support or oppose it? This is what you ought to discuss

  • Conclusion

Finally, bring it all to an end and circle back to where you came from and what you have been able to achieve by the end of this. Make recommendation and site what problems it solves.

  • References

Give credit to where it is due and state from what sources you get your information.

All these will take you from the formulation of your hypothesis, research, data collection, data analysis, the body in which you discuss our finding and graciously to your conclusion and referencing.

Last-minute rush

Well, honestly as a student, most times you tend to leave things as they are only to rush and try beating the clock. However, this is not the kind of situation that you have the luxury of time. The clock starts once you are allowed to begin your paper and that calls for proper time management on your end. Create a work plan and a timeline on how much time you have and how much time you will allocate to what part of your project.

Truth be told, a nursing capstone project is not the kind of thing you fix up in a day, especially as a student who is not experienced in the field and lacks the know-how on the vitalities of the paper. A clear timeline will help you exhaust your preparations, conduct your research well and collect all necessary data. More to that, you will be able to analyze your data and finally present your findings in a professional manner.

Poor Data Collection & Data Analysis

Research is the backbone of your paper as it controls your findings and ultimately your results. The process of research is a demanding one and will often involve a combination of many aspects including literature review which call for you to view the paper through the eyes of a researcher. Data collection should also be definite as each set of data holds its own significance. Given that you know what you are looking for, it should be easy to collect the correct set of data and group them in the basic group on the merit of their form namely; qualitative data and quantitative data.

These sets of data also go further and should maintain an accurate representation of their units of measurement [SI unit], otherwise, you will be working with the wrong set of data. As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. Whatever you feed into your project will determine the findings that you get. Therefore, this means that data analysis is completely dependent on your level of competence in data collection. You can always put some data analysis tools such as SPSS, R, Ms- Excel in play to help you synthesize the data. On the other hand, you can opt to pay someone to analyze DNP data .

Most students often fail to reckon the importance of statistics in DNP and DPI projects. Since DNP projects are concerned with improving practice; you will be required to collect data for both pre and post clinical intervention. You will then be required to test whether the clinical intervention leads to changes in patient well being. Statistical tests such as T-tests will often be used to do comparison of the pre & post tests. A professional data analyst will further conduct advanced post adhoc tests to determine whether the significance is by chance. Hiring a statistician for your nursing capstone project will make your results and findings more accurate and valid in the eyes of the IRB committee. Statisticians play a key role in nursing project writing since they help in research designing, data collection and data analysis by choosing the most appropriate statistical test for your data..

Failing To Proofread and Edit

The one thing that is worse than an overconfident student, is a student with no clue on what they are required to do. However, at some point, they both make the same mistake. Proofreading and editing of a project are vital to the paper as is any other part.

A lot of underlying issues are diagnosed after proofreading and are corrected through editing. The number one issue that you need to be looking out for is grammatical errors. A well-presented paper could present itself as faulty and present you as incompetent out of a grammatical error and we both know that in the medical field precision in grammar is a factor to consider. It changes the dynamic of the paper.

The process of editing and proofreading is rather an easy one since all you need to do is understand what is required of you then look through your paper for loopholes. These loopholes could cut through the spectrum of formatting, structure, articulating, data analysis and presentation, diagrammatic references and not forgetting the tone of your paper.

After you have done all of this you are advised to publish your paper as it could be of use towards the development of the medical field.

Tackling a nursing capstone project is a demanding task, one that should be taken with utmost urgency. It not only need the know-how of medical facts but also the know-how to present your findings in a manner that accurately articulates your opinions. Remember this is not only an academic paper but is the bridge to your career and it could turn out to be the kick you needed to thrive in your field. However, no one said that you should walk alone through this. The new world order has opened up a lot of opportunities and among them are DNP capstone project writing services that hands you the best assistance on DNP/DPI project writing. A combination of professionalism, expertise and experience will take you from a 6 to a 10 in no time.

At this point, I do believe that this column has been an eye-opener to you preparing to make quality DNP project.

How To Write PICO question

How To Write PICO Question

buy evidence based papers in nursingAre you a nursing student looking for comprehensive guide on how to write PICO question? Academic papers mark quite a significant time and especially when they are your final papers they mark the threshold of your current academic pursuit, but before we jump into graduation day, let’s first figure out how to grab some A grades. Truth be told, nursing is not rated as one of the easiest studies in today’s curriculum but it is one of the most lucrative ones all over the globe. This is why you don’t need to take chances on anything at all, you have to perfect on your skill to be at the top of your game.

Else, you can seek DNP project writing help from best nurse writers online to craft for you appropriate and robust PICO questions? and if you are reading this, I can probably guess you are at a standstill with such a question or are looking to find out more on it. Then let’s not waste any more time and dive right into it, by the end of this you will be a pro-level writer in your PICO question.

PICO is a mnemonic that simply stands for Patient, Problem or Population, Intervention, Comparison or Control and Outcome. It is basically divided into these four parts and it is through this four-part division that we shall tackle the question. Without a question framework, evidence-based papers are quite hard to tackle ad truth be told, they have to be done at the end of the day which is why evidence-based practitioners use PICO to create the framework from which to work from. Basically, this is the backbone to your paper since it creates all the major basis that is needed for you to formulate an evidence-based paper.

For you to formulate a good evidence-based paper, you need to work with a thesis or with a hypothesis. Now, this right here is the source of your thesis question that you are looking forward to proving all through your paper. The thesis is basically the statement that guides you all across the paper and the statement that you are either looking to prove or discredit. An evidence based paper without this will seemingly be equal to driving with no destination. This can simply be called the map and compass through your whole paper as it tells you how to maneuver and how far you need to go. Let’s first break down PICO into its four interdependent sections so as to ascertain what we need to come down with for a stable thesis. Do not forget that the main intention of this whole process is to formulating well-built clinical questions that can be of benefit to not only the patients but also the clinicians as well. The questions here have to be both well-phrased in a way to ease the search for answers as well as relevant to the patient s problems. When all these boxes are checked, then you can know that you are on the right track

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How to write PICO question


In layman terms, population simply depicts people in a certain geographical region under the same conditions. However, this can be generalized or specialized to a certain group. Population can also be broken down to bring a portion of the total number under study in retrospect to the matter in question. However, in nursing I want you to think of age, gender, socio-economic status, occupation, medical records ethnicity and even more importantly what their problem is. These factors are usually all tied together in some way.

Over years of study, it has been seen that people with similar conditions tend to have something in common and this makes them be graded in the same population group sample. Basically what is covered under population will trickle all the way down from the generalizing to the individual patient. I tend to think of this stage of the question as the ‘who’ stage as you try to understand your patient as it comes a long way into treatment.


Intervention simply means where you come in through for the patient, this is where you interject between them and the disease. In this basically, where you get to ask yourself, what do you want to do with this patient? It may be a variety of various causes of action such as therapeutical measure, lifestyle change, medication, diagnostic test or even surgical intervention.


Tips to Choose Your Nursing Research Paper Topics

The PICO process is quite dependent on each individual entry and is placed to be sort of a cycle, at this stage; you will information form the population and intervention for the comparison. Basically, this is where you compare the intervention to another treatment, diagnostic test, placebo or even drug. This proves highly effective as it allows you the pleasure of being precise. You are able to eliminate possibilities and denies you the pleasure of being misled by misjudgment. However, on some occasions, you will realize that there is nothing to compare to and this should not be a problem whenever there is no comparison.


After getting to study the population/ patient then intervening and later comparing it what are you expecting to see? What are your expected findings? This is what the outcome is all about, I tend to think of it as the stage that gives results. The outcome process constitutes of rigorous study of statistical finding and this makes it highly effective and accurate. By the rigorous testing process of ALL statistical data provided you should be able to determine what risks are involved in this? And are there side effects and will you get the desired results you are looking forward to?

There are however two points of view in dissecting the outcome, you can take the patient-oriented point of view or you can take the disease-oriented point of view. They may all point out different results but are both accurate. Sometimes a combination of both results is brought out to give a conclusive report.

Time frame

Most people tend to undercut on the timeframe but in the more detailed structures of PICO(T), It is usually included. This is however not as essential as the rest of the four components. The time frame is basically aimed at data collection and at giving the time of outcome. In some instances, the time used can be very crucial to tell the extent of the disease and the progression as well. Some diseases tend to ‘graduate’ with time and have alleviated symptoms.

However, during this whole processes, there may be other question involved as well that have direct input to it as well. There is a background question and foreground questions kind of setup. The background question setting is aimed at getting to understand more of the disease and patient so as to know what you are dealing with and what to look for as well while the foreground questions are aimed at helping you in making clinical decisions. During the background question setup you can ask questions on the disease and also on things such as the disease process, how did it start? How did you feel? What symptoms were exhibited? And what did you do? How often did the symptoms recur we cannot afford to ignore the fact that some patients try home treatment which may or may not have a direct implication on the disease.

The foreground questions can then be broken down into four more parts as well.


Therapy, many people would perceive it as just a medical process that helps you get over something. It could possibly be physical, mental or emotional. However, in this case, these are questions of treatment that are placed in order to achieve some specific outcome. It may cover a wide range from surgical intervention, drugs, counseling, lifestyle change, diet change and many more in the same line. However, all these questions vary depending on the population and many more variables.


Diagnosis is basically the identification of a disorder in a patient who is exhibiting specific symptoms. The diagnosis is one of the first factors to be put in mind before anything else since it creates the basis of your research and it gives specifics which narrow down the list for you substantially. Symptoms of disease A may be closely related to disease B, but there are certain highlights that clearly tell you what you are dealing with. Diagnosis closes down the long list of possibilities to only a few specifics.


Getting to understand the progression of a disease is of high importance to any clinical officer. Getting to inquire on the possibility of the disease occurring or how far it has come could prove to be much more valuable than you could imagine. It draws the line between medication and treatment plans to be taken. This is what we call prognosis. It is characterized by asking specific questions to your patient in an attempt to point out certain specifics and gathering as much information as possible. Remember, all information related to the disease is valuable.


Etiology is basically questions of the negative impact that could have resulted from an external exposure or any other intervention of any sort. They help you identify your starting point as it can pinpoint what works for your patient that does not work for the rest. It can also help you out to know if you are supposed to pick up from a point previously left or start over the process by remedying previous interventions.


Prevention, just as time, is included in extensive study and this helps establish how you can prevent this from happening again or better how to curb its spreading. It is often pointed out that when placed on the PICO framework strategy, you have to explore all possibilities of the patients’ health condition, a preventive measure that can be taken, a preventive measure and the outcome expected from this. This can comprise of mortality rate, bed rest and productivity.

How To Write PICO Question Like Professional Nurses

Question Type Population patient Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome Measures
Therapy Patient’s disease or condition. Therapeutic measure. Medication, surgical intervention, or life style change. Standard care, placebo or another intervention. Mortality rate, pain, disability number of days off work.
Prevention General health condition and Patient’s risk factors. A preventive measure, medication or lifestyle change. Another preventative measure OR maybe not applicable. Mortality rate, disease incidence number of days off work.
Diagnosis Condition or Specific disease. Procedure or a diagnostic test. Current “reference standard” test for that disease or condition. Measures of the test utility, specificity sensitivity, odds ratio.
Prognosis Duration and severity of clinical problem. estimated usual time or expected time frame Usually not applicable. Mortality rates, Survival rates, rates of disease progression.
Etiology/harm Patient’s risk factors, general health condition, or current health disorders The intervention or exposure of interest.  Includes an indication of the strength of the risk factor and the duration of the exposure. Usually not applicable. Mortality rates, Survival rates, rates of disease progression.


With this background that covers all the basics on PICO papers right from breaking it down into its specific parts, doing your background and foreground evaluation and not forgetting to match them to the PICO strategy, then you are ready to formulate your question. Easy, right!!! Studying has never been this easy and given that you have access to tons of information, both extracted and raw access then you can never go wrong

For you to do a holistic and well crafted evidence-based practice project (EBP) for your DNP you will need to have a clear outline that will guide you all through. In this case, you will need to take care of even the nitty-gritty of your research which will require a thesis question which provides the framework of your whole paper. The PICO point of view is always the safest to go with and is highly recommended all around the world. However, it may need intensive research on it as well. An experts eye on the paper is always an added advantage, remember you can always have a qualified writer to ‘guide your pen’ through the PICO question and evidence practice based paper. As I always say, you have to get the best out of everything, and I believe this should not be any different.

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Tips to Choose Your Nursing Research Paper Topics

Tips to Choose Your Nursing Research Paper Topics

Research papers have always presented a headache to many students especially in the engineering and medical field. These two have been termed to be “complicated to deal with” until I realized that people have a wrong opinion on them. A study done proved that these two fields are found to be “hard” not because they don’t have content but due to their wide scope. This got me thinking of how you can narrow it all down and come up with a quality nursing research paper. Today I will be breaking down for you a couple of tips on how you can choose your nursing research topics and at the end of it all, you will do it like a pro. 

Generate potential topic ideas

Nursing research papers all come down to the ideas we have and how well we are able to put them down on paper. You have to be not only creative but also possess good delivery as well. These are actually very easy to find. You can use the following methods to find potential topic ideas.


There might be a certain field in medicine that has always interested you. Capitalize on that idea and you can easily turn it into a masterpiece. You can look at something that has always fascinated you and something that has always given you the drive to research on. You can be assured that as you tackle this project you will have ease doing it and you will not only be doing it for the grades but do for your own self. You will come to discover that you will have a personal touch to it and a different perspective to it.

Controversial issues

Controversies are unavoidable at any given time. This is due to our different ideas, and points of view. In this perspective, you might have learned something or come across something that made you think “ there might be another way of doing this or there might be a better way of doing this” By doing this you will not only be doing your paper but also making strides to some invention of sorts.

Topics that have been focused on lately

People love moving with the flow. At one point or another, there will be something in the community health nursing sector that is raising alarm. It will be a very good opportunity for you to make the best out of it and turn it into your research paper. Say people are talking about cholera, you will find out there is a lot that surrounds it from the infection all the way to the end. Such topics will be very easy for you to tackle since it will call for the attention of even renown professionals all around and they will give their point of view and you can count that as additional material for your paper. Here is a list of community health nursing research topics that you can explore

Your medical passion

Every career and aspect of our lives is affected by passion and it is highly contributed by it. It is at this point that you can use that to your advantage. If you look deep within yourself you will find out that you did not just join the medical field by chance but rather there was some drive. You can use that to your advantage and write something around that. Maybe you got into it to see how to handle a certain problem in your society, that is a potential topic.

Pick a topic in the curriculum

This is one of the easiest ways to do when you are looking for dissertation papers’ topic or research topic. You can just go to the curriculum and it will give you a wide scope to choose from and the good thing with it is that you can never go wrong as all that is contained in the curriculum is relevant. Material needed for your research will also be in abundance both in hard copy and virtually. Most of the topics covered here have come from years of study and research for a very long period. Here is a list of community health nursing research topics that 

Introduce a new concept.

If you a risk taker, then this is the kind of approach you should take. This is the kind of approach that you will either reap highly or poorly with a low possibility of average performance. You might have a great idea that you have always wanted to bring out but have found it hard. If you have all your facts in place then it is something that you cannot go wrong on. Introducing a new topic may not really mean that you reinvent the wheel but may be as a result of a combination of ideas. It’s never that serious.

Narrow your topics

By the end of this, you might realize that you have a couple of topic ideas that can potentially favor you. You might also find it hard to select between one or the other but at the end of the day, you have to take one. You can narrow them down and get down to one topic that you will run with to the end. This is how you can do it.

Consult with your lecturer

Given that these are the same people to evaluate you, you might want to hear their point of view on what topic to pick. They might have some insight that will come in pretty handy and they might have additional thoughts and give you references.

Evaluate the material you have at hand

The worst thing that can happen to you when undertaking nursing research is falling short of material. You should evaluate and see if you will have enough material to it.

Topic relevance

It is always good to do something that is relevant which means that you will be doing something that is worth your time.

These are some of the guidelines that you can use to generate and filter nursing research topics before you undertake your paper

Consult nursing paper tutors

Did you know you can pay a nursing paper tutor to assist you develop nursing research paper topics? Most dnp project writing services can be a goldmine for topics that you can use for yours nursing research. They can either avail them for free on their blogs or at a small fee. This will save you time and in most cases give you a topic that you can build in your DNP studies. 

You can find nursing paper tutors willing to provide you with free nursing research topic at Expert writing help.  Our professional nursing paper writing service assisting students write nursing research papers, care plans and SOAP notes at affordable rates.


How to Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

How to Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

how to write quality DNP capstone projectA DNP capstone project aims to involve doctor of nursing practice students in real-world nursing care issues. The project provides you with an exciting opportunity to demonstrate your in-depth knowledge and skills in addressing these problems. It also offers you a chance to showcase your mastery of the nursing specialty you are studying. Most likely, this project is going to be one of the most critical ones you will ever handle. You want to start planning as soon as you join your DNP program and stay the course until you finish it. Searching online to learn how to write quality DNP capstone project? You are at the right place.

America Needs More Nurses with Doctoral Degrees

One report revealed that only one percent of nurses in the United States have a doctoral degree. What does that mean? Choosing to earn such a degree dramatically increases your chances for career advancement. The report recommends that the number of nurses with a doctoral degree should be double the current number by the year 2020.  What are your plans? Will you be part of those professionals who’ll decide to get more education? A better future starts today, and it begins with preparation.

What Can You Do with a DNP?

With a doctoral degree in nursing, you can become a nurse researcher, a nurse educator, or a nurse anesthetist. Most importantly, DNPs can become independent practitioners. That means they can increase their earnings tremendously. A nurse researcher can earn up to 100,000 dollars per year while nurse anesthetists can make even more. Nurse educators may not receive as much as nurse researchers or anesthetists, but they are not getting peanuts either. What’s more, salaries for nursing professionals might continue to rise across the board. Are you a BSN? Maybe it is time you started studying toward a DNP or Ph.D. You want to become a highly sought-after professional, don’t you?

Critical Steps: How To Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

Before you start developing your DNP capstone project, you are supposed to submit a proposal first. All the members of your chosen capstone committee need to approve it formally before you can proceed. It is a short article that describes how you will execute your DNP capstone project. At this point, you are an accomplished nursing paper writer. Naturally, you know how to distill complex information into conciseness that compels. So, take your time and write a proposal the committee will approve. Your proposal needs to be of high-quality and have clinical relevance.

Write your title page

Typically, your capstone project needs to adhere to the editorial standards of the American Psychological Association style. At this level of learning, you have mastered APA and the rest of the styles. Your title page carries the title of your capstone project and your name. Additionally, it should provide for the members of the committee to acknowledge by signature their approval.


Acknowledgments help you to thank every person or institution that has offered assistance and guidance along the way. At this level of study, you have learned the importance of cooperating with others. The best and most valuable projects the world has ever benefited from are rarely the result of one person’s efforts.


Write your table of contents page. A table of contents page helps you and others to get to pages or sections of interest quickly. That saves time. You also want to include a list of tables. Additionally, there needs to be a list of figures. Using tables and figures help you when you need to present data visually.

Executive summary

Your executive summary needs to inform the reader what your paper is all about. Typically, an executive summary includes more details than an abstract. Your executive summary needs to have a brief and clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It is your compressed capstone project, after all. The overview covers all the main points presented in your paper. Some students choose to write the executive summary after they have completed the project. That somehow makes it easier.

Ensure your summary is not a mere restatement of your main points. Add sentences where necessary and use transitions to make it interesting and unique. Be sure to do the in-text citations in accord with APA editorial conventions. Here, you aim to be brief, clear, and compelling.  A well-written summary is captivating; it also has flow.

Problem statement

  • The problem statement section includes the following:
  • Introduction
  • Problem statement
  • PICOT questions
  • A conceptual or theoretical framework
  • The purpose and objectives of your capstone project

Writing this chapter involves presenting documentation of the existence of the problem, its scope and the clinical questions. Additionally, you should present the effects of the issue on the healthcare system and individuals. Also, include definition of terms. The problem statement chapter must describe the conceptual framework upon which you will clarify the issue and its resolution. Conceptual framework guides you as you develop the thesis of your DNP capstone project.

PICOT provides a framework to help DNPs formulate clinical questions and guide on how to get answers through research. This framework is known as Patient/population/people, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Timeframe or simply PICOT. Development of literature review is dependent on this framework, making it a crucial part of a DNP project writing guideline.

Literature review

In this chapter, you must review relevant literature related to the problem. Your review covers the issue’s historical development as well as any interventions or attempts to resolve the problem. Describe the level of evidence relied on. When searching for evidence-based information, select the highest possible level of evidence you can find. Aim to find systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or critically-appraised articles. Such sources provide “filtered” information. Unsurprisingly, the academic world views such evidence as being more reliable. Your conceptual framework helps you to organize your literature review.

Description of resolution plan

Here, you are supposed to provide a detailed description of your plan for resolving the issue. You must identify the method and process you will use to collect data and develop your DNP capstone project. Give details of the population targeted by your study. Additionally, describe the instruments needed for data collection. Elaborate on the interventions used in your plan. Include in the appendix documentation related to these interventions.

Outcomes section

Capstone projects usually aim to create real products that help communities and organizations resolve real problems. In other words, a capstone project aims to deliver ‘tangible” products or solutions that address specific issues. A teaching plan, community intervention plan, or media presentation are all examples of outcomes your project might produce.

In the outcome chapter, you should provide a detailed description of the outcomes from your plan for problem resolution. Include information on actual or potential impacts of the outcomes on individuals or healthcare delivery agency. Present outcome data. If you developed a product, you are supposed to describe it at this point. You may also include the outcome in your paper’s appendix.

Conclusions and recommendations

Prepare a summary of your DNP capstone project and its outcomes.  Describe every conclusion evident from the results and process of your study. You must find creative ways to tie your discussion to the literature review. Additionally, present any recommendations that can help address the problem in the future. You can include suggestions to improve how the issue can get resolved. As you provide your recommendations, you must use evidence to support your views. An evidence-based approach always gets the attention of your audience, including the capstone committee.


Your paper must, of course, include a bibliography. Here is where you present in full every reference you relied on while developing your project. As you prepare this page, ensure you are adhering to APA’s editorial standards. Essentially, every in-text citation on your paper needs to appear in full on the bibliography page. If need be, review the APA referencing style manual. You can find reliable information on websites like Purdueowl.com. A well-researched and structured paper earns you top marks. But incorrect application of APA rules when formatting your document detracts from its effectiveness. You never want the committee forming the wrong conclusions about your research abilities.


It is not a must to include this section. However, there are situations where you need to have one. An appendix functions as a repository for material that improve the clarity of your research. The content shown in the appendix does not belong with the material presented in the main document. In this section, you can include:

  • Copies of copyright permission such as letters documenting such approval
  • Questionnaires
  • Tables and figures not shown in the main text

Be sure to label the figures and tables in accord with the preferred editorial style — APA in this case. Where you have more than one appendix, label them in alphabetic order. You can have Appendix A and Appendix B, for example.

All Nursing Writing is Formal Writing

You should prepare your work in perfect, formal English. No contractions or figurative language. No use of words better known for the emotions they inspire than the information they convey. Instead of writing “The researcher felt..”, say “The researchers observed….”Likewise, avoid writing “James believed….” Say “James asserted..” You are reporting findings and evidence, not feelings and emotions. All nursing writing is formal writing. Formal writing differs sharply from other types of writing.

Objectivity not subjectivity

The general rule is to build your work on a solid foundation of objectivity and evidence. Using evidence rarely necessitates the use of emotion-generating words. Having an extensive vocabulary helps. It enables you to choose the words that present your information or idea most accurately. That does not mean formal writing excludes creativity, though. Your creativity helps you when choosing transition words to connect your thoughts.

Perfect work

The DNP capstone committee expects perfect work from you. They hope your project brings new ideas and insights into clinical practice and nursing care. You want a paper you can present confidently at a professional conference or submit for publication. Such work is rarely the result of luck. Perfection demands early planning, intelligent consultation as well as excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. Additionally, you need to have top-notch research and academic writing skills. In case you lack the requisite knowledge on how to write quality DNP capstone project feel free to engage the best DNP project writers for assistance.

How to Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

Editing and proofreading DNP capstone project

These are critical to your DNP capstone project’s success. You never want to present to the capstone committee a document full of annoying mistakes. You should allocate enough of your time for this exercise. DNP editing and proofreading offer you an opportunity to review your report at the word, line, and paragraph level. The result should be a paper you can present confidently at a professional conference or submit for publication.

Focused editing involves much rewriting and writing

DNP capstone project writersWrite and rewrite your work to increase its clarity and readability. Remove every word, sentence, or paragraph that does not improve in some way your paper’s effectiveness. Aim to say in one word what you would say in three or five during conversations with friends. If you can remove a sentence or even a paragraph without making the paper less impactful, eliminate them.

Every word needs to earn its right to be part of your paper. Your goal is to inform and persuade rather than entertain. So allow a few days between completion of your writing and editing and proofreading. That provides you with an opportunity to review your work with a fresh pair of eyes. It is almost as though another person was reviewing the paper. You will be surprised at how easily you can spot mistakes when you let your paper to percolate for some time.

Keep the DNP Project Chair in the Loop

You need to relate professionally with everyone involved in your project throughout the project execution period. Avoid taking decisions that reflect on your school without informing the committee chair. Such decisions may include submitting for publishing material that discusses the project or its findings. Another situation would be submitting material that forms an integral part of your project to the public domain. Every step of the way, communicate effectively with everyone involved.

You now know how to write quality DNP capstone project. Effective planning, hard studying, excellent research and writing skills, professionalism, and focused editing and proofreading. These are the components that lead to work that shines.

Writing Evidence Based Practice Papers in Nursing

How To Write Evidence Based Practice Papers in Nursing

evidence based practice papers in nursing Are you a nursing student looking for information on how to write evidence based practice papers? the reason why it is important to base our nursing care on evidence based research is to enhance nursing care delivery services, improve patient outcome and also assist other agencies enhance health care delivery through published interventions.

Since back in the day, the medical field has been one of the most crucial fields in the society. Quality assurance is of very high value as this can draw the thin line between life and death. However this does not all start in the hospital as a head nurse or doctor but rather it starts right from nursing school. Evidence based practice papers are simply written to prove a certain hypothesis that is at hand. Are you trying to reinvent the wheel? No! But rather just trying to modify it.

These papers are important as they help keep up with trends, save cost, evaluate projected outcome and to do away with methods that are quite outdated. An evidence based practice contains a couple of sections and are basically written with the same formatting as essays, but with a bit of a twist that I will take you through. At the end of this trust me you’ll be a pro at it.

Guidelines of Writing Evidence Based Practice Paper


Right down from the basics you will need a title for your evidence based practice. This is majorly to guide you on what you are to write and it creates the basis for your hypothesis. Your title should be quite brief and pinpoint clearly what your evaluation will be on. Your tile can take a couple of forms as well. It can take the form of a question, a simple statement or an opposing fact. This way you will have set the direction right from the start and you will give the reader something to anticipate at the end of it. Simply think of it as a pacesetter.

Establish your thesis

A thesis is basically the controlling statement that you are standing with. Have in mind that a thesis is different from a hypothesis in that: a hypothesis is an idea that you can either prove or put claims against it. However a thesis is basically what you stand for and it gives the agenda that you will be pushing all through. Any evidence based practice without a thesis is a considered an incomplete paper as it leaves a lot to guesswork and imagination.

Read our article on how to write nursing capstone project papers to understand what makes a strong thesis statement.

Good formatting

The format of your nursing essay paper is basically the eye catcher and it snatches the attention of your reader. It is always good to maintain a certain level of professionalism even as you write your paper. The best formatting to go for at this juncture is the APA formatting. You will find out that when you have mastered this formatting then all you need to take care of is the content and the rest will flow. Basically, the APA formatting is the kind of formatting used in social sciences and it gives a continuous flow of ideas which explains its dominance. It is divided into four main sections that are;

  1. Title- This hints what they appear is all about and gives the reader the direction to take and what facts to use during their evaluation.
  2. Abstract- This is the basis of your thesis and your try explaining it in not more than 250 words and not less than 150 words. Let your reader know that you really know what you are talking about
  3. Main body- This is the ‘flesh’ of your paper as it contains all the facts, figures and arguments placed. This is the platform that you have to put all your ideas and arguments all together to boost your thesis.
  4. References- Many who have had their papers rejected will tell you that they lacked this part of the paper. This is where you let your reader know from where you sourced this information. But first hold that thought, I will be expounding it in a few.


research in nursing careThe quality of your work will be determined by the amount of research you carry out. In this field, as you might well know half a dosage is not the same as a full dose. A 1*2 prescription is not similar to 2*1. Despite the fact that they add up mathematically they don’t add up medically. You have to get current references and make sure that in the event that you decide to quote something that you indicate from where it is lifted from.

After all, you do want to produce fresh content. This is simply a process that you will follow; the title gives birth to your thesis, your thesis brings about research, research produces evidence and evidence will ultimately give the evidence based paper you are looking for. The one thing that you need to realize is that you are not limited to the number of contexts that you can research from. You can simply cover a wide scope for more credibility. Also, make sure that you get your facts right. As you write your evidence based practice paper in nursing, have in mind that the quality of your work is directly proportional to the quantity of your research.


Getting back to this as earlier promised; references take the guesswork out of your paper. They are the surest indication of research and they get even better when you can link them up together. You can get an inter-relation between your references and this strengthens your paper even the more. Despite the fact that you are just proving your hypothesis, you can make an original piece from other peoples work. The way to do this is getting creative and where you borrow their ideas make sure that you give them the credit they deserve. That way you will have put your best foot forward as far as evidence based practice papers are concerned.

Another very important thing to put in mind is that you should always describe your methods. On this, you should be very keen as your credibility is at stake here. You should ascertain that all measurements, figures, interviews, observations, and surveys are taken with precision and are transferred correctly. Do this and trust me you will have anchored yourself properly as far as your paper is concerned. Get the right material, formatting and ensure precision in everything and you’ll be good to go.

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How to Write Good Nursing Capstone Paper

How to Write Good Nursing Capstone PaperAre you looking for tips on writing good nursing capstone paper? Every nursing student is required to write a capstone paper as a partial fulfillment to attaining a nursing degree in American, British, Australian, Oman or Canadian colleges. It can be quite frustrating for a student who has not mastered the art of writing capstone proposals and projects. However, this article seeks to impart necessary knowledge in developing a quality nursing paper.

How to write Good Nursing Capstone Paper: Pitfalls to avoid

When writing a nursing capstone paper, there are some predictable pitfalls that learners tend to make every time. Understanding all these potential nursing scholarly pitfalls before you start writing your paper can go a long way in assisting you to evade them successfully. Then, you will have all the knowledge of writing an good nursing capstone paper that you will be proud of and at the same time impress your instructor.

Guidelines for writing a good nursing capstone paper

Usually the final stage of your nursing studies is writing a nursing capstone paper. The capstone proposal and final project will show all the problems addressed, step you take to solve the issue, the means, and equipment used to measure the along with your recommendations. Here are few basic guidelines to assist you when writing the final report.

  • Format your report well
  • Make a summary before starting
  • Make sure you include all sources on your page of reference
  • Write clearly and concisely
  • Proofread

One of the necessary requirements for completing the majority of nursing programs is doing a capstone project. The capstone project offers an excellent opportunity for learners to implement skills and knowledge into practice. A portion of the project involves writing a paper which is a written presentation of your whole project.

The presentation introduces all the problems that your project is tailored at solving and shows in a detailed manner how the project is intended to achieve that. Some of the project details to be included comprise, tools used, time involved and methods used in analyzing the results. Following proven guidelines, you can as well include the project results, objectives obtained, unanticipated results and ultimately a recommendation based on the project degree of success. Note that the capstone paper will represent your entire project. As a result, you need to make sure you present a well-written paper for your project to be successful.

Lack of research before selecting a thesis statement

In some occasions, when stressed or busy, learners tend to rush when choosing a subject for a paper. Therefore, their concentration and connection with the subject matter can be affected greatly, and unavoidable the effect is evident in their writing. Doing a thorough research and selecting a topic you can connect are critical steps in writing an effective thesis statement, and ultimately an good nursing capstone paper.

Lack of a strong thesis statement

tips on writing nursing capstone papersThe moment you pick a subject, the next step should be creating a strong thesis statement. This is an essential, foundational element for a valid paper. One assurance of setting up a successful argument is that you take a definite point of view. The thesis statement must be clear and able to express one main idea, and it should be about the subject that permits further discussion. A good thesis statement must be genuine, compelling and gives the reader the urge to continue reading.

Try to make appropriate connections between thesis statement and supporting elements
The format of a good research paper flows from the thesis statement to the supporting elements, which includes the body of the article. A successful research paper must have a sustained inquiry and an interesting discussion of a perfectly-defined subject. Your paper should transition effectively from your thesis statement to your supporting statement.

Present strong and relevant data to support your statements

All the supporting statements in your paper must be backed up by appropriate sources which can authenticate the point of view given by the thesis statement. All your supporting statements must flesh out your unique thesis statement and must also have a basis in strong, accurate data that you cite and the reader can verify without difficulties.

Cite your sources properly

nursing capstone paper writing serviceIn your research paper, you need to give proper credit to all data and reference you use in your paper. Specific requirements for citing the sources can vary depending on the instructions given. Whether you are working in the APA writing style or any other format, every format comes with its particular parameters and rules for citing sources. Make sure you carefully go through the instructions given for you to cite sources within the required guidelines. Luckily, there is new software available that can assist you in this area of writing research papers. Whether it is APA, MLA style format or any other, the formatting software can be of great help in the citation process.

Note that the capstone project might take a very long period to be completed. The process begins once you present your proposal, it gets approved and then you receive the results that satisfy all your expectations. Simple usual mistakes on a written paper that come as a result of rushing to complete your project or negligence have been the major downfall of many projects that would have otherwise been successful. Some of the common mistakes made when writing an good nursing capstone paper include:

  • Failure to follow proper paper format, note that the majority of learning institutions provide simple outlines to follow, and past papers from former students can be used as a reference.
  • Using long sentences and unnecessary big terminologies in your writing: this is a tactic sometimes intended to impress, but that never does. Note that you can impress more using clear and concise sentences that get direct to the point.
  • Failure to proofread your paper, try as much as possible to avoid simple grammatical errors and spelling mistakes by proofreading your paper before handing it over.

Hire Someone To Offer You Nursing Capstone Writing Services

Avoiding common mistakes in nursing capstone paper is simply added up. All you need to do is to pay attention to every detail, be systematic and take your ample time to notice small details. If you don’t have the time to do all that, some companies will help you out. The companies provide DNP capstone project help that can give you an error-free, perfectly written and properly formatted capstone paper that is unique. The experienced writers are also backed up by professional editors making sure no errors slip through.