benefits of dnp

Benefits of Earning DNP Degree

Why is a DNP Degree Worth it? 7  Awesome Benefits of DNP

benefits of dnpEarning a master’s degree in nursing is not the end of your academic career. Yet, there are occasions when going forward seems like an impossible task. Maybe you’ve hit a wall and aren’t sure what to do next. In fact, this occurs frequently.

Despite this setback, many nurses now opt to continue their education and earn their Doctorate before retiring. Maybe you’ve thought about it before, but if you’re still not convinced, that’s fine. A DNP degree — why bother?

An increasing number of nurses are seeing the value of earning a DNP degree. In this article, we’ll explain why that could be a wise decision.

We’ll also spend some time discussing what is a DNP and the eligibility criteria for earning one. But let’s back up and begin from square one.

What Exactly is a DNP?

The acronym DNP certainly packs a punch, but what does it stand for? These three letters denote a very lofty academic accomplishment: a Doctor of Nursing Practice. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is the last and final degree that can be earned in the area of nursing. That’s right?, you upper classmen out there: this degree is for you.

And yet, a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree is a big move forward in the right direction for your professional life. You will be recognized as a leader in your field and will have a significant impact on patient care and policy.

Who is Eligible to Get a DNP?

As we mentioned above, a Doctorate is the highest level of education attainable in a certain field, and it is often earned after a Master’s. This is often a three-stage procedure. The route to a doctorate is slightly different for nurses.

If you’re a nurse with a bachelor’s degree but no master’s, you can still earn a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Some schools provide a direct path to the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.

Thus, many nurses wonder, “What kind of nursing degree should I get?” Which is better, a Master of Science in Nursing or a Doctorate of Nursing Practice? Should I pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree if I already have a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree?

So, let’s dig deeper into the distinction between these two nursing degrees and see if we can come up with a satisfactory explanation.

DNP vs the MSN

You could be thinking, “that sounds fantastic, but it appears that I already can secure some of these jobs with only my MSN,” and you would be partially correct. Aside from the fact that you’re both nurse practitioners (NPs), there aren’t too many differences.

No matter what speciality you ultimately decide on, having either the MSN or DNP will enable you to practice as a practitioner at a high level. In contrast, the DNP will provide you with expertise that is uncommon among nurses who only hold an MSN.

Several of these skills include:

  • Educational and administrative leadership training.
  • Education concerning healthcare regulations and legislation.
  • Competence in working with others in different fields.
  • Healthcare system training.
  • Evidence-based practice education.
  • Translation of evidence into practice

Some groups are advocating for a DNP degree as a minimum requirement for all APRNs because of the importance of these abilities. Although a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) is now required to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse, there is a desire and drive to make a doctorate degree (DNP) mandatory.

Fear not; this will not render your current position obsolete. Your master’s degree will not prevent you from working as a nurse practitioner.

Ten years ago, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) planned to eliminate MSN programs by 2015. Their policies are meant to encourage nurses to pursue a doctoral degree in nursing (DNP) rather than settling for an MSN. As you can see, though, that plan failed. You shouldn’t worry.

7 Benefits of DNP – Why Earning a DNP is Worth it

Earning a doctorate is a significant milestone, but getting there can feel like an insurmountable challenge at first. Is it therefore worthwhile to work toward a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree? Let’s look at some of the reasons you might want to pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice.

1.   Methodological Modernization

Keeping up with the latest advancements in the healthcare industry is essential for clinicians and nurses, who must today be experts in a wide range of topics, from emerging medications and technologies to diagnostic procedures and therapeutic modalities.

A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) indoctrinates nurses on the latest medical developments, scientific discoveries, research methods in nursing, and popular trends in healthcare and clinical science.

2.   Possibilities For Specialization

Earning a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree can open doors to a variety of career paths that are unavailable to nurses with only an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or (BSN).

If you want to work in a specific area of healthcare, you may need additional training that is only available through a DNP degree. It equips you with the skills necessary to qualify for a job in clinical leadership, academia, or administration.

You can specialize in areas like child care, anaesthesia, management, or leadership within the nursing profession. Aside from that, you can look forward to investigating things like patient outcomes, the efficacy of various treatments, and the promotion of sustainable change to encourage healthier routines and better outcomes for patients.

3.   Ability to Influence Healthcare Policy

Acquiring a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree equips you with the information and skills necessary to advocate for healthcare policies that prioritize patient safety, quality treatment that is individualized for each patient, efficiency in healthcare delivery, and fairness in healthcare access. Educators can produce and disseminate materials that are both effective and based on solid facts.

A DNP prepares you to lead the nursing profession and the public in improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

4.   Potential for High Salary

Salaries for a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) vary from year to year but typically increase rapidly after the first year of practice. You may find that your salary shifts as you move between jobs. There was an average annual salary of $107,000 for DNPs as of May 2022, per studies.

But the salary ranges for various sub-fields of expertise vary. To give just one example, the highest DNP income typically goes to licensed registered nurse anaesthetists, while family nurse practitioners typically earn significantly less.

5.   Better Career Opportunities

Some healthcare leadership and management positions may be inaccessible to persons with only an MSN but may be available to those with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. As a nurse, you have the option of working in a variety of roles, including that of educator, administrator, clinician, and scholar.

Furthermore, those with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree might hold executive positions in healthcare organizations’ nursing divisions.

Working in one of these fields could provide you with a chance to affect healthcare delivery in both concrete and abstract ways.

Everyday chores to ensure patients are effectively cared for can be efficiently organized, supervised, and coordinated by you. You may also serve as a liaison between the hospital’s patients, staff, and higher-ups such as the executive team and the board of directors.

6.   Increases Trustworthiness

If you want a career in health care that involves shaping public policy and administration, a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) can help you establish yourself as an industry leader. As a result, people will assume that you are competent and diligent since you have the requisite information and skills.

With a doctoral degree in nursing under your belt, you’ll be in a prime position to shape the future of healthcare policy. If you’re looking to move into an administration role in the medical field, a terminal degree may make it easier to gain admission to medical institution boards. It may take some effort, but you will get the most of the credit due to your impressive qualifications.

7.   Employment Stability

DNPs are in high demand, and the business is growing to meet that need. Jobs have increased by 40% since the last census, which is far faster than the average for all occupations.

By allowing you to continue your education in nursing after completing your bachelor’s degree, a DNP can help you maintain your competitive edge in the job market.

Without having to worry about your job going nowhere, you may actively seek out ways to expand your professional knowledge and direct care skills. Furthermore, doing so raises your value to the company.

So, In the end, Is  DNP Degree Worth it?

To be a nurse is to be at the forefront of a patient’s and their loved ones’ fight for better health. Furthermore, as an APRN, you are at the forefront of providing that patient with care across the board.

When you’re an APN with a doctorate, you’re at the forefront of care for patients and their families, the health care system, and communities on every level from the neighbourhood to the nation to the world.

Is it therefore worthwhile to earn a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree?


Though it takes lots of sacrifice to complete DNP degree, it is worth the sacrifice and effort. With the right DNP project help and support you can earn the coveted title of DNP  and enjoy the seven great benefits that comes with the accomplishment.

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