Terminologies Used in Statistics

Terminologies Used in Statistics

statistics terminologies Data analysis and statistics have been around for the longest time and their contribution has been immense in every field, after all, every time there is a need for research statistical data to be employed and data analysis techniques brought into play. Just like in any other field, a statistical lingo had to be birthed and this means that all you need to mention is one word and you know what is needed. Statistics is not a walk in the park and if you’re not well versed with the statistical lingo, then you will neither be part of the conversation nor will you follow what is being said. But let that not be a problem for you, I’ll walk you through a couple of commonly used statistics terminologies.

  • Data set – Data sets describe values for each variable for quantities such as height, weight, temperature, volume, etc. it involves grouping the said data.
  • Skewness – This is the degree of asymmetry observed in a probability distribution. Skewness is normally observed from a graph and there can be one of three outcomes; positive skewness (to the right), negative skewness (to the left) or zero skewness
  • Kurtosis – Kurtosis is used to describe the level of peakedness of a frequency distribution. In describing the type of peak, there are three terminologies used i.e. Leptokurtic(high peak), mesokurtic(mid peak). Platykurtic (low peak)
  • Probability- this is generally used to describe the likelihood of the occurrence of an event.
  • Mean – this is the summation of all entries in a data set divided by the number of entries in the data set.
  • Mode- This refers to the most repeated value in a data set.
  • Median-this refers to the middle value in a data set. Can be derived from both even and odd values of data entries.
  • Standard deviation- The most commonly used measure of the spread of a set of observations. Equal to the square root of the variance.
  • Cumulative frequency distribution: The tabulation of a sample of observations in terms of numbers falling below particular values.
  • Average: Most often used for the arithmetic mean of a sample of observations, but can also be used for other measures of location such as the median.
  • Confidence intervals: It is a value that combines standard error and sample statistics to predict population parameters.
  • Standard errors: It is variability of sample mean.
  • Alpha factoring: A method of factor analysis in which the variables are considered samples from a population of variables.
  • Class- a grouping of values by which data is binned for computation of a frequency distribution
  • Data fusion: The act of combining data from heterogeneous sources with the intent of extracting information that would not be available for any single source in isolation
  • Bell curve- a graph depicting normal distribution with a high average and entries on both extremes and is similar to a bell in shape.
  • Coefficient of variation- a measure of spread for a set of data.
  • Time series analysis: It is a statistical procedure of analyzing data points indexed over time.
  • Alternative hypothesis: Theory that contradicts null hypothesis
  • Null hypothesis: This is informed assumption whether your statistical assumption is true
  • Analysis of covariance: This is a statistical tool that evaluates differences in means of effects or dependent variable related to the effect of the controlled independent variable while observing the effect of the uncontrolled independent variables. The analysis is more accurate and unbiased.
    Analysis of variance: This is a statistical tool that compares variances across means different groups.
  • Covariates: This is a continuous variable that influences the dependent variable but it is not of interest in the study
  • Causation- this implies that the occurrence of an event is dependent on the occurrence of another event.
  • Inferential statistics- This refers to data analysis in an effort to make conclusions from given data.
  • Descriptive statistics – A general term for methods of summarizing and tabulating data that make their main features more transparent.
  • Differencing: A simple approach to removing trends in time series
  • Sample size: The number of individuals to be included in an investigation. Usually chosen so that the study has a particular power of detecting an effect of a particular size
  • Population- it is the general group which a sample is taken from to give information on the whole group.
  • Frequency distribution- describes how many times an event is repeated. Or the number of times an occurrence is repeated.
  • Outlier: It is commonly referred as extreme of data points.
  • Venn diagram- A graphical representation of the extent to which two or more quantities or concepts are mutually inclusive and mutually exclusive.
  • Graphs- this is a diagrammatic representation of data normally on a horizontal and vertical axis that represent various sets of data for comparison purposes. There are various types of graphs depending on the purpose of the graphs.
  • Histogram- A graphical representation of a set of observations in which class frequencies are represented by the areas of rectangles centred on the class interval. If the latter are all equal, the heights of the rectangles are also proportional to the observed frequencies.
  • Scatterplots: This a visualization tool that plots two continuous variable
  • Break-even point- this is basically termed as the point where the total revenue is equal to the cost incurred hence profit at BEP is usually zero.
  • Quartile- The values that divide a frequency distribution or probability distribution into four equal parts.
  • Regression- This is a statistical technique that serves as a basis for studying and characterizing a system of interest, by formulating a reasonable mathematical model of the relationship between a response variable, y and a set of q explanatory variables, x1; x2; …xq.
  • Stem and leaf diagram- A method of displaying data in which each observation is split into two parts labelled the ‘stem’ and the ‘leaf’. With the stem as the common figure in the data set and the leaf as the unique figure.

These are just some of the most commonly used statistics terminologies; however, there is so much more that you need to learn to achieve guru status in statistics. Also, consider studying different statistical laws and the people who coined them. To top it all up, statistical formulae is extremely crucial to your statistical knowledge foundation.

The article has been prepared by our trained statistician. He has published numerous articles on data analysis.

See below links

How To Code and Enter Data in SPSS


How To Choose Statistical Tests

Article written by Ngari Ngunjiri 

Comparison Between ArcGIS and QGIS

10 Epic Difference Between ArcGIS and QGIS – GIS Software Comparison

ArcGIS is an interactive cloud-based mapping and analysis solution used to make maps, analyze share and collaborate data. However, like in every other thing under the sun, it has competition and I have to say, the competition is quite stiff for ArcGIS.

The competition comes in the form of QGIS, which is an open-source Geographic information system (GIS) that supports most geospatial vectors, raster files, as well as database formats and facilitates a seamless experience as far as mapping and data editing, is concerned.

However, in a world full of choices, we are all wired to want to go with the best there is. There are a couple of differences between the both of them that could put your mind to rest as you select the best one and I think would be to your best interest if you dived right into it and waste no more time.

Difference Between ArcGIS and QGIS
10 Differences bewtween ArcGIS & QGIS


Are you a student who needs to complete his GIS or QGIS assignment? then you must be working on a budget. When working on a budget, you will go out there looking for the best tools you can get for as cheap as you can get them or preferably for free, which is where the first difference comes in.

QGIS is pocket friendly and is available for free, all that you need is a compatible gadget and a good internet connection and you are good to go. However, ArcGIS sways differently and requires paid license for you to use, which is not economical and as I break this down you will realize that despite the fact that they have attached a price tag to it, they offer less than QGIS.

While some will argue of exclusivity that is regulated by licensing, I tend to think they are missing the point of having the software by a mile. Nevertheless, let’s roll on to the next major difference between ArcGIS and QGIS.

Accessibility Tools

I thought this fits in here perfectly, after all, we can start with all the money business and get it out of the way. Having to work, the smart way (with the help of GIS software), entitles you to a couple of privileges that make your work easier, among them, accessibility tools.

Tools, will make your work a whole lot easier and having what you need is better than needing something and not having it. To make an extensive study of your map, you will need these tools and both ArcGIS and QGIS offer these, which is a thumbs up to both of them. HEYY!!That’s a similarity, we came here for the differences!!! How are they different? Calm down, here it is…

Well, QGIS provide these tools to you for free and are easily accessible at no extra or hidden costs, however, things get costly with ArcGIS, as they will need some extra pennies for you to access these tools. This has been known to be a limiting factor to most users and to be honest, I get why they would frown upon it as well. Due to accessibility and cost factors, most students who have to complete assignment using ArcGIS are forced to pay someone to do GIS assignments for them.

File Format Accessibility

When it comes to GIS, data is the major player and working from different devices as well as sourcing the data from different sources, you will be prone to getting files in different formats. Developers were therefore left with a daunting task of having this provision in their software which is why QGIS, has been termed to be quite versatile and accommodative as they have executed this with precision, accommodating a wide range of formats (estimated over 70 formats) in their software.

While you, me and QGIS agree that we need software that allows you to bring in data in different formats, ArcGIS are of a different opinion and have a very limited array of file formats for you, which from users, is not sufficient.

User-friendly Interface

Well, as far as working is concerned, the easier the better, which is why you are looking for the software to make your work and in extension your life easier. Well, ArcGIS can do this for you. Given that it is able to recognize GIS formats, all you have to do is click one simple add data button and it will get you data in the required format, well, QGIS will do the same thing for you but you will have to select all what you manually.


In an effort to remain unbiased, I have to interject this downtrend and give one point to ArcGIS after all they are not all that bad. Working with data processing software and in this case, mapping software, reliability is of great importance and in comparison to QGIS, ArcGIS has proven its worth.

Reliability, in this case, is based on the output given and the results from ArcGIS are much better given that it has better spatial topological analytical capabilities when compared to its rival, QGIS.

Processing Time

By now you are probably used to the idea of fast internet, fast application, quick processors which might explain why gadgets are being fitted with even more processors with every production and I believe that you wouldn’t want it any other way when it comes to working. This is why one of the things you need to consider when comparing QGIS to ArcGIS. Despite the fact that ArcGIS has proven its worth as far as reliability is concerned it drops the ball on processing speed and is much slower when compared to QGIS which has better rendering capabilities as well.

Operating System

The 21st century has brought many good things and among them is the freedom of the choice of gadgets to use. Yes, this has created a rift(a healthy one of course) between android and apple users as well as those who prefer to be unique and opt for Linux. Well, if you have any of these and are looking for a GIS software then you cannot go wrong with QGIS, thanks to their accommodative nature. However, if you are an android or mac OS user, then you might just have to settle for just QGIS without the option of trying out ArCGIS, as they do not support the installation of their platform on these operating systems. Well, that is another point for QGIS.


Now to the juicy part of things, while both of these softwares are well capable at what they do and manage incredibly well with vector, raster and GIS data, you need to filter the data and search for missing bits of data sets thanks to filter and search tools. ArcGIS avails more options to navigate and manage the geo-data in your system files than QGIS and goes the extra mile to not only do this for data but also for models and maps.

Joining Tables

Once more, the user-friendliness property in ArcGIS dominates as it allows you to effortlessly do it by just right-clicking on a layer and then clicking the ‘join’ button.

QGIS will, however, need you to invoke your expertise in joining tables with layer properties. And while I do not doubt your ability to join tables, you are better off with easier work.

User Guide

I have to admit, ArcGIS have a really nice customer service experience as they don’t leave you high and dry to find your way through their software but will give you an elaborate document that guides you on how data can be delivered, the use of certain tools and pretty much anything that you might need to do. On the other hand, as a first time user of QGIS, you will probably need to somehow find your way through it or log onto YouTube and an Indian dude will give you a tour of all you need to know.

By this point, you are already getting the vibe, and while QGIS does not have an upper hand in everything, it comes on top as it is more accommodative and offers a vast array of options for its users. By choosing to work with QGIS, you will cut costs as well as get the most from what a geo-information system has to offer. However, if you are still curious and are looking to get hands-on experience, then you can still opt into ArcGIS, of course, with the right operating system as well as equipped with a licence fee, and you will be good to go. We can all agree that nothing beats hands-on experience, but at least you will go into it prepared and not get your hopes and expectations shattered.

One of the reasons that has made QGIS seem to be superior to ArcGIS in terms of its practicability and ease of access is due to the fact that QGIS is a community software that allows people to add on to its functionality while ArcGIS is developed and regulated by ESRI, and the team behind it has put in a lot of effort into making it a good competition. The disparity in these two operations will definitely stiffen the completion but you can expect more changes and developments in QGIS than you will find in ArcGIS. But remember, if you have a few extra bucks to spare you can run both of them concurrently.

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Comparison of R Studio vs STATA vs SPSS

R vs SPSS vs STATAAs a data analyst, either in practice or still a newbie, learning the ropes in data analysis, you have to know your tools of work. Data analysis is a whole process that could be as simple or as complex as you want it. It basically entails the systematic application of statistical and logical techniques to evaluate data. You go to work using a certain route and every day by half-past seven there is always traffic, then with this data, you are free to make a decision to choose another route after you take into consideration all that you know. This is the basic application of data analysis in day to day life. However, taking this up a notch, data analysis is used on a large scale to make strides in science, economics and pretty much any other aspect of life. However, analyzing large data need you to use the best tools there is.

If you are here then I bet that you have heard of STATA, R and SPSS and are probably wondering, what is the difference between them and what are the pros and cons behind each of them and even more importantly which is the best for me. Well, you are in the right place as I intend to give you all the answers that you seek. For starters, these are three different tools that are aimed at doing the same kind of work but have different specs to them and are tailored differently. They differ in user-friendliness, the scope of work they can accomplish, their capacity and many other differences that I will be sharing with you. To get a good insight into them, let’s step into their arena and get to learn about them more.


R came into play in the mid- 90s from Ross and Robert and this explains why they choose R as the name of their product. It gained popularity over time as a very user-friendly and well-tailored data analysis tool. It is very effective in designing statistical models to solve complex statistical problems. Notably, R is free open source software, therefore, it is compatible with any operating system. Besides a point and click user interface, the program has command line and savable files that gives it ability to engage matrices, vectors as well as delineate aesthetic graphs and make it easy for users to interact with them all thanks to its graphical library.

  • R is very good for data analysis
  • Complex for beginners
  • Facilitates interaction with databases
  • It supports a variety of extensions
  • Proper organization of data in columns and rows
  • Has a variety of tools such as scatterplot 3D and high charter or data science application
  • Constant update of the system
  • It is ideal for data wrangling
  • Steep learning curve
  • Free open source software


STATA is a statistical software used in data analysis that enables users to analyze, manage and graphically represent data in a more meaningful way that allows them to make inferences as well as draw conclusions. Among the many reasons why people prefer to use stats are ;

  • STATA is easy to learn for beginners and easy to use as well
  •  it is supported by a wide range of introductory textbooks
  •  it is well-controlled by STATA Corp so that one can have real faith in STATA ’s results
  •  using STATA really does help students to learn about statistics
  • it offers a wide range of statistical analyses
  •  it has a great degree of flexibility
  •  it presents results in a clear format

When dealing with a data analysis assignment one of the very first thoughts you will have is, which is the best software for me to use in data analysis? And truth be told, you will wonder whether or not you will be able to deliver on your project. Well, I cannot assure you that you will deliver but I know people who will, You can contact us for data analysis help using R, STATA or SPSS. These are the guys for the job. With years of experience handling project after project, then you can be sure that our writers have an up to date database on all that you may need. This cuts across the board, right from choosing the right topic ideas for you, having the right structure for your paper, driving a valid argument for your case and most importantly giving you an authentic, original project. Have I mentioned that we have a 99% success rate in our work and this is the kind of thing you should look for before you decide on who you want working with you?

You are probably wondering, ‘with this kind of record and delivery, you guys must be charging a fortune.’ Well, you can put that thought aside and save some cash working with expert writing help services, thanks to unimaginably affordable deals and you get a free ‘side dish’ of free, unlimited reviews as well. And to show you that we do not compromise on our quality, we let you in on the progress through our 24/7 open customer care line, if that is not quality, then I don’t know what is.


SPSS was created by SPSS Inc and later in 2009 was acquired by IBM Corporation and renamed IBM SPSS Statistics Package. SPSS is abbreviated from the statistical package for social sciences. The software contains a statistical analysis and toolpak for easier statistical analysis and open source integration. and SPSS has earned its spot in the market over time and has for the longest time dominated thanks to top-notch features.

  • Supports data from multiple sources
  • Ideal for large amounts of data
  • Better for multivariate analysis
  • Works better in social and medical sciences
  • Best for complex data sets
  • Has a direct generation of output for reports
  • Ideal for forecasting and decision trees
  • Advanced statistics and charting capabilities
  • Custom tables add on package

You are probably wondering, is there any specific reason as to why I have ranked them in this order? Well, yes there is and I will prove that to you on a head to head comparison of these statistical analysis programs.






Used in medical and social sciences areas


Used mainly in economics and econometrics


Mostly suitable for complex data sets It is not very good for complex data analysis

It is mostly used for small data and in its application



It has its application in large scale and cutting edge research

Performs muitivariate analysis for large dataset Performs normal statistical analysis
Generates outputs into reports Uses a command line and documentation features
Performs modeling on complex data Not suitable for complex analysis and modeling
Excellent for data management Ideal for researchers



Choosing the software to use is an uphill task more so if you are a newbie or student. Unfortunately you will need to interact with the software themselves, however, this overview will give you an idea of what you are looking for so as to look into it in depth. After all, the best way to know what you want is to get a personal feel of it.

I would recommend that social science students looking for a friendly program for statistical analysis for dissertation i do recommend SPSS.

If you are looking to advance in statistics and learn to perform complex statistical analysis and statistical modeling we recommend you learn R programming language. It is versatile and can perform complex statistical analysis on large datasets.

Economics researchers and econometrics students keen to learn on economic model development and testing should be keen to learn STATA.

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5 Effective Students’ Memory Boosters

5 Effective Students’ Memory Boosters in 2022

Did you struggle with concentration in 2021? As the schools reopens for 2022 calendar we have assembled 5 effective students’ memory boosters to enhance your memory and alertness in class.

Though it was once believed that brain functionality peaked during early adulthood and then slowly declined afterward, researchers have discovered that our current lifestyle plays a significant role in contributing to our brain’ cognitive decline. Exposure to toxins, chemicals, poor diet, lack of sleep, stress, and much more can be seen to hinder the functioning of our brain including memory.

In this guide, our DNP capstone project writers gathered the most effective ways to improve memory by harnessing the power of the brain’s ability to change. All tips and techniques provided are primarily lifestyle-based and time-tested results from the latest scientific evidence.

Whether you want to be an excellent student, maintain your competitive edge, or stay mentally sharp, you don’t need expensive prescription medication or medical procedure to boost your memory. This guide is your go-to manual on 5 Effective Students’ Memory Boosters

  1. Physical Exercise

While mental exercise is essential for brain health, that doesn’t mean you never need to break a sweat. Physical activity helps your brain stay sharp. It improves oxygen in your brain and decreases the risk of complications from cardiovascular diseases. Exercise enhances the impact of helpful brain chemicals and lowers stress hormones. Perhaps most importantly, it plays a vital role in neuroplasticity by boosting growth factors and stimulating new neuronal connections.

It’s prescribed that you exercise for at least 30 minutes, five times a week, but if you are relatively new to exercise, start off with a couple of times a week and slowly build it up. Otherwise, you risk growing bored of the new routine before you’ve developed the habit.

By running, cycling, swimming, or whatever form of exercise takes your fancy; you can strengthen the connections between brain cells. From this, you’re learning, and memory skills will improve, and allow you to digest more details from your lectures and books.

  1. Healthy Diet Regime

Just as a car needs fuel, so does the body and brain. I trust that by now you are aware that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, fish; and lean protein are stocked with lots of health advantages. But did you know such a diet can also improve memory? For brain health, though, it’s not just what you eat, it’s also what you don’t eat.

Stock up on your vitamins and micronutrients

Specific vitamins and nutrients can boost brain power in various ways. You can promote brain power with vitamins and micronutrients found in the following foods:

  • Zinc and iodine – certain foods can contribute to normal brain cognition. Examples are strawberries, seaweed, dairy, eggs, mushrooms, white meat, legumes, greens, garlic, nuts, and seeds.
  • vitamin B6, B12 and folate found in vegetables, meat, pork, dairy, chicken, turkey, fish, bread, eggs, peanuts, milk, and cereals can help to prevent fatigue, a primary cause of procrastination during studies.
  • Omega-3 and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), found in cold water fish (fatty fish) such as salmon, tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, sardines, and herring are particularly rich source of omega-3 beneficial for brain health (a vital part of learning). If you’re not fond of seafood, can still try non-fish sources of omega-3s such as seaweed, walnuts, ground flaxseed, flaxseed oil, winter squash, kidney and pinto beans, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, egg yolks and soybeans.

b) Restrict your intake of calories and saturated fat. Studies show that foods high in saturated fat (from sources such as red meat, whole milk, butter, cheese, cream, and ice cream) raise the threat of dementia and weaken concentration and memory.

c) Consume more fruit and vegetables. These products are packed with antioxidants that guard your brain cells against damage. Colorful fruits and vegetables are mostly good antioxidant “superfood” sources.

d) Drink green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that protect against free radicals that can damage brain cells. Among many other benefits, regular consumption of green tea may enhance memory and mental alertness and slow brain aging.

e) Drink wine (or grape juice) in moderation. Though alcohol consumption has been said to kill brain cells, in moderation (around one glass a day for women; 2 for men), especially red wine, it has been seen to improve memory and cognition. It is full of resveratrol, a flavonoid that promotes blood flow in the brain and decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Other resveratrol-packed options include grape juice, cranberry juice, fresh grapes and berries, and peanuts.

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1o foods to improve learners memory

  1. Socialize

Not only does socializing play a vital part of your time in school, but it also helps the way your brain functions.

While some people think of “serious” activities such as a crossword puzzle or mastering chess strategy to improve memory, others delight in lighthearted pastimes as hanging out with friends or enjoying a funny movie. Numerous studies have shown that life filled with friends and fun comes with cognitive benefits. Humans are highly social beings. We’re not meant to survive and prosper in isolation. Relationships arouse our brains, in fact, interacting with others may be the best kind of brain exercise.

Laughter is the cheapest memory boosters. This fact holds true for the brain, memory, as well as the body. Unlike emotional responses, which are limited to specific areas of the brain, laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain.

Adopt the following tidbits and bring more laughter to your life:

a) Laugh at yourself. It is important not to always take yourself too seriously. Enjoy laughter and share your awkward and embarrassing moments with family and friends. Remember that loo roll that got stuck in your shoe.

b) When you hear laughter, move toward it. Most of the time, people are delighted to share something funny because it gives them a chance to laugh again and feed off the humor you find in it. When you hear laughter, seek it out and try to join in.

c) Spend time with fun, spirited people. These are people who laugh easily both at themselves and at life’s craziness, and who find the humor in ordinary situations. Their playful point of view and laughter are very contagious.

d) Try to surround yourself with souvenirs that lighten up your mood. Keep a toy on your desk or keychain. Put up a humorous poster in your room. Choose a computer screensaver that makes you giggle or smile. Frame pictures of you and your friends or family having fun.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

There is a significant variance between the amount of sleep you can get by on and one you need to function at your best. The truth is that adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to avoid sleep deprivation. Sleep is critical in an even more fundamental way; it promotes memory, creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.

Research shows that sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, where critical memory-enhancing activity occurs during the deepest stages of sleep. Our brains are bombarded with stimuli when we’re awake; but when we’re asleep, the brain uses that time to process everything and get rid of unnecessary information while doubling down on remembering vital elements, like that nursing care plan for pneumonia in paediatrics . This information is later consolidated into long-term memory. That being said, when you are awake, your brain can’t go through this process.

To improve our sleep time try the following tips;

a) Get a stable sleep schedule. Go to sleep at the exact time every evening and get up at the same time each morning. Try as much as possible not to break your routine, even on weekends and vacations.

b) Avoid screens for at least an hour before bed. The blue light released by TVs, phones, tablets, and computers elicit a state of insomnia and overpower hormones such as melatonin that make you heavy-eyed.

c) Cut back on caffeine. Caffeine tends to have diverse effects on people. Though some may take it and have no effect at all, other people are susceptible to it to the point that even morning coffee can interfere with sleep. Try decreasing your consumption or cutting it out entirely if you suspect it’s keeping you up at night.

5. Adopt Practical Steps to Support Learning and Memory

a) Pay attention. It’s not possible to recall something you’ve never learned nor encoded it into your brain especially if it’s something you are not paying adequate attention to. It’s said it takes about eight seconds of intense focus to process a piece of data into your memory. If your attention is quickly diverted, try to pick a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

b) Take notes by hand: This is a great practice to get into in general, whether you’re taking notes in class or preparing for a test. Writing forces you to paraphrase what is being read or said. This, in turn, raises your conceptual understanding of a topic to contribute to higher memory retention.

c) Repetition: It’s an undeniable fact that the more an activity is repeated, the more it is embedded in your long-term memory. So when you’re studying, go at a slower pace, and after every couple of lines, repeat the previous sentences 1-2 times (either aloud or in your head).

d) Write it down from memory: Write everything you’ve learned down from memory (remember not to peek at your notes!). This is not only is this a good practice-run for the impending test but will permit you to summarize the information you’ve been studying. When you can expound on something using your own words, not only does it emphasizes on your understanding on the topic but that the information is stuck in your long-term memory. This is your ultimate goal.

e) Use Memory Triggers: It’s surprising how something so small can make such a difference when it comes to memorization. When committing something to memory, it is more likely to stick if you use any one (or all) of the following memory triggers:

  • Flash Cards: Flashcards apply some of the techniques outlined in this article – they are repetitive and force you to write out your notes by hand.
  • Color-Coded Writing: This can refer to your notes or even the flashcards listed above. Using different colored pens to break up your notes into sections creates visual stimulation which is a great memory trigger. Try the color red.
  • Mnemonic Devices: Crafting a visual image, song, a rhyme, or an acronym out of crucial information will stimulate your memory and make you much more likely to remember information.

f) Chew gum: If you need to hark back to a piece of information for around 30 minutes, try chewing gum. Studies have found that people do well on both visual and audio memory tasks if they are chewing gum while doing them. Just the act of chewing seems to enhance people’ concentration. So, if you have a pop quiz sprung on you, leave the Orbit in your pocket. Chew sugar-free gum only, though! Consuming pure sugar may cause your blood sugar to drop which would hurt your concentration.

To sum up, memorization is a key part of a study. Whether you’re memorizing the quadratic formula or dates of historical events, there are numerous techniques you can adopt that will significantly aid in memory retention. If you follow these steps, we guarantee that your memory significantly will improve.

Remember: Your mind is the greatest power, use it well.

DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department

DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department

Are you struggling to develop researchable emergency nursing capstone topics? You need to read our detailed DNP project ideas for emergency department. Each DNP topic idea comes with a comprehensive description and background information. The ideas will provide you with excellent base to build on a topic for your proposal.

DNP Project Ideas for Emergency DepartmentIf you enroll for Doctor of Nursing Practitioner in emergency nursing specialization, your studies will culminate in writing capstone project. The capstone project should be written according to AACN essentials and DNP guidelines of your school in order to obtain excellent grades. If you need assistance with writing and editing emergency nursing capstone project check our DNP capstone project help.

Who is Emergency Nurse Practitioner?

Emergency nurse practitioner is a specialist nurse that works in emergency department, trauma centers, ambulances and urgent care centers to treat minor injuries. Emergency nurse practitioner assesses, diagnose, treat and discharge patients. Just like a physician, emergency nurse practitioner gives injections, administer medications, conduct ECG examinations, apply plaster of Paris to fractures, treat burns and scalds etc.

expert writing help


What is DNP Project?

The education sector is set up in a format that accounts mainly for academic qualification and leaves much to be done when it comes to turning theory to practice. However, the medical field has done things quite differently and have the DNP project that aims at solving this problem. Towards the very end of your academic endeavor, you will be required to this gruesome task that will require you to identify a problem and the end of it all, look into it in-depth and by the end of it, provide a solution or make recommendations on how you certain procedures or services can be made better. To do this, however, you need to be set up well right from the start. You need to be well aware of how to write a DNP project as well as choosing the right DNP project ideas for you.

How To Choose DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department?

  • Choose from your interest

DNP projects are basically done right as your bridge from school life to the professional space and your choice in a DNP project might tip the scale on how your progress. It has been advised by professionals all over the globe, for medicine students to choose a topic from among their interests.

Given that you are working with a topic that you are interested in you will delve more into research and your findings are not just for academic purposes but pull their weight on your career.

  • Choose a topic with credible material

With tons of research material available, it is very easy to fall prey to unverified material. This bit could pull the credibility of your project down the drain. Before diving into research, you need to identify credible sources, that are recommended and approved.

  • Go for the most relevant topic

Choosing your topic is more than just that, but you need to choose one that is relevant to the health industry as well as to the scope of your study. For the emergency department, I will give you a couple of topics that came highly recommended for the year.

Follow link below for additional DNP project ideas:

Nursing Leadership Practicum Project Ideas

How To Write DNP Project Ideas for Emergency Department

  • Identify the problem

The very first step to this is identifying the problem that you aim to explore and understand it as well as breaking it down to understand why solutions have not yet been found or implemented. These problems are the backbone of the paper and will also reflect in your project title.

30+ DNP project ideas for emergence department

An emergency department nurse is a front line worker who is most often referred to as the first responder in hospitals. They are trained and well equipped with dealing with minor injuries without the need for consultations. However, this stretches far from injuries and covers burns, wounds, fractures and with this comes the essential responsibility of understanding your patient’s needs and their body as well. Competence in medicine is non-negotiable, after all this is human life we are talking about.

Here are a couple of DNP project ideas suitable for the emergency department 

  1. How has technology helped improved the ER?
  2. Dealing with trauma victims
  3. Dealing with pediatric fall patients in ER settings
  4. How to deal with staff after the unexpected death of a child
  5. Drug and alcohol screening for patients
  6. Effect of tasters on cardiac disorder
  7. Pediatric trauma and shock
  8. Recognition of water intoxication in children
  9. Emergency response for communicable diseases
  10. Patients management during a pandemic
  11. Dealing with patients allergic to certain medication
  12. Improving workplace environment
  13. Dealing with violent patients
  14. Nurses with access to the ER
  15. Essential tests to run on unconscious patients
  16. Improving emergency response in rural areas
  17. Crowd control during catastrophes
  18. Resuscitation procedure to increase chances of survival
  19. Do not resuscitate orders
  20. How many people can ride in an ambulance around the world
  21. Emergency response procedures
  22. Dealing with miscarriages
  23. Identifying and treatment of abused patients
  24. Resuscitation procedure and family involvement
  25. Nurse care managers in diabetic care
  26. How to enhance emergency care in rural areas
  27. Prevalence of Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis Patient
  28. Improving emergency patient care through music
  29. Improving ER care through mobile applications
  30. How emergency nurse practitioners deal with fatigue
  31. How to deal with emergency department overcrowding
  32. Reducing medical errors among patients coming from nursing homes to emergency rooms
  • Pick non-controversial topics

Picking the right topic is an art by itself but make sure that you don’t choose a very controversial topic as it might work against you. As much as you need to air out your point this could collide with your assessor’s point of view and that might work against you.

  • Go big on your introduction and conclusion

Pro-tip; always give your assessor something to think about even before they get to the body of your project. The kind of energy that you infuse into your paper, will definitely have its bearing on your overall assessment. Give the reader confidence that you know what you are talking about. After all, the aim of the DNP paper is to prove that you can apply what you learn in theory.

  • Pick the right literature to review

It has always been said that you cannot reinvent the wheel and that is true for the most bit, but the nature of the medical field is quite volatile and COVID-19 has presented the need for new procedures and precautions. Apart from such a new phenomenon, you will find literature on almost everything else. It is up to you to choose the most detailed and most accurate. How do you choose the right one though? It has been recommended that the review already embraced literature that is used in teaching institutions. Do a comparison with accepted literature embraced by different organizations and even countries.

  • Formulate your project goals

What do you aim to achieve by the end of your paper? Do not be afraid to go big on this one as well. When working with defined goals, you will use them as checkpoints throughout your paper. As you approach the conclusion segment, you need to check all the boxes and culminate it all in your conclusion segment.

  • Create analytic plan

Data analysis is vital in research. Your analysis may include a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. This combination will help you assess your data and draw a conclusion

  • Analyze the results

Collected and cleaned data should be analyzed using appropriate techniques depending on the data type. Quantitative data is analyzed using quantitative methods that include statistical techniques. Qualitative data, usually provides patient experiences, is analyzed using qualitative methods that include matching themes, content analysis, narrative and discourse analysis.

  • Make recommendations for a nursing practice

The aim of a DNP project is to put it into practice. After you have done your research what is your verdict? These papers work best since this is info coming from an unbiased mind. Your research could prove to be of much importance and solve a prevailing problem. It is not really about looking for a new solution but it could also entail making recommendations on how to tweak prevailing solutions and increase their effectiveness.

DNP projects are not always a walk in the park and take time, skill and dedication to get it done and lack of one of these will have a negative impact on the paper. Before I go on, I need to present you with another option to get your project done without even doing it. All you need to do is get in touch with expert writers and just like that you will get your work done professionally and in time at amazing prices. It’s the 21st, everything has been made easier and so should your project.

Sample Essay: Economic Policy Formulation in COVID Times

Economics Assignment Question & Answer

Would you like to determine our grasp economic theories and concepts? then our economics essay writing service have published their most recent macroeconomics assignment question and answer to an emerging economic phenomena.

You can talk to us to purchase the assignment answer at a small fee.

Macroeconomics Assignment Question

You have been selected as a team member of a new presidential council designed to repair, replenish and grow the economy, as well as, sustain the financial markets. The team is designed to take on overhauling the financial system in its key areas such as The Fed, SEC and other regulatory agencies, bond markets, stock markets, credit markets, and businesses of all sizes while still maintaining a fluid environment.  Your report to the president will have to address the problems, conflicts, possible solutions, and ramifications to your possible solutions in great detail.  Please provide evidence to support your premises as to which path you will use to help steer the economy.

Macroeconomics Assignment Answer

Formulation of Economic Policy

Economic policy refers to government economic activity. It covers interest rates, budget systems, the labor market, national ownership and many other government economic initiatives. In general, policies aim at four major objectives: stability of the market, encouragement of economic development, sustainability of business and growth and job creation. Sometimes other objectives, such as military spending or nationalization, produce a harmonic economic success environment.

Fiscal policy is the use of public spending and taxation to influence the economy. Governments are using tax policy to achieve the economic objectives of price stability, full employment and economic growth in order to influence aggregate demand in the economy.

The government has two levers in deciding budgetary policy:

  1. Change composition and tax levels
  2. Change spending levels in many economic sectors.

There are three main types of fiscal policy:

  1. The Neutral approach: This kind of policy is usually employed in an equilibrium economy. In this scenario, government expenses are fully funded via fiscal revenues with a balanced effect on macroeconomic activity.
  2. Expansionary: this kind of strategy is usually implemented in depression to increase economic production. The Gov. spends more money than revenues in this instance.
  3. Contractionary: The goal of this approach is to reduce public debt and to curb inflation. Public spending is lower in this scenario than tax revenue.

The government may play an active role in altering its expenditure or tax level when it lays down fiscal policy. These activities lead to increased or decreased aggregate demand, which is represented in the right or left shift of the aggregate demand (AD) curve.

Source: The Economics Journal

Economic Policy Approaches

It is worth remembering that aggregate demand for an economy is split into four parts: consumption, investment, public expenditure, and net exports. Changes in any of these components cause the curve of aggregate demand to change.

Expansionary fiscal policy is employed during the recession to kick off the economy. It stimulates aggregate demand, which in turn raises economic production and jobs. In adopting expansionary policies, the government raises expenditure, lowers taxes or combines them. Since government expenditure is a component of aggregate demand, more government spending will move demand to the right curve. A tax decrease would leave more discretionary income and boost consumption and savings and move the aggregate demand curve to the right as well. A rise in government expenditure coupled with a decrease in taxes would predictably push the AD curve to the right. The amount of the AD curve shift due to government expenditure relies on the size of the expenditure multiplier, whereas the shift in the AD curve as a result of tax cutting depends on the size of the tax multiplier. Expansionary policy will lead to a budget deficit if government expenses exceed tax income.

When demand-pull inflation exists, a Contractionary fiscal policy is adopted. It may also be used to repay undesirable debt. The government may reduce its expenditure, increase taxes or seek a mix of the two via Contractionary fiscal policy. The AD curve is shifted towards the left by Contractionary fiscal policies. This kind of strategy, if tax receipts exceed government expenditure, leads to a budget surplus.

This kind of strategy, if tax receipts exceed government expenditure, leads to a budget surplus. Keynesian economics, in times of recession, believe that increasing government expenditure and lowering fiscal rates are the best way to stimulate aggregate demand. Keynesians believe that this approach should be used as the main tool for laying the foundation for strong economic growth and full employment in times of recession or low economic activity. The resulting deficit is supposedly repaid during the following boom by an expanded economy.

Consumers consider inflation forecasts every time they purchase, such a house or a car. The nominal rate for loans to buy these goods fluctuates as inflation varies. The nominal rate is the actual rate plus the inflation component expected. Expected inflation also tells economists how the public views the economic direction. Suppose the population expects inflation to increase. This may be caused by a positive demand shock when the economy develops and aggregate demand increases. It may also result from an adverse supply shock, perhaps from rising energy prices and a decrease in total supplies. Anyway, the public may expect the central bank to adopt a currency policy that reduces inflation and leads to higher interest rates. However, if experts foresee inflation to decrease, the public may anticipate a recession. The public may expect short-term monetary expansion and reduced interest rates. Economists are informed about the effectiveness of macroeconomic policy by monitoring expected inflation. Furthermore, tracking expected inflation allows for real interest rates to be projected that isolate inflation impacts. This information is important for investment financing decision-making.

Although inflation expectations may seem to be a highly speculative idea, the activities of the Fed are based on early research by Joseph Livingston, financial journalist for Philadelphia Inquirer. In 1946, economists started a two-year survey of their inflation forecasts. The survey was carried out by the Federal Reserve Bank and other economic research institutions, such as the Survey Research Center of the University of Michigan, the United States Statistical Association and the National Bureau for Economic Research, following the death of Livingston in 1969.

These assumptions are similar to present Federal Reserve inflation and the results to date are different. In recent decades, however, the forecasts of economists have become considerably more precise. Economists are continually investigating the form and evolution of inflation and other economic variables.

 Economic Stimulus Program Recommendations In COVID-19 Times

Despite the enormous human costs of recessions, we must assess the policy tools at our disposal and choose those that are most effective in speeding economic recovery during a downturn. In this article, we describe how the economic crisis in Covid-19 has affected various worker groups, what work is being done with fiscal stimulus, what could be done differently in future recessions, and how the states are positioned to thrive economically.

Monetary and fiscal policy are the two sets of policy tools used to support recovery following recessions. During and after a recession, the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy is used to keep interest rates low and reduce unemployment. The fiscal policy refers to the many types of government spending and tax reductions that Congress has enacted. Following the recession, both sets of policy tools may be used to increase demand, expand output, and quickly return the economy to pre-crisis conditions.

In order to be most efficient, a speedy stimulation is essential. A part of the fiscal policy reaction took place automatically under existing programs in the Covid-19 economic slump. These programs are referred regarded as “automatic stabilizers,” since they offer instant stimulus during a recession without Congressional intervention. This is why automatic stabilizers such as supplementary nutritional assistance, unemployment insurance and Medicaid, as well as automatic tax revenue stabilization, are so useful.

It is generally accepted that fiscal stimulus under HEROES lessened the severity of the Covid-19 economic slump. The CBO estimates that the fiscal stimulus package in 2021 resulted in GDP being 0.5 to 3% higher than it would otherwise have been (CBO 2021). But which fiscal stimulus components were most useful? Incentives aiming at families with low incomes or otherwise restricted funds tend to be more successful, while corporate tax cuts tend to be less effective (Whalen and Reichling 2015). In some estimates, government expenditure is usually more successful than tax cuts, partly because employees only spend a fraction of the stimulus given by the tax regime. Across all stimulus types, fiscal stimulus is generally assumed to be more effective in recessions and less effective in expansion (Morley and Panovska, 2014) due to slackness in labor and capital markets (i.e. the available resources are not fully utilized), which enables fiscal stimulus to increase total production.

Regardless of all money related and financial measures made to lessen the seriousness of the monetary droop at Coronavirus, creation has not yet recuperated to either its pre-downturn pattern or imminent yield (CBO 2021b). Joblessness has quite recently gotten back to a pre-downturn level, while other leeway work market pointers, for example, the level of representatives working low maintenance for financial purposes stay high (Department of Work Insights [BLS] 2021a). In addition, states are not prepared as expected for the following downturn. Blustery day holds in many nations keep on being deficient to manage a critical and startling drop in charge pay. These legislatures should either decrease fundamental taxpayer driven organizations—which hurt both state individuals and the more extensive economy—or rely upon the government for monetary help.

Moreover, despite the fact that joblessness and destitution are on the ascent, two key projects – transitory help for families out of luck and the joblessness protection – have responded in an unexpected way. UI guarantee went up because of the developing number of recently jobless representatives buffering qualified specialists from misfortunes. Not all recently jobless individuals were equipped for UI, yet the program was by and large compelling in its objective. Conversely, TANF’s caseload rose little as destitution expanded. In spite of the fact that TANF has a job in soothing extreme destitution, it’s anything but yet intended to respond proficiently to or fill in as a programmed stabilizer against recurrent neediness changes.

A key reason of the monetary procedure of the Hamilton Undertaking is that drawn out success is best accomplished through empowering financial turn of events and wide contribution in development. The Hamilton project gives the accompanying nine realities about the Coronavirus financial emergency and the kinds of monetary upgrade to decrease the seriousness of future downturns.

Utilization of financial policing powers

Strategy creators rely upon two arrangements of instruments to advance recuperation after a downturn. The Central bank’s financial approach is used to keep up with low loan costs and decline joblessness during and after a downturn. The financial approach covers a few sorts of government use and assessment decrease carried out by Congress. After the downturn, both arrangement sets might be utilized to support interest and consequently increment creation and make the economy more pre-recessionary.

The two duties available to the public authority for deciding monetary approach are use and assessments. The public authority is expanding its expansionary financial arrangement, reducing government expenditures or a blend of both. The ascent in consumption and assessment decreases will prompt an increment in all out interest, albeit the expansion depends on spending and expense multipliers.

Expansionary strategy avocation

The multiplier in government use is one that shows the adjustment of total interest as a result of a specific change in use. The multiplier effect of government spending is clear when an increment in use prompts an expansion in pay and utilization. The expense multiplier is the expansion effect of an adjustment of total interest charges. The decrease in charges is practically identical to the ascent in government use for money and utilization.

Expansionary monetary arrangement may have a monetary multiplier impact on the Gross domestic product. The financial multiplier is the proportion of the adjustment of public income to the adjustment of government use that produces it. This multiplier is unconfutable with the financial multiplier. The expanded effect on public pay is named the multiplier impact when this multiplier outperforms one.

The multiplier impact happens when an underlying expansion in government spending prompts higher wages and utilization, an increment in pay and, accordingly, to more purchaser spending, and so forth, prompting a generally speaking higher pay than the first extra consumption. As such, an underlying change in the total interest may prompt a numerous adjustment of total creation (and hence the total pay that it produces). The multiplier impact has been utilized to help the viability of government consumption or duty alleviation to support total interest.

Assume, for instance, that the public authority contributes 100,000 dollars to build a manufacturing plant. The cash isn’t lost yet rather becomes pay rates for the developers, pay for the providers, and so on The developers will have more optional cash, and spending will expand, which will likewise build total interest. Assume likewise that the recipients of the developers’ expanded costs thus spend their new income, increment interest and maybe utilization, etc. The development in the total national output is the all out of the net gain increments for everybody concerned. In the event that the developer gets 100,000 dollars and pays 80,000 dollars to subcontractors he has an overall gain of 20,000 dollars and a proportionate expansion in extra cash.

To support the economy during the downturn, governments may utilize monetary strategies – expanded government spending or tax breaks. A gauge of the upgraded creation prompted by a specific expansion in government consumption or duty decline is the monetary multiplier. Any multiplier more than zero implies that greater government use builds in general creation. More than one financial multiplier shows an ascent in private area creation combined with an increment in government yield.

There are conflicts among financial specialists on the exact size of the distinctive monetary multipliers, as indicated by Auerbach, Storm and Harris (2010), which is generally thought to be more prominent during downturns than under ordinary monetary conditions when the economy nearly has its maximum capacity Fazzari, Morley and Panovska(2014); additionally the contradicting position of Ramey and Zubairy(2014). This is likely on the grounds that slumps in both work and capital business sectors are set apart by a slackness (for example the accessible assets are not utilized in full), which empowers financial motivators to help generally creation. Multipliers are likewise more noteworthy when lower-pay people are bound to utilize the boost in the use or tax breaks (Parker et al. 2013; Whalen and Reichling 2015).

Reasoning for Duty decrease

Tax reductions may likewise offer supportive improvement, yet multiplier gauges for the most part are more modest and more unpredictable than use programs projections. The assessments shift from 1.8 to 0.33 in 2021 for the sped up deterioration of the kids’ tax reduction, which empowers organizations effectively to delay charge commitments.

While a few tax reductions had more than one monetary multiplier during the emergency, just the Youngster Tax break multipliers and the refundable single amount financial discount in 2021 were as yet higher than one. Also, their qualities were lower than for consumption multipliers, for example, raising SNAP instalments and expanding UI benefits. Spending projects or tax breaks expected to people with lower pay will in general have bigger multipliers, since they are more disposed than people with higher pay to spend what they get. In addition, measures like sped up devaluation and decrease in corporate assessment rates, both profiting organizations, are less invigorating than singular tax reductions.

The expense multiplier is by the by lower than the use multiplier. This is on the grounds that when the public authority goes through cash it purchases things straightforwardly, which brings about the whole change in spending being applied to total interest. At the point when the public authority brings down charges all things considered, the extra cash increments. Segment of the discretionary cash flow is spent, however part is kept. The set aside cash doesn’t add to the multiplier impact.

Maintain an effective federal funds rate

The Federal Reserve has two main functions as the central financial institution of the United States, commonly called its dual mandate:

  1. Preserve price stability and
  2. Assist the economy stay close to the highest possible level of sustainable employment.

Over the most recent 50 years, as the economy has gone through every downturn, joblessness has risen a normal of 2.5 rate focuses. The central bank reacts to these work market changes by utilizing open-market tasks, including the procurement and offer of protections, bringing down the government store rate (the loan fee at which organizations loan stores to different foundations short-term on the Federal Reserve) and as of late growing its asset report. At the point when monetary conditions fall apart, government store decreases diminish financial loan fees, urge endeavours to extend and enlist more individuals, and urge buyers to spend more, accordingly lessening the joblessness rate.

Employment stimulation

The financial emergency in Covid-19 has essentially diminished the quantity of representatives in the United States, yet these cuts have been concentrated among guys, more youthful individuals, and lesser instructed laborers. This might be an outcome of a purported business stepping stool that sensibiliser’s low gifted workers and youngsters to the monetary cycle excessively (Beaudry, Green, and Sand 2013). Figure 2a shows that from December 2019 to December 2021 the utilized extent of the populace matured 25 and more seasoned by instructive level and sex changes, demonstrating a work market drop. Business dropped all the more steeply for low-level workers, in spite of the fact that ladies with not exactly a secondary school degree just saw a 3.4 percent work misfortune. In all instruction and age classifications, guys would in general endure more prominent abatements than ladies. The work share for guys without a secondary school degree diminished most; note that men will in general endure additional during downturns, principally on the grounds that they will in general be occupied with more repeating areas (Hoynes, Miller, and Schaller 2012).

In conclusion, adopting an expansionary fiscal policy in line with modern Keynesian principles would raise the GDP with a relatively higher multiplier. Regulated Government spending in long term infrastructure would stimulate the current economic drain as well as position the country for future economic success. Achieving short-term economic recovery and long term sustainability is a multiple of both tax and government spending policies. The government should provide support as well as offer affordable and appropriate tax cuts to facilitate gross investment. Affordable FED rate should also be set out to facilitate loan capital to create the supply push needed to multiply the economic growth.


CBO. (2021). Congressional Budget office. Retrieved from Congressional Budget office: https://www.cbo.gov/data/budget-economic-data

Roberto, C., &Ayhan, K. II Economic Impact of US Budget Policies. In US Fiscal Policies and Priorities for Long-Run Sustainability. International Monetary Fund.

Beaudry P., Green,D., and Sand B. (2013). The Great Reversal in the Demand for Skill and Cognitive Tasks.

Hoynes, H., Miller, D. L., & Schaller, J. (2012). Who suffers during recessions?. Journal of Economic perspectives26(3), 27-48.Whalen, C. J., &Reichling, F. (2015). The fiscal multiplier and economic policy analysis in the United States. Contemporary Economic Policy33(4), 735-746.

Parker, Jonathan A., Nicholas S. Souleles, David S. Johnson, and Robert McClelland. “Consumer spending and the economic stimulus payments of 2008.” American Economic Review 103, no. 6 (2013): 2530-53.

Fazzari, S. M., Morley, J., &Panovska, I. (2015). State-dependent effects of fiscal policy. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics19(3), 285-315.

Zubairy, S. (2014). On fiscal multipliers: Estimates from a medium scale DSGE model. International Economic Review55(1), 169-195.

Fazzari, S. M., Morley, J., &Panovska, I. (2020). When is discretionary fiscal policy effective?. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics.


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8 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid in Nursing Capstone Project

8 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid in a Nursing Capstone Project

nursing capstone writing tipsTo complete and graduate as a doctorate in nursing you need 33 to 43 credits and at least 500 clinical practice hours. This is equivalent of 2 years full time coursework. It is estimated that 13% of nurses hold a graduate degree, however less than one percent of these nurses have a doctorate degree.  According to American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) examination pass rates (first writes) DNP pass rates for the year 2020 stand at 90%, where 1292 DNP students passed their exams. Doctorate nurses are important pillar of healthcare services in the USA thus the need to increase the number. They play an important role in teaching future nurses and conducting  research to improve nursing science and practice.

The medical field is not a walk in the park, however, with the focus and resilience, you are sure to make it. However, at the peak of your academic pursuit in the nursing field you will be met with a DNP/DPI project. This marks the end of academic life and ushers you into the professional arena. A capstone project is often referred to as a research paper or DNP, they are all the same thing. At this point, most students will be stuck in a conundrum as they try figuring out where to start and where the line is drawn between the dos and don’ts of writing the perfect nursing capstone project. However, today I will be focusing on the don’ts as I shine a light on 8 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid in a Nursing Capstone Project, lets jump right into it.

Ignoring lecturers’ instructions.

Through the years you have gotten to understand how your lecturers want things done and given that they will be judge, jury and executioner on your paper then it is only wise that you follow their instructions to the letter. Before the project, you should watch out for insights that they give on the kind of formatting that they prefer, coverage preferred and basically how to do the paper. This will set the foundation of what you do, it will be a guide through your paper. See the paper through the eyes of your lecturer and you can be sure to ace it. It’s best to ride on their good side. Choosing a subject that does not hold your interest

In this day and age, it is vital that you do what you love and that is probably why you chose to pursue a career in the medical field. More to it, you have to stretch the same into specialization on what you want to do. So why MUST you choose a topic that interests you? Well, this is why.

When researching on and tackling a subject that you are interested in, you tend to put your all into it and you tend to go the extra mile to achieve perfection, which if we are to be honest, is what we are all after. You also tend to have a unique point of view on the subject since you are invested in it and have previously researched on it. Give yourself the chance to shine by doing what you know best.

Most importantly, you need to remember that this paper is the final one before lunging into the professional field. It holds with it the ability to kick start your career in a way you never expected especially If your paper has an impact on the field and is a solution to an existing problem.

Topical irrelevance

DNP capstone project helpWell, an evaluator always wants to be taken from point A to point B through a process that they can follow and hopefully agree with. Have in mind that the evaluator is conversant with the topic at hand. In light of this, you need to set high standards that will give an affirmation that you know what you are doing. Normally, when writing these types of projects, you will need to give a thesis or hypothesis and that will be the guiding statement that you will run with all through. It helps you remain relevant to your topic and sets you up for the perfect close.

A well-placed hypothesis will give you a good title as well as guide your process as well. On that note, you are probably wondering what brings about irrelevance. Well, this brings you to our next point on the common writing mistakes to avoid in a nursing capstone project.

Choosing a very broad subject

A capstone project is not necessarily very long and it should be approximately 25 pages long. However, you need to keep a small circle as far as coverage is concerned for efficiency. This all boils down to the hypothesis and topic that you choose make sure that you have a precise target to narrow the scope of focus. This will work to your advantage as well since you will have better leads on research material and will arrive at your conclusion easily. It does not mean that your paper will be any shorter but on the contrary, it will be more detailed and precise.

When handling a wide scope, you are most likely to lose focus on your goal and run the risk of irrelevance. It also means that you might stumble on conflicting theories that you are not able to reconcile. Most students are overly ambitious and want to handle global issues and miss the point while they could have gone smaller and aced it all. Through the process, I highly recommend that you do consultations with your lecturers to get their feel on your paper beforehand so that you position yourself right. Using wrong structure and formatting

To begin this, I need to stress that structure and formatting are vital components of your paper. At some point, your content won’t matter if you botch up your format. So, what do you need to know about the right format? And what is its importance?

Nursing Capstone Project Format Outline

APA style of writing is the worldwide recognized and recommended format of writing academic pieces. The simple science behind it is that it sweeps through every aspect of the paper that’s should be covered by the end of the paper. This assures you that you will not skip any vital details to your paper. As a matter of fact, you will realize that it covers all areas that your lecture will ask you to cover.

At a glance, this is what the APA style of writing is all about.

  • Title page

This should only include the title of your paper and not many details to it.

  • Abstract
  • Introduction

In this section, you introduce your hypothesis/ thesis as the guiding statement throughout your paper. Remember to constantly refer to it as you proceed to maintain relevance and not lose sight of the goal

  • Literature review

This is part of research where you take similar earlier published articles and review them in accordance with your hypothesis/ thesis.

  • Methodology

This is variable depending on what you are researching. It will cover a variety, right from methods available, pieces of equipment, procedures, safety measure and data collection.

  • Results

Once data is collected, it is analyzed and then results and findings are drawn.

  • Discussion

In relation to your guiding statement how does your research support or oppose it? This is what you ought to discuss

  • Conclusion

Finally, bring it all to an end and circle back to where you came from and what you have been able to achieve by the end of this. Make recommendation and site what problems it solves.

  • References

Give credit to where it is due and state from what sources you get your information.

All these will take you from the formulation of your hypothesis, research, data collection, data analysis, the body in which you discuss our finding and graciously to your conclusion and referencing.

Last-minute rush

Well, honestly as a student, most times you tend to leave things as they are only to rush and try beating the clock. However, this is not the kind of situation that you have the luxury of time. The clock starts once you are allowed to begin your paper and that calls for proper time management on your end. Create a work plan and a timeline on how much time you have and how much time you will allocate to what part of your project.

Truth be told, a nursing capstone project is not the kind of thing you fix up in a day, especially as a student who is not experienced in the field and lacks the know-how on the vitalities of the paper. A clear timeline will help you exhaust your preparations, conduct your research well and collect all necessary data. More to that, you will be able to analyze your data and finally present your findings in a professional manner.

Poor Data Collection & Data Analysis

Research is the backbone of your paper as it controls your findings and ultimately your results. The process of research is a demanding one and will often involve a combination of many aspects including literature review which call for you to view the paper through the eyes of a researcher. Data collection should also be definite as each set of data holds its own significance. Given that you know what you are looking for, it should be easy to collect the correct set of data and group them in the basic group on the merit of their form namely; qualitative data and quantitative data.

These sets of data also go further and should maintain an accurate representation of their units of measurement [SI unit], otherwise, you will be working with the wrong set of data. As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. Whatever you feed into your project will determine the findings that you get. Therefore, this means that data analysis is completely dependent on your level of competence in data collection. You can always put some data analysis tools such as SPSS, R, Ms- Excel in play to help you synthesize the data. On the other hand, you can opt to pay someone to analyze DNP data .

Most students often fail to reckon the importance of statistics in DNP and DPI projects. Since DNP projects are concerned with improving practice; you will be required to collect data for both pre and post clinical intervention. You will then be required to test whether the clinical intervention leads to changes in patient well being. Statistical tests such as T-tests will often be used to do comparison of the pre & post tests. A professional data analyst will further conduct advanced post adhoc tests to determine whether the significance is by chance. Hiring a statistician for your nursing capstone project will make your results and findings more accurate and valid in the eyes of the IRB committee. Statisticians play a key role in nursing project writing since they help in research designing, data collection and data analysis by choosing the most appropriate statistical test for your data..

Failing To Proofread and Edit

The one thing that is worse than an overconfident student, is a student with no clue on what they are required to do. However, at some point, they both make the same mistake. Proofreading and editing of a project are vital to the paper as is any other part.

A lot of underlying issues are diagnosed after proofreading and are corrected through editing. The number one issue that you need to be looking out for is grammatical errors. A well-presented paper could present itself as faulty and present you as incompetent out of a grammatical error and we both know that in the medical field precision in grammar is a factor to consider. It changes the dynamic of the paper.

The process of editing and proofreading is rather an easy one since all you need to do is understand what is required of you then look through your paper for loopholes. These loopholes could cut through the spectrum of formatting, structure, articulating, data analysis and presentation, diagrammatic references and not forgetting the tone of your paper.

After you have done all of this you are advised to publish your paper as it could be of use towards the development of the medical field.

Tackling a nursing capstone project is a demanding task, one that should be taken with utmost urgency. It not only need the know-how of medical facts but also the know-how to present your findings in a manner that accurately articulates your opinions. Remember this is not only an academic paper but is the bridge to your career and it could turn out to be the kick you needed to thrive in your field. However, no one said that you should walk alone through this. The new world order has opened up a lot of opportunities and among them are DNP capstone project writing services that hands you the best assistance on DNP/DPI project writing. A combination of professionalism, expertise and experience will take you from a 6 to a 10 in no time.

At this point, I do believe that this column has been an eye-opener to you preparing to make quality DNP project.

How to Qualify as a Nurse

How to Qualify as a Nurse

how to qualify as a nurse
Nurse at work

According to American Nurses Association, there are four million registered nurses in the U.S. Sixty percent work in hospital. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the nation requires to register new RNs by 1.1million. That the nursing shortage in the U.S. continues to worsen is no longer news. There has never been a better time to become a registered nurse, and things are getting better. Small wonder you’ve decided to become a registered nurse. But how does one become a registered nurse? This post explains how you can launch your nursing career the soonest possible.

Prior to COVID-19 pandemic the United States was already experiencing a severe shortage of nurses due to aging baby boom population. COVID-19 has worsened the shortage as many nurses quit profession due to occupational stress and pressure. The World Health Organization is painting a gloomy picture as they estimate the world needs to raise nurses workforce by 6million to meet demand. Similar sentiments are echoed by Linkedln that has places RNs as among top ten in demand jobs in 2021.

Requirements Vary Across Countries

The requirements you have to meet to become a registered nurse aren’t exactly the same in every country. Even within the same country, say the U.S., requirements may be slightly different in different states. Requirements also vary with the practice level at which you wish to enter the profession.

This post will focus on how people become registered nurses in the U.S. To become a registered nurse in the U.S., you have to meet two types of requirements. First, you have to meet all the educational requirements. Second, you have to meet licensure requirements.

The Nursing Journey

In most states, the nursing journey begins when the interested person enrolls in a nursing degree. You can study one of two degrees namely the ASN or BSN. ASN stands for Associate Degree in Nursing while BSN means Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

It’s pretty easy to enter the nursing world with either of these two educational qualifications. But employers increasingly prefer to hire BSN to ASN degree holders.

The ASN degree is a two-year program while the BSN degree is, for the most part, a 4-year program. You MUST ensure that the nursing school you attend is accredited.

Writing Lots of Nursing Assignments

For the better part of the first year in nursing school, you’ll mostly do regular college courses. But in your sophomore year, you’ll jump into nursing proper.

In nursing school, everyone studies seriously. And there are tons of papers and assignments to complete all the time. One week you’re writing a nursing essay. Next week you’re writing a nursing case study or preparing a nursing care plan. In the week that follows, it’s a lab report or some other nursing report.

Also, there’s always a nursing term paper to handle at the end of every semester. And of course, no one graduates college before completing their BSN nursing capstone project. You are required to score highly in all these nursing assignment writings.

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The Clinicals/Internships

Clinicals have always been there in nursing school. They are basically the practical side of nursing. Clinicals involve visiting healthcare facilities to learn how to apply the skills and knowledge you’ve been accumulating. Working alongside a real nurse (a preceptor), you’ll get exposed to the finer details of nursing in real-life situations.

Typically, clinicals start in year two of college — in semester 1 or 2 of nursing school. Nursing school probably doesn’t want students to start their clinicals before they’ve covered the foundations of nursing.

Most student nurses enjoy clinicals, especially if they have a supportive preceptor. The clinicals are a great opportunity for you to decide what area of nursing you want to specialize in.

Passing NCLEX

After graduating college, you’ll have to apply to your state’s Board of Nursing for NCLEX. NCLEX is a standardized exam that all trained nurses must pass before they can obtain licensure.

Note: In pretty much every nursing school, you won’t be able to apply for NCLEX before graduation. Also, you should have met all requirements of your school before applying.

Most schools send the paperwork necessary for ATT (Authority to Test) to the state’s Board of Nursing after graduation. Once you pass NCLEX-RN, you’re ready for licensure. Down the road, you may want to get certification for a specialized area of nursing. That’s how to become a registered nurse in the U.S.

Want to Become a Registered Nurse?

Start applying to your preferred schools the earliest you can. You may want to dust your essay writing skills as many schools require applicants to submit an admissions essay. But that shouldn’t be hard if expressing ideas coherently and persuasively in English isn’t a problem for you. Maybe you’ll need a bit of luck considering that nursing has become extremely competitive these days. Good luck!

Guide To Writing Scientific Lab Report

Guide To Writing Scientific Lab Report

guide to writing scientific lab reports
An experiment being carried out in a lab

The scientific world is one that is rich in information and even richer in technology. For the longest time now, man has strived to understand all that is around him and find out more about nature through experimentation either for recreation, learning, or when his survival entirely depends on it. In the modern-day and age, things have really changed and the strides that have been made are quite huge and this means that things are also done differently. Lab analysis and experiments especially in the academic field are always followed by a lab report. This is of course in preparation for the career world as this is embedded into each and every one. So, as you begin writing scientific lab report, what do you really have to have in mind and what exactly are you expected to articulate for maximum effectiveness.

After sourcing from the best sources on a worldwide scale on what it takes to write the best scientific lab report, I have made a compilation of everything that you need to know so as to be at the top of your game. So, without further ado let’s dive right into it.


The title is a very essential part of your lab reports as it gives it the identity and it gives the reader a clear line of where you are heading. The title should be brief and precise. It should only include the very essentials of the report and should tell the reader what you will be writing about. Remember that you should position your title in liaison with your hypothesis as this kind of flow will synchronize your whole paper. Always make the title descriptive, informative, and direct.

The first page of your lab report should be dedicated to the title, which is why it is called the ‘title page’. On top of the actual title of your paper, you should also include the name of the author(s) and the date it was published.

Table of content

The table of content is basically a guide of what shall be included in the paper and it only highlights the subtitles in the paper and the number page. It makes work easier and organizes your paper in a professional manner. It also comes in handy when you need to reference or scheme for certain information. Having in mind that you have already conducted the whole experiment beforehand then this should be very easy as it is basically a review of what you did. According to research done late last year showed that you should always start off by filling the table of content, it gives you the format that you will use in your paper. The reason behind this is because it follows the APA format of writing that is globally recommended and accepted for these kinds of papers. The APA format of writing encompasses a variety of details among which are font used, the procedure to be followed, and most importantly the dos and don’ts.

When following this style of writing you can be sure not to miss any detail as it is basically similar to implementing an already established system. If you are familiar with the APA format of writing you will realize that it is well articulated in the following steps.


The abstract of your paper is supposed to give the general feeling of your paper and give a pre-summary of what you will covering. Of course, you cannot go into details as that will be well handled in the conclusion. This helps set up the rhythm of the paper. Ensure that you give the main ideas in the paper but do not pick-up phrases from the article unless it is a direct quotation.


Everyone knows that in everything that you do, there must be an introduction, may it be a meeting, interview, or even formal documents this is no different here. You have to start it off with a strong introduction. This creates a firm basis for your lab report. In this section, you can state the hypothesis. The hypothesis is the guiding statement that tells what experiment you shall be tackling and on top of that the expected results at the end of the experiment. This should be in liaison with the title.

When creating your introduction, you can also review an existing theory of the research that you will be undertaking. Mostly the experiments that you will be conducting will not be a new thing in the field and there might be a paper done on the same and it is vital that you compare your results for the purpose of accuracy. However, depending on a couple of variables such as your sample and other surrounding factors, it is possible to get different results. This does not mean that you are wrong. Select the most suitable theory that fits your circumstances and that is most likely to give similar results to yours.

Next, you need to give basic information on the theory and how it is related to what you will be handling. This elevates your reader’s position and eliminates any dangling questions.

Lab safety and precautions

The word experiment according to the English dictionary means ‘perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something.’ This means that the reaction is still unknown until the experiment is done. A simple wrong miscalculation and wrong mixing of solutions could lead to an unprecedented reaction that could be catastrophic. Hereby, you are urged to get through all lab safety and precautions depending on the kind of experiment you will be conducting. Ensure that everything is clearly labeled and that safety measures are in place.

Your scientific lab report could potentially be used in the future by another scholar as a point of review and this could have an immense impact. It is the small things such as these that matter.

The experimental procedure, types of equipment, methods, and collection

Now going a notch deeper into this, you now define your experiment. What do I mean by defining your experiment?

Identify your equipment

Different experiments require different types of equipment and components to test different reactions. You need to first identify all your equipment and solutions and samples as well that you will be engaging. The more details that you offer here, the better. You should describe everything in all its aspects possible, by color, texture, shape, form, smell, and all other characteristics. This will give a clear picture of what you are working with.

State your experimental procedures

Experimental procedures are an accurate representation of how you conduct your experiment to achieve certain results. They include definite facts and should be followed to the letter. Depending on the type of method you have chosen then it has its own procedure and if it is messed up could render the whole project void. This is because a change in procedure leads to different results and using the wrong measure of solutions makes the project ineffective.

Data collection

write my lab report
Data collection in a lab

As a scientist, the very heart of your work is in keeping records. Records are basically a written representation of your findings from your experiment as a result of the seen reactions. Data collection is mostly done in a tabular form and maybe a combination of statements and figures. This representation of data is essential in data analysis and making conclusions.

While collecting data you can do it in a guided manner, or in an unguided manner. Some procedures also define how data should be collected while others leave it up to the researcher depending on what they are looking for. In every stage, make sure to note even the slightest change. Remember that a state of no reaction is still a result that should be considered and documented. However, you should already have in mind what you were expecting to find. This basis is already created from the data you had collected from previous similar experiments done. It can also be guided by your hypothesis.


Raw data is not useful to anyone other than the researcher, and this is only to a certain degree. This means that you have to synthesize the data into more meaningful information by doing the necessary calculation on your data depending on the results that you got and also depending on what you want to prove. These calculations should be inclined towards proving your hypothesis and MUST be shown.

The main reason for showing your calculations is to remove any doubts from your evaluator or reader’s mind on the clarity of your results. It could also save you the hustle of having to retrace where you might have messed step. It works as a win-win for everyone.


Now that you already have the calculations in check it time to make meaning from all that you have done. First things first, Are the results found the same as what you expected? If so what does it mean for your paper? If not, where did you go wrong/ was it on your hypothesis? experiment? your data collection or in your analysis? If you are able to answer all these questions then you are set up for a good finish.

Conclusion and summary

A strong conclusion is ideal for these sorts of papers. They give you an open ground to basically review your paper and experiment process as well. You are allowed to give an acute but brief overview of your experiment, data collection, and analysis. You can state the challenges you might have faced and also give recommendations. A well-placed conclusion will often take your paper from a 7 to a 10.

While writing the summary it is vital that you give credit where it is due and acknowledge the sources from which you base your work on so as not to be flagged for plagiarism. On top of giving the collaboration of your hypothesis, (thesis, if available) and your results you can also state your references as well. Credibility is key.

The whole representation of the lab report should be in a formal tone, in the past tense as it is assumed that you only compile this paper after you have conducted the experiment and you use the third person reference.

If this all seems complex for you, you can always pay someone to write my lab report and compile it for you and you can be sure to get the best quality there is. The simple reason is that an expert lab report writer has handled a lot of such projects and are up to date with the different writing style as recommended. They also know when and how to include the presented information. Lab report writing have never gotten this easier.

With all the above information you can be sure that you are set up for the perfect lab report.

Get lab report help online

How To Write Systematic Literature Review


how to write systematic literature reviewThe process of research is quite cumbersome but even more delicate is the presentation of your findings. More often than not, researchers are forced to do some further research on how to present their findings. Given that there are many channels of research, one of the most pursued avenues is of literature review. This is done by keenly putting a singular or a group of research findings under the scope and weighing its accuracy in relation to your hypothesis. This avenue has been pursued mostly to tell of the progressive steps that have been taken in certain fields. Now that I have gotten your attention, lets jump right into it and break this down.


A hypothesis basically refers to having the end in mind even before starting your research. A hypothesis is a statement that poses the question that you will be seeking to answer. In formulating this question, you will be looking to be not only relevant but also lead your writers to the end goal.

Despite having a leading question, you also need to have a guiding statement which is what we will call the thesis. The thesis is a summary of the hypothesis and it is a statement that states your stand through the literature review. This means that you should have it in mind at all times and often give reference to it so as not to lose relevance and miss the aim of the paper. It is also important to quote the preferred method of research and what you will use to sieve and grade your information.


From the lay-man understanding of literature review, this is basically the reviewing of already published literature as a source of information. With this in mind, you will have to first research for relevant research articles, books and literary material. Once you are equipped with this material it’s now time for the treasure hunt. It is quite imperative that you keep an open mind while researching as this will avoid bias altogether. The data you are looking for will be quite vast and will be categorized by both an alignment of ideas to your thesis as well as those that are of a variant opinion.

Data Analysis

After going through a variety of sources in search of information that answers your hypothesis you then have to filter and restrain yourself to sources that you feel will be quite consequential in your paper. This will be dependent on the strategy you had decided on to help you sieve and grade the information. Pick preferred literature that you will hereby put under the scope for scrutiny. This officially now brings us to the literature review. The research part of this project is as vital as the presentation and submission as well, after all, we wouldn’t want to present half-hearted done work.

Away from the research now, we have to represent the data in a more reasonable, meaningful and most importantly acceptable way that is up to standard. According to the international standards of writing, the APA format[style] of writing has come highly recommended on a global scale. The APA style is an all-round format that takes consideration of all principles of writing and most certainly ensures that you do not miss out any details.

Format of Systematic Literature Review

how to write APA literature reviewThis is the American Psychological Association that has come in as the go-to format when it comes to psychological and social science-related projects. It has over time proved its worth as it covers all the necessary scope allowing no room for any omission. So how is the layout in APA format?


Every work of literature has to have a title, after all, even you have a name. The title has to be in line with whatever it is that you will be talking about in your paper. However, there are a couple of reservations when it comes to creating this heading.

  1. The title should be in capital letters all through.
  2. The font used in the title should be the same font that you use all through your writing
  3. The title should not be italics nor should it be underlined.
  4. Finally, it is imperative that you limit your title to as few words as possible that pass the general feel of your writing. Avoid using unnecessary words and phrases in your title. However, it should be relevant. On the same note, refrain yourself from using abbreviations in the title.

Contrary to the titles in other forms of writing such as a report, this will require to be on its own page and with it, it is accompanied by a couple of details such as who are authors, institution affiliation ( for professional papers) but in the case of an academic paper you can add the lecturer’s name, unit name and due date.

Running headers

Given that this might be quite lengthy, it is important that you add page headers and with them comes page numbering as well. This is a feature that is easily accessible in writing applications. The page header is simply a replication of the title phrase at the very top of the page.


An abstract is a summary of the literature(s) that you’ll be reviewing. This allows the reader to familiarize themselves as well as brace themselves for the review. Having a good abstract is of utmost importance as it tells the reader if it is worth reading and sets their attitude towards your review.


Enough of teasing your readers with summaries and titles, you now give them the real deal which is covered in the body. Now when generating the body you will need to start with a reminder of the concept you will be bringing on the table which will be contained in the thesis statement.

Now you have an open ground to work from as you can take either side depending on your point of view or findings you got you can either support or go against the findings. How do you do this? What do you follow?


Take a journey from the point that your research started and to there your findings took you. This will tell you on the changes that have taken place and as you join the dots along the way you will be able to tell where your hypothesis fits in.


For each of the works of literature that you put under the scope, they all used a certain method to arrive at their findings. So how does the method of choice affect the findings? What methodological preferences are available? And how different are the results from different approaches? All these are vital questions that both you and your reader will be looking to unravel by the end of the review.


All these researchers that you have in mind are quite unique in their ideology depending on different factors that surrounded their research. Subsequently, you too have your won ideology which is why you are undertaking the review. While introducing the different theories presented you will find their similarities and differences as well as their contributions to the field


Result based research is ideal in these situations. It is from presented results that projects are evaluated and depending on the idea in mind and the method used then we are in a position to state the results.

Headings and subheadings

The ability to deliver a point across is also dependent on the presentation. This would suggest that so as to keep the reader in the flow and to ensure maximum simplification it is good that you use headings and subheadings when delivering points. This can subsequently be used in summarizing your work and easy referencing through scheming. They can be numbered or even underlined to help them stand out.

The body of your review should not be as long as most people are led to believe. Only relevant points are to be included.


As we had stated earlier systematic literature review can either be used in academic settings or professional settings. In both of these settings, it is advised that you try as much as you can to keep the tone on an official zone. This passes across the notion of professionalism and indicated that you know clearly what you are doing. On the same note, you should use active voice.

Given that the basis of your paper is primarily on other peoples reports on their research then

Punctuation and numerical

A literature review is not limited to only qualitative review which means that quantity as a measure of value will be used and this can only be represented in numerical form. However, when representing this information, it is important that you remember that only numbers above 10 are numerically written while numbers below ten are spelt out.

The basic rules of punctuation are also followed to the letter with a couple of tweaks here and there. These changes, however, are still new into the new 7th edition APA format guidebook. A good example of this is that when refereeing to a period in plural from you should not add an apostrophe. in the 1990s, not in the 1990s!. these are just a couple of things that require you to be conscious about to maintain the high-level standards that we have set ourselves to since the start.

Conclusion and summary

The end of your paper is one of the most important parts as it is the ultimate climax as far as the body is concerned. In this section, you are supposed to conclude your paper and prove your thesis. This is what basically tells you if you have maintained relevance and if all that you have compiled is relevant yo your thesis statement.

You need to revisit both the thesis and hypothesis and now give your verdict on whether or not you are for or against it. All your argument is now focused on this moment and you can lead your reader to halt. A strong conclusion is always highly recommended.

Referencing and citations

By now it is quite clear that literature review is basically taking another author’s, or a group of authors literature and reviewing it on the scale of a given hypothesis. This means that through your paper you will need to acknowledge your sources and at the end, you will be required to give credit where it is due. Under no circumstances should you avoid this section. This will be the only thing that protects you from plagiarism and spinning. So how do your citations and your referencing of sources?

Well, despite the fact that these word at times used interchangeably they hold a different meaning.


A citation may come randomly within the paper and it most commonly is seen whenever there is a quotation of phrase from one of your sources. When quoting this you cite only the name of the publisher and the date that the document was published. This adds clarity to your work and does not mislead the reader to work on an assumption on whether the phrases are yours or they are borrowed. Some of the sources you might use are well known on a global scale and this is hard to not acknowledge them after all you don’t want to run the risk of plagiarism


When it comes to referencing you have to include the name of the document, name of the publisher, title of the section and even the URL used in research. In this, there is no leaving anything for imagination. When referencing, you will have to take a different approach to book texts, newspapers and even in journals. They are all individual pieces. This part of the literature review is always the lats and this sets the climax of your paper

Well! Literature reviews have just gotten easier with all this info at your disposal. Remember that if you are to follow APA style of formatting then you should take heed of details and this might be the thing that talks you from a 7 to a 10. As I always say, you should get the best out of everything and this should not be an exception.

Also you can talk to our literature review writing services for assistance and guidance on how to write systematic review.