How to Write Financial Analysis Paper

how to write financial analysis paperAre you doing an MBA degree or a finance related course? if yes, then you should keenly read our post on how to write financial analysis paper. In this article you will learn essentials of writing a winning financial  analysis paper. Our professional economics essay writing service will present key secrets to researching and writing a company or financial analysis that appeals and informs the targeted audience.

Even in your professional work, particularly those who become equities researchers and investment analysts, you will be required to write and present financial analysis papers to management or investors. It is therefore imperative to learn and understand the format and analytical techniques to utilize in the paper.

Learn Key Tips On How To Write Financial Analysis Paper

Writing a detailed financial analysis of a company is very crucial since it is one of the tools used in determining whether to invest in the business. Note that there is no particular technique of writing a financial analysis, and the presentation styles will always differ. However, it is good to ensure that you include the key components in any financial analysis you prepare. Bear in mind that the financial health of a company can only be determined once all the components have been carefully reviewed.

A financial analysis paper provides information about the financial health of a company. Even though the history of a company can be summarized by a financial statement and stock performance, the financial analysis paper tries to incorporate all these information and more into a comprehensive and coherent system. Lenders, investors and financial analyst also use a detailed financial analysis, to find out if a company has the capability to deliver a good return on investment.

Executive summary

Note that this is the section of the paper that includes the most significant research from a financial analysis in a brief, easy-to-read format. The summary condenses the information presented in the whole report; comprising the insinuations those data bring to the industry and the company at large. In most cases, this section includes a concise summary of the firm’s mission, anticipated outlook, current performance, and history. On top of that, the section comprises an overview of the company’s industry, competition and market conditions.

Financial statements

financial analysis essay writerThe collection of financial declarations of a company is a core part of a financial analysis paper. The financial statement includes the balance sheet, equity statement, income statement and cash flow statement. The work of the balance sheet is to show the firm’s liabilities, allocation of properties and the equity of each shareholder.  The income statements will outline the income, expenses, and profit or loss of a company.  On the other hand, the investment statement will show all the changes in shareholder’s equity. The cash flow statements will explain where the business obtained its cash and how it is spending the cash.

Industry analysis

It is evident that no company exist in a vacuum, and for that reason, a financial analysis paper should comprise an examination of the firm’s industry. The report must include comparisons between the company’s health and that of its competitors, and it will show the company’s market share and prominence in the industry.  These features assist investors to find out if the business is competitive in its industry and if it would make a productive investment.

Financial ratios

A financial ratio is meant to disclose such aspects like the liquidity of the firm, debt amount and efficiency of the company. The current liquidity ratio can be defined as the proportion of a company’s current assets to its current liabilities. On the other hand, the debt ratio is the ratio of the firm’s total debt to its total equity. Note that the return on equity ratio is the one that weighs the income of a company against the equity of its shareholders. The price to earnings ratio can be derived by dividing the existing market price by the after-tax profits per share.

How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas

How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas

How to develop dissertation topicsStudents in their final year of study are required to write a dissertation, thesis or capstone project. This research papers are used to examine candidates understanding of the field. Writing these advanced academic papers start with developing a researchable topic. The topic should be brief, concise and researchable. It should also set boundaries of the study by localizing the research.
Most students do not know how to develop dissertation topic ideas for their studies. They hire dissertation writers to develop research topic for their papers. A dissertation paper is as good as its topic. Same case applies to thesis, capstone and research paper. Since a topic guides and dictate quality of research, it is imperative to learn how to develop good dissertation topics. We will highlight the guide our professional dissertation writers use to develop appealing topics for your paper. We will also discuss some of the topic ideas that students can explore when writing dissertation or thesis.

Tips on How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas

Factors to consider when developing research topics

Before embarking on writing a proposal, you need to develop a set of dissertation topics. From the set you then choose the most suitable topic for research based on set of factors. These factors include objectivity, research ability; contribute to the body of knowledge; measure ability; solution oriented and localization. The topic should also clear and concise. We recommend the title to be between eight words and ten words long. A title that is more than twelve words becomes ambiguous and cumbersome to readers. Remember always to keep the title interesting and captivating to the audience.

Researchable and measurable

Tips on how to develop dissertation topic helpA good research topic for dissertation, thesis or capstone should be researchable and measurable. To make a topic researchable never pose it as a question. Research studies are conducted to improve understanding on a given phenomenon; therefore a good research topic should be open ended. Suppose we seek to study whether level of education determines salary levels in Walmart. And we pose this dissertation topic Does salary levels in Walmart influenced by level of education? If the answer is no then you got no study. Leave questions for your hypothesis and research questions.

A topic is measurable if it has variables. Variables are categories or phenomena that a researcher is keen to measure. There are three types of variables namely independent variable, dependent variable and, in some cases covariate. A good research topic should at least have two variables independent variable and dependent variable.

  • Independent variable: This variable is sometimes referred to as explanatory or predictor. This is a variable in an experiment that is not affected by other variables in the system. It explains changes in the outcome variable in a causal effect relationship such as regression analysis. In a study to investigate relationship between level of education and salary, level of education will be the independent variable. As we know level of education in our system will not be affected by age, gender and other factors. However, it will determine how much a subject in our research study will earn.
  • Dependent variable: This variable is the outcome of the experiment. It is changed by other factors/variables in the system. In a regression analysis, dependent variables are denoted (Y). In our earlier study to investigate relationship between level of education and salary, we expect salary to be influenced by level of education, age, gender and other factors.
  • Covariate: Most social science experiments omit this important variable; as a result negating accuracy of research. Covariate is a secondary variable that has direct relationship on predictor and outcome variables. This variable is an independent variable with confounding or interacting effect in the study. In our earlier study to investigate relationship between level of education and salary, we expect salary to be influenced by level of education, age, gender and other factors. Gender will be our covariate as we know that men tend to earn more than women. Another factor to control is the number of years out of college. People tend to earn more the longer they are out of college. Unlike other studies, inclusion of covariates in studies tends to be more accurate since it minimizes unexplained variations in a group. In econometrics, covariates are referred as control variable

Objectivity and contribution to body of knowledge

The essence of writing dissertations, capstones, thesis and research paper is generation of new knowledge. To gain top marks in your research study you need to justify selection of topic. Saying “no one in the past has done this study” is not a reason enough to warrant you burn kilos of calories going through volumes of theories. As you know there are plenty of studies yet to be done. And most don’t need to be done. Justify why the research is important, the knowledge gaps it will fill and contribution to society and body of knowledge.

Other factors worth considering when developing research topics

Before you are convinced that you have chosen good research topic for dissertation, thesis or capstone; it is important to run small checks on the following factors.

  • Availability of data and literature: Before embarking on kicking the writing process, make sure there is enough information relating to your research topic. This will enable you write an articulate literature review and discussion.
  • Emergent issues: Due to dynamism in research and technology, some topics are very fluid. It is important to know what is happening in your topic of study. This will enable you update your research accordingly.
  • Originality: It is important to ensure uniqueness of your research topic. Ensure that there does not exist a study on a similar topic as the one you have chosen.

Students who follow our guide on how to develop dissertation topic ideas have easy time commencing their research. Professors and lecturers are impressed on first glance on the topic, giving the student go ahead to conduct the study.

Professional , Thesis Capstone and Dissertation Topic Help

Professional/ capstone/ thesis dissertation topic helpAt Expert Writing Help you can get professional thesis, capstone and dissertation topic help for $20 only. We will provide you with five topics from which to select from. In case you have a research topic for dissertation, thesis or capstone but unsure of its suitability, we can offer you topic rewriting help to make it objective, researchable and measurable. Below is a set of free topic ideas developed by our professional thesis/capstone/dissertation writers.

  1. Economics dissertation topic idea: Long term economic, sociological and political implications of Britain exit (BREXIT) from the European Union
  2. Management thesis topic idea: Airline industry analysis using Porters five forces model, a case of Southwest Airline
  3. Public health and nursing capstone topic ideas: Health crisis: Zika Virus and the rise in microcephaly and Guillin-Barre syndrome in Brazil
  4. Aviation capstone topic ideas: Investigating the future of green aviation; a look into technology, design and operations of Qantas airline
  5. Marketing thesis topic idea: Effectiveness of social media marketing over traditional marketing campaigns at John Fluevog Boots & Shoes, Sony & Dell
  6. GIS thesis topic idea: Utilization of spatial data analysis and remote sensing to investigate climate change in Saudi Arabia
  7. Geography research topic idea: Trend analysis of water levels during different months of the year at Lake Eucumbene Dam, Australia
  8. GIS research topic ideas: Investigating geographical distribution of primary health facilities in Oman using GIS data.
  9. Finance thesis topic ideas: Effect of meltdown in global oil prices in Saudi Arabia: Trend analysis of key economic indicators between 2010-2015
  10. Accounting dissertation topic ideas: Beyond financial reporting: impact of adopting sustainability reporting on business strategy of UK companies, a case of British Petroleum.
  11. Biology thesis topic: investigating relationship between vaccination and autism in infants in Ontario, Canada
  12. Sociology dissertation topic: Investigating cause of different sexual behaviors; homosexuals and bisexuals: choice or genetic disposition

In case you would like to order dissertation, capstone, thesis or research paper on any of the above topics just talk to us. You can start a live chat. We can also tweak any of the above topics to suit your needs. This will be followed by writing for you a dissertation/thesis/capstone proposal paper.

Once the proposal is approved, we will embark on writing the final project. This will include writing literature review, methodology, results and finding and conclusion and discussion chapters. Our good research topics lay firm foundation for quality papers. Always remember to order academic papers from

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