GIS Technology in Corona Virus Disease Surveillance


Corona Virus, otherwise known as COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that mainly affects the respiratory system and is characterized by sneezing, headache, tiredness and a dry cough.

The disease has an incubation period on between 1-14 days before developing symptoms, which is why people are advised to take a 14-day personal quarantine to avoid the spread and also ascertain that you are not infected. We cannot ignore the massive progress that has been made in this field, despite the fact that there has not been found a cure nor a vaccine. One of the best ways to join in the fight against this virus is by washing your hand regularly with soap and running water. It is also advisable to use hand sanitizers to disinfect your hands regularly as well. Remember, that it can be spread from coming into contact with contaminated persons or surfaces and this may include even money as well, which is why people are encouraged to use mobile money transfer methods and most importantly stay at home.

GIS technology in covid 19 surveillanceWith scientist working around the clock to minimize the spread and also try and get a cure for the novel disease, Corona Virus, or as many of you will call it, Covid-19, they need help from every available channel and geographical data analyst have risen to the task once again to help and show them in a simplified version how the virus is spreading. So what is GIS technology? What is its relevance in relation to the Corona Virus? GIS technology is basically the collection, analyzing, manipulation and representation of spatial and geographic data as deemed relevant according to the set criteria. In our previous segment, we analyzed a couple of software that have been tested and proven time and again to be the best GIS program every GIS analyst should learnHowever, amid this pandemic, how do these systems help us and what role are they playing in making sure that the human race overcomes this terror? Well, this is how. Our GIS assignment writers compiled a list of how the world can use GIS technology in Covid-19 surveillance.

As you have already heard in the news, Corona Virus can trace its origin from Wuhan China, and for a minute there the world was not all that concerned with what was happening there until the number of people rose to a couple of hundreds and eventually, the first case of the disease was felt in another country and now this got more real for everyone. During the first run of the virus, there were random speculations as the disease was affecting random people at random places and in no particular order. However with time, after collection and grouping of data, it was now established that people were affected at different rates and thus the disease manifested at different periods. With this data the world was now able to see the region covered and also able to trace how it spread, this then led to the lockdown of cities in China to avoid the spread. Now with this in mind, I am sure you now understand how the vents unfolded.

Helps predict patterns and future outbreaks

As we have heard time and again we can never know where we are going unless we know where we are coming from. GIS technology has offered us that leverage as collected data is now analyzed and well represented and in turn, trends can be predicted. So why is so important to know the trends when it comes to Corona virus? As I had mentioned in the previous segment on, all about Corona virus, The virus is spread very fast by contact with surfaces or with people who have the virus, however, the virus is not air-borne. All it takes for the virus to spread is a simple handshake, a sneeze or even coming to contact with contaminated surfaces.

When the ministry of health or CDC is able to predict the areas that might be affected next, they impose closed quarantine in those areas and also are equipped in the event of an emergency. On top of that, it also helps advice people accordingly.

Real-time tracking of Covid-19 spread

GIS assignmentsThe world health organization is at the front line in helping fight this pandemic and they are doing the best they can in collaboration with both the affected countries and those that are not yet infected. Having in mind that they have this tasks in hand, they have also adopted a GIS system that assists them to get live updates of what is happening in terms of the cases being reported all over the globe. They are able to update their systems every 15 minutes with the latest news in terms of the spread and research on Corona Virus. GIS analysts have come up with a global map that shows the extent to which every country has been affected by the virus. However, the good thing is that they do not reveal the specific identities of the affected individual.

Distribution of economic aid

On a global scale, media houses have shifted their focus from the political arena, celebrity drama and right to the health sector. This has been the trend for all sectors that revolve around us. Social distancing has been stressed upon severally by the CDC, the ministry of health and even the world health organization. This without saying comes with a negative impact in terms of the world economy. This has not gone unnoticed by the World Bank which has in turn offered to work liaison with countries affected by the virus. Given that there is a variation in the geographical and number of victims in each country, they have to refer back to the data analysis presented by GIS analysts to equally give aid to countries. We can be certain that there will be a major backdrop in the standard of living in affected countries but at the same time still thankful that the World Bank has cushioned the landing.

Internal analysis

Medical facilities that are involved in the handling of patients and those in charge or research also find GIS technology quite relevant. There is so much that goes on in the medical facilities that people are not aware of but I think this is all for our good. However, given that this is a first time for us to deal with this disease, information such as its origin and all the conditions surrounding the disease, why the infection rate is higher in some regions than others is very vital. So on an internal basis, the medical institutions collect that data and share it to the concerned institutions for further development. On top of that, they also find conventional mapping to be very important and this reduces the response time when a case is found.

The world has come a long way and thanks to the ever-evolving technology, we are at an advantage even in the midst of this calamity. News surrounding Corona Virus reached every corner of the globe in less than an hour and education on its nature, how its spreads and how to protect one’s self is done on all media systems, including mainstream media and social media. This is however not the first time that GIS systems have been used, however, it is the first time that it has been used under the modern world. In the past, people used to wait for manual collection data and represent it on charts and maps, which took longer and the information ran a high risk of inaccuracy between updates. I can therefore not fail to acknowledge the major progress that has been made in this field by the day.

Read more on Covid-19 symptoms, causes and how to stop spread the virus

Essay on Corona Virus

Corona Virus

What is corona virus, what causes it, how can I protect myself and more importantly, what should I know about corona virus? These are familiar questions that are running through everyone minds all over the globe right from the most powerful man to the little boy in the village. However, there is only so much we can learn about corona virus given that it is a new phenomenon to us. So how safe are we and how long is this virus going to be around, is there a vaccine? However, despite the fact that I cannot give you all these answers I can walk you through all what is known about the corona virus. Hey! It doesn’t hurt to be informed.

What is Corona Virus?

corona virus essay sampleCOVID-19 is a virus that scientist know very little about in the human body since all that is known of this virus has only been encountered in animals. Corona virus was first encountered in human being in December 2019 in Wuhan China. The main challenge that it posed was the fact that the government did not know about this fast enough until bodies were found lying on the streets and this made it earn its epidemic label. Human beings have been known to have quite a strong immune system, though it has been severely tested over the eye and has mutated to become stronger but this is new even to the body and this makes it more strenuous and the body gives in quite fast. At first, the virus was known as ‘corona virus’ but eventually, thanks to the international scientific naming standard it was named ‘covid-19’. As a matter of fact, this is an abbreviation for ‘corona virus disease’ having COVID-19 stand for ‘CO’ ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease and 19 for the year in which it was found.

In other words, corona virus is what we would call a textbook/ novel illness as it has only been experienced/ explored theoretically and even then not to the extent to which it has manifested itself. Scientists on a global scale as in a race to not only find a cure but also a vaccine for this new epidemic that is causing ripples of panic around the globe as it makes surprise appearances in different parts of the world and claiming more lives. However, thanks to the enhanced communication systems in place today and the internet, people are now more informed on what preventive measure sot take and also getting to learn more about covid-19. However, on the downside, the internet is also causing havoc, as well as people, sharing rumors surrounding the virus, this has in one way or the other affected certain people and action has been taken on certain individuals.

A report by the CDC showed that as a matter of fact, Corona virus is not the first of its kind, however, covid-19 is unique. There are other forms of corona virus that have been found such as corona virus 229E, and patients are handled and treated quite differently when it comes to the both of them. This is due to its different symptoms and reactions and effect on the human body. So what are the symptoms associated with this disease?

Symptoms of Corona Virus

At first, bodies were found lying all over the streets randomly and not much was known about this, at least to the common citizens of Wuhan, but with time, as scientist continue digging up more into this, we have come to learn more about its symptoms.

Respiratory illness

According to all the victims of the corona virus, the common similarity between them all is that they were all faced with respiratory infections which cuts right through form the nose to the lung and general breathing.


There is not much to explain around coughing, but this has been known as one of the major mediums of transmission of the virus.

Shortness of breath

coronavirus symptomsThis is in relation to the above symptoms that affect the respiratory system and this tends to deprive the body of the ability to breathe normally and in severe cases is regarded as fatal.

However, these are not the final findings as this is all new to us as well, but it is based on the observation that has been made on the patients that have been admitted after testing positive for the virus. After infection, the symptoms may appear between 2-14 days and given that it has no cure yet, depending on the severity it ranges from mild symptoms, severe illness and even death.

Have you heard of zoonotic diseases? Well, let me shed some light on that in relation to covid-19. Zoonotic diseases according to Wikipedia are ‘ (plural zoonoses, or zoonotic diseases)

an infectious disease caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that spread from non-human animals (usually vertebrates) to humans. This means that it can be transmitted from animals to human beings. This could explain how it was first found in a market in china that traded in ‘uncommon’ animal meat such as that of bats. I dare think that that were it not for such poor lifestyle choices than maybe, just maybe this could have been avoided, which leads me to the next segment,

How To Prevent Spread of the Virus?

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Given that this is a respiratory disease, this means that air is one of the mediums that could be used in its transmission, which is why the government and all other related departments are highly discouraging large gatherings of people and even quarantining regions that have been exposed to the infection to prevent its spread. Make sure that you are not within a minimum radius of 6 feet from an infected person and do not stay for long around them and also avoid having physical contact with them as well.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

As shallow as this may, it could be a real lifesaver. Our hands come into contact with different surfaces over time and by this, I mean a whole range of surfaces from areas that have been exposed to the viruses and even to the basic of petting our animals. During this period, make as much effort to minimize contact of your hands with your eyes, nose and mouth.

Stay home when sick.

The only way to avoid spreading such an epidemic is being human enough to spare others from getting the virus by not working around circumstances that could facilitate its spread.

When coughing or sneezing use a tissue and dispose of it properly after use.

This helps avoid spraying the air with the virus that could be quite hazardous to those around you.

Wear a facemask

Desperate times call for desperate measures and this for sure is one of those desperate times. A facemask could be the reason as to why you will survive this epidemic. A face mask prevents you from breathing in contaminated air and at the same time prevents you (if infected) from further spreading it

Maintain proper hygiene

It is now time that the human race went back to the basics of proper hygiene to ensure their survival. Proper hygiene costs you nothing and the simple practices of washing your hands before and after going to the bathroom, before you eat and after sneezing and coughing and disinfecting your house have proven to be once again very crucial. This is not only for the case of corona virus but also for many more illnesses, you might escape the claws of corona but fall prey of another illness.

Cook meat and eggs properly.

As we have already established, corona virus has traced its origin form non –human animals, and given that most people take meat and eggs then the disease is prone to either spread or reproduce in animal meat and produce. As in the case in the meat market in China, it spread from the meet. The CDC is highly recommending that both business in the hospitality industry and people in the homes, ensure that they cook meat and eggs properly before consuming them. Prevention is always better than cure.

Are you infected with the virus? What do you do if you have been close to someone who has been infected?

  1. If you suspect that you have been exposed to the virus make sure that you seek for medical attention, HOWEVER, make sure that you alert your medical officer prior to your visit so that they can get ready and also avoid its spread in the hospital.
  2. Keep track of your symptoms

The only way to know that you are experiencing is right from the symptoms and in this case, you are to look out for respiratory symptoms. However, they could just be any other disease, but make sure that you don’t take it for granted and monitor the symptoms and seek medical help.

Avoid crowded spaces

The subway shared cabs and even buses should be used as your last option both for your safety and for those around you. Ensure that you stay home when you do not have anything of importance to do out there. This limits your possibility of coming into contact with the virus.

Transport in relation to covid-19

The world has turned into a global village and the thought of waking up in one continent and sleeping in the other is not an impossibility anymore, however, this is definitely not the time for that. Governments all around the world have imposed travel bans to china and even more restrictions on what comes to and from China. Leave alone the financial perspective of this and look at the emotional impact for those quarantined (trapped) there and this will tell you that this is only a real case scenario of desperate time calling for desperate measure. Wuhan China is as per now no one’s favorite destination place and they will also take some time to recover from that but this is all for the good of the human race.

Not only are people discouraged from travelling to china but also from using crowded travel facilities such as subways, trains and busses.


To this moment, there has not been any given treatment for corona virus and the best that we have come is simply giving medical care for the infected and relieving them of any discomfort associated with the virus.


This segment cannot be complete without talking about all the speculations around the corona virus outbreak both form reliable sources and rumors as well. There has been a major concern on whether people can test negative then positive for the virus. Well, the answer is yes. The argument behind this is that the virus could take a while before it is detected which is why suspected carriers of the virus are put under quarantine to fully ascertain whether they are infected or not.

On the other hand, like most viruses, one of the factors that propels or influences it is the change in weather patterns, so the science community is still looking at the possibility of looking at the role that weather plays in this. However, if they have success in this, then they will have made a major milestone in treating this.

Is this natural or artificial? Well for those who love a good conspiracy theory might be on to something as people tend to think that corona virus has ‘lab experiment’ written all over it, but honestly, there is no proof to this yet. However, just like any other theory, it will be tested on the scale of time to see if it holds. However other people have speculated that there is apa6tern of certain new epidemics happening after 100 years. True or false? I’ll leave that for you to decide.

However, as far as science is concerned those are the facts surrounding the corona virus otherwise known as covid-19. However, I still have my utmost faith in the human race that once again we hall rise above this and despite the fact we have lost a couple of good people, we can only hope for better days ahead. I do believe that every one of us has a role to play during this time and the very first duty is keeping yourself safe by maintaining hygienic, personal health, cooking meat and eggs properly and not forgetting seeking for medical help in case of any symptom.

Nursing Diagnosis Plan for Corona Virus

Are you a medical or nursing student and would like to order nursing care plan for covid-19 then talk to our nursing writers for assistance. As the world grips in panic due to the pandemic disease most nursing schools and medical researchers have turned to research to understand the mechanism of the virus and how to treat patients. We expect medical and nursing students to write numerous assignments on corona virus this article will go along way in tackling the assignments.


How To Write PICO question

How To Write PICO Question

buy evidence based papers in nursingAre you a nursing student looking for comprehensive guide on how to write PICO question? Academic papers mark quite a significant time and especially when they are your final papers they mark the threshold of your current academic pursuit, but before we jump into graduation day, let’s first figure out how to grab some A grades. Truth be told, nursing is not rated as one of the easiest studies in today’s curriculum but it is one of the most lucrative ones all over the globe. This is why you don’t need to take chances on anything at all, you have to perfect on your skill to be at the top of your game.

Else, you can seek DNP project writing help from best nurse writers online to craft for you appropriate and robust PICO questions? and if you are reading this, I can probably guess you are at a standstill with such a question or are looking to find out more on it. Then let’s not waste any more time and dive right into it, by the end of this you will be a pro-level writer in your PICO question.

PICO is a mnemonic that simply stands for Patient, Problem or Population, Intervention, Comparison or Control and Outcome. It is basically divided into these four parts and it is through this four-part division that we shall tackle the question. Without a question framework, evidence-based papers are quite hard to tackle ad truth be told, they have to be done at the end of the day which is why evidence-based practitioners use PICO to create the framework from which to work from. Basically, this is the backbone to your paper since it creates all the major basis that is needed for you to formulate an evidence-based paper.

For you to formulate a good evidence-based paper, you need to work with a thesis or with a hypothesis. Now, this right here is the source of your thesis question that you are looking forward to proving all through your paper. The thesis is basically the statement that guides you all across the paper and the statement that you are either looking to prove or discredit. An evidence based paper without this will seemingly be equal to driving with no destination. This can simply be called the map and compass through your whole paper as it tells you how to maneuver and how far you need to go. Let’s first break down PICO into its four interdependent sections so as to ascertain what we need to come down with for a stable thesis. Do not forget that the main intention of this whole process is to formulating well-built clinical questions that can be of benefit to not only the patients but also the clinicians as well. The questions here have to be both well-phrased in a way to ease the search for answers as well as relevant to the patient s problems. When all these boxes are checked, then you can know that you are on the right track

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How to write PICO question


In layman terms, population simply depicts people in a certain geographical region under the same conditions. However, this can be generalized or specialized to a certain group. Population can also be broken down to bring a portion of the total number under study in retrospect to the matter in question. However, in nursing I want you to think of age, gender, socio-economic status, occupation, medical records ethnicity and even more importantly what their problem is. These factors are usually all tied together in some way.

Over years of study, it has been seen that people with similar conditions tend to have something in common and this makes them be graded in the same population group sample. Basically what is covered under population will trickle all the way down from the generalizing to the individual patient. I tend to think of this stage of the question as the ‘who’ stage as you try to understand your patient as it comes a long way into treatment.


Intervention simply means where you come in through for the patient, this is where you interject between them and the disease. In this basically, where you get to ask yourself, what do you want to do with this patient? It may be a variety of various causes of action such as therapeutical measure, lifestyle change, medication, diagnostic test or even surgical intervention.


Tips to Choose Your Nursing Research Paper Topics

The PICO process is quite dependent on each individual entry and is placed to be sort of a cycle, at this stage; you will information form the population and intervention for the comparison. Basically, this is where you compare the intervention to another treatment, diagnostic test, placebo or even drug. This proves highly effective as it allows you the pleasure of being precise. You are able to eliminate possibilities and denies you the pleasure of being misled by misjudgment. However, on some occasions, you will realize that there is nothing to compare to and this should not be a problem whenever there is no comparison.


After getting to study the population/ patient then intervening and later comparing it what are you expecting to see? What are your expected findings? This is what the outcome is all about, I tend to think of it as the stage that gives results. The outcome process constitutes of rigorous study of statistical finding and this makes it highly effective and accurate. By the rigorous testing process of ALL statistical data provided you should be able to determine what risks are involved in this? And are there side effects and will you get the desired results you are looking forward to?

There are however two points of view in dissecting the outcome, you can take the patient-oriented point of view or you can take the disease-oriented point of view. They may all point out different results but are both accurate. Sometimes a combination of both results is brought out to give a conclusive report.

Time frame

Most people tend to undercut on the timeframe but in the more detailed structures of PICO(T), It is usually included. This is however not as essential as the rest of the four components. The time frame is basically aimed at data collection and at giving the time of outcome. In some instances, the time used can be very crucial to tell the extent of the disease and the progression as well. Some diseases tend to ‘graduate’ with time and have alleviated symptoms.

However, during this whole processes, there may be other question involved as well that have direct input to it as well. There is a background question and foreground questions kind of setup. The background question setting is aimed at getting to understand more of the disease and patient so as to know what you are dealing with and what to look for as well while the foreground questions are aimed at helping you in making clinical decisions. During the background question setup you can ask questions on the disease and also on things such as the disease process, how did it start? How did you feel? What symptoms were exhibited? And what did you do? How often did the symptoms recur we cannot afford to ignore the fact that some patients try home treatment which may or may not have a direct implication on the disease.

The foreground questions can then be broken down into four more parts as well.


Therapy, many people would perceive it as just a medical process that helps you get over something. It could possibly be physical, mental or emotional. However, in this case, these are questions of treatment that are placed in order to achieve some specific outcome. It may cover a wide range from surgical intervention, drugs, counseling, lifestyle change, diet change and many more in the same line. However, all these questions vary depending on the population and many more variables.


Diagnosis is basically the identification of a disorder in a patient who is exhibiting specific symptoms. The diagnosis is one of the first factors to be put in mind before anything else since it creates the basis of your research and it gives specifics which narrow down the list for you substantially. Symptoms of disease A may be closely related to disease B, but there are certain highlights that clearly tell you what you are dealing with. Diagnosis closes down the long list of possibilities to only a few specifics.


Getting to understand the progression of a disease is of high importance to any clinical officer. Getting to inquire on the possibility of the disease occurring or how far it has come could prove to be much more valuable than you could imagine. It draws the line between medication and treatment plans to be taken. This is what we call prognosis. It is characterized by asking specific questions to your patient in an attempt to point out certain specifics and gathering as much information as possible. Remember, all information related to the disease is valuable.


Etiology is basically questions of the negative impact that could have resulted from an external exposure or any other intervention of any sort. They help you identify your starting point as it can pinpoint what works for your patient that does not work for the rest. It can also help you out to know if you are supposed to pick up from a point previously left or start over the process by remedying previous interventions.


Prevention, just as time, is included in extensive study and this helps establish how you can prevent this from happening again or better how to curb its spreading. It is often pointed out that when placed on the PICO framework strategy, you have to explore all possibilities of the patients’ health condition, a preventive measure that can be taken, a preventive measure and the outcome expected from this. This can comprise of mortality rate, bed rest and productivity.

How To Write PICO Question Like Professional Nurses

Question Type Population patient Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome Measures
Therapy Patient’s disease or condition. Therapeutic measure. Medication, surgical intervention, or life style change. Standard care, placebo or another intervention. Mortality rate, pain, disability number of days off work.
Prevention General health condition and Patient’s risk factors. A preventive measure, medication or lifestyle change. Another preventative measure OR maybe not applicable. Mortality rate, disease incidence number of days off work.
Diagnosis Condition or Specific disease. Procedure or a diagnostic test. Current “reference standard” test for that disease or condition. Measures of the test utility, specificity sensitivity, odds ratio.
Prognosis Duration and severity of clinical problem. estimated usual time or expected time frame Usually not applicable. Mortality rates, Survival rates, rates of disease progression.
Etiology/harm Patient’s risk factors, general health condition, or current health disorders The intervention or exposure of interest.  Includes an indication of the strength of the risk factor and the duration of the exposure. Usually not applicable. Mortality rates, Survival rates, rates of disease progression.


With this background that covers all the basics on PICO papers right from breaking it down into its specific parts, doing your background and foreground evaluation and not forgetting to match them to the PICO strategy, then you are ready to formulate your question. Easy, right!!! Studying has never been this easy and given that you have access to tons of information, both extracted and raw access then you can never go wrong

For you to do a holistic and well crafted evidence-based practice project (EBP) for your DNP you will need to have a clear outline that will guide you all through. In this case, you will need to take care of even the nitty-gritty of your research which will require a thesis question which provides the framework of your whole paper. The PICO point of view is always the safest to go with and is highly recommended all around the world. However, it may need intensive research on it as well. An experts eye on the paper is always an added advantage, remember you can always have a qualified writer to ‘guide your pen’ through the PICO question and evidence practice based paper. As I always say, you have to get the best out of everything, and I believe this should not be any different.

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CIPS: How To Progress Procurement Career in Dubai

Reasons You Should Study CIPS: Advance Procurement Career in Dubai

cips assignment helpAre you based in UAE, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Qatar or Kuwait and you are looking to advance your career in procurement or supply chain management? Then studying CIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply) is a sure way to climb the corporate ladder.

The education system is quite vast and always growing daily, more information is coming to light, new methods are being developed and truth be told, you have to be not only up to date but also competent for you to be at the top of your game. With this in mind, you have to steer in the right direction and catch a wave right to the top. Procurement is not as many people think it is; many people will think of procurement as just making necessary arrangements for purchases but this goes a long way into the ever-competitive market and gets even more complicated in the face of scarcity. Which is why every company is looking for a top-notch procurement officer to hold their office, right? Dubai, being one of the world-leading commerce centers, it is only fair to say that they have set the bar quite high and for you to progress your procurement career here you have to study CIPS. This is why.

Increases competence.

Competence in this line of work is of high importance. Procurement involves a lot around it and it varies from field to field. Some will require the procurement officer to comb through the initial stages while some projects will need them to see it through to the end. At the top of every employer’s head is how to get quality at a very cheap or affordable cost. This means working on a budget. Having a procurement officer who has to source for extra funds in between a project fr unforeseen costs that are considered quite reckless leaves a lot to be desired. However, with the prior preparation of the market by professionals who have been in the market with the use of not only real-life examples but also current statistics, you can be sure to be well equipped for the market.

Being that you will not be the first one in the market from CIPS you can be sure you will be riding on a good name made by your predecessors; that should account for something, right? At this time and age, competence talks volume than a bunch of credentials.

Equips with leadership skills.

The educational value of CIPS cannot be described by a couple of paragraphs but it can for sure be translated into leadership skills that are instilled in all students. Holding an office as crucial as the procurement office not only gives you a good title to ride on but also responsibility and a team behind you. This means that your decisions reflect directly on your team and the company’s finances. CIPS helps grow an all-rounder kind of leader who is able to manage the combined efforts and act as both the checkpoint and glue to the team.

Morals in the corporate sector seem to have been washed away with time, with people wanting a cut of every transaction and trust levels going down every now and then, which leaves me thinking what has CIPS done to correct this? Given that procurement acts as a direct backdoor to fraud, they have instilled a solid moral compass to their students which has been verified by employees out there, making a CIPS student an easier candidate on any interview panel.

Project management.

As any good businessman will tell you, whenever a business opportunity presents itself, rise to the task and figure out how to do it later on, which is a principle that is quite dominant in the world today. However, being a procurement student of CIPS you will be taught to foresee the dangers that come with these. Managing a project starts way before the project even begins, t stats form doing background checks on all potential contractors and looking at their success stories to ascertain their worth. After all, I do believe that you have to get the best out of everything. And as a good manager will tell you, the success of any project, starts right from planning and sourcing stage, the other bit of seeing it through is just implementation of what was already laid out.

Financial management.

Scarcity is a word that many procurement officers are familiar with every now and then as they try sourcing for materials and hunting for quality. However, when you place the right value to any product you will be surprised at how plenty it was in the market. Bidding is on the top of the list of what they do on a daily basis. Studying CIPS will tell you that even though you can get some products easily for a high price, it is alternatively advisable to ‘play hard’ and get the same at a cheaper price. People out here are out to make money and the more money you save your company, for equal quality, it will translate to your financial accounts and allow you to budget for more at less cost.

“At the end of the day, you have to be good at what you do to stand a chance in surviving in the market. Being in this field for this long, I can tell you that some companies go down simply because of being short-sighted. Taking risks is the first step to any business and keeping in touch with trends will always keep you in the loop of being top of your game, I’m only grateful that CIPS had me ready in advance” said one of the top business executives in Abu Dhabi.

CIPS is offered in differed levels of study and it sets you apart from other candidates in the field and it gets you ready for the business market out there and allows you to not only manage businesses under other people but also run your own as well. Having a system that not only gives you theoretical training but also keeps you in the light on current systems and trends in the market and how to predict and go about them is the kind of system that I would vouch for everyone to enroll to. It would be a shame having to find this all out the hard way.

How To Pass CIPS Assignments

To attain certification in CIPS you are required to pass all the seven levels. It requires a lot of dedication and consistent studying. You require at least 350 hours of studying in each level. Therefore, you need tutors to assist you complete assignments and help you revisie. Our CIPS assignment help is designed to provide you with exceptional assignment solutions to make your professional learning comfortable and smooth. We are contracted by students in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and UK to assist them write quality CIPS assignments and projects for them. 


Tips to Choose Your Nursing Research Paper Topics

Tips to Choose Your Nursing Research Paper Topics

Research papers have always presented a headache to many students especially in the engineering and medical field. These two have been termed to be “complicated to deal with” until I realized that people have a wrong opinion on them. A study done proved that these two fields are found to be “hard” not because they don’t have content but due to their wide scope. This got me thinking of how you can narrow it all down and come up with a quality nursing research paper. Today I will be breaking down for you a couple of tips on how you can choose your nursing research topics and at the end of it all, you will do it like a pro. 

Generate potential topic ideas

Nursing research papers all come down to the ideas we have and how well we are able to put them down on paper. You have to be not only creative but also possess good delivery as well. These are actually very easy to find. You can use the following methods to find potential topic ideas.


There might be a certain field in medicine that has always interested you. Capitalize on that idea and you can easily turn it into a masterpiece. You can look at something that has always fascinated you and something that has always given you the drive to research on. You can be assured that as you tackle this project you will have ease doing it and you will not only be doing it for the grades but do for your own self. You will come to discover that you will have a personal touch to it and a different perspective to it.

Controversial issues

Controversies are unavoidable at any given time. This is due to our different ideas, and points of view. In this perspective, you might have learned something or come across something that made you think “ there might be another way of doing this or there might be a better way of doing this” By doing this you will not only be doing your paper but also making strides to some invention of sorts.

Topics that have been focused on lately

People love moving with the flow. At one point or another, there will be something in the community health nursing sector that is raising alarm. It will be a very good opportunity for you to make the best out of it and turn it into your research paper. Say people are talking about cholera, you will find out there is a lot that surrounds it from the infection all the way to the end. Such topics will be very easy for you to tackle since it will call for the attention of even renown professionals all around and they will give their point of view and you can count that as additional material for your paper. Here is a list of community health nursing research topics that you can explore

Your medical passion

Every career and aspect of our lives is affected by passion and it is highly contributed by it. It is at this point that you can use that to your advantage. If you look deep within yourself you will find out that you did not just join the medical field by chance but rather there was some drive. You can use that to your advantage and write something around that. Maybe you got into it to see how to handle a certain problem in your society, that is a potential topic.

Pick a topic in the curriculum

This is one of the easiest ways to do when you are looking for dissertation papers’ topic or research topic. You can just go to the curriculum and it will give you a wide scope to choose from and the good thing with it is that you can never go wrong as all that is contained in the curriculum is relevant. Material needed for your research will also be in abundance both in hard copy and virtually. Most of the topics covered here have come from years of study and research for a very long period. Here is a list of community health nursing research topics that 

Introduce a new concept.

If you a risk taker, then this is the kind of approach you should take. This is the kind of approach that you will either reap highly or poorly with a low possibility of average performance. You might have a great idea that you have always wanted to bring out but have found it hard. If you have all your facts in place then it is something that you cannot go wrong on. Introducing a new topic may not really mean that you reinvent the wheel but may be as a result of a combination of ideas. It’s never that serious.

Narrow your topics

By the end of this, you might realize that you have a couple of topic ideas that can potentially favor you. You might also find it hard to select between one or the other but at the end of the day, you have to take one. You can narrow them down and get down to one topic that you will run with to the end. This is how you can do it.

Consult with your lecturer

Given that these are the same people to evaluate you, you might want to hear their point of view on what topic to pick. They might have some insight that will come in pretty handy and they might have additional thoughts and give you references.

Evaluate the material you have at hand

The worst thing that can happen to you when undertaking nursing research is falling short of material. You should evaluate and see if you will have enough material to it.

Topic relevance

It is always good to do something that is relevant which means that you will be doing something that is worth your time.

These are some of the guidelines that you can use to generate and filter nursing research topics before you undertake your paper

Consult nursing paper tutors

Did you know you can pay a nursing paper tutor to assist you develop nursing research paper topics? Most dnp project writing services can be a goldmine for topics that you can use for yours nursing research. They can either avail them for free on their blogs or at a small fee. This will save you time and in most cases give you a topic that you can build in your DNP studies. 

You can find nursing paper tutors willing to provide you with free nursing research topic at Expert writing help.  Our professional nursing paper writing service assisting students write nursing research papers, care plans and SOAP notes at affordable rates.


McDonald’s SWOT Analysis

McDonald’s SWOT Analysis

So your professor wants you to perform a SWOT analysis for MacDonald’s.  And you’ve decided the best way to kick off the assignment is to browse around a little. Somehow you found yourself here. This post will conduct a McDonald’s SWOT analysis so you can replicate the process for your assignment. A SWOT analysis is a tool that helps savvy investors and competent executives make strategic business decisions. The process involved is pretty simple. However, it’s not always easy.


SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A  SWOT analysis methodically examines each of these 4 aspects to see if there are any insights hidden therein.

Generally, strengths are factors that enable an entity to seize any opportunities that are up for grabs. Threats, on the other hand, tend to conspire with weaknesses to further complicate things for a business. 

You’ll do well to keep this understanding in mind as we cruise through this MacDonald’s SWOT analysis.  In this process, we’ll spend sufficient time deliberating on each of the 4 aspects mentioned above. Weseek to understand how each aspect strengthens or weakens MacDonald’s.

We’ll discuss each component under a separate subheading so we can give it adequate attention. Another reason we’ll do that is to keep the analysis organized.  Before we embark on the journey, it’s critical toknow what MacDonald’s does.

MacDonald’s: A Brief History and What the Company Does

McDonald’s SWOT Analysis

As Napoleon Hill (1937) so aptly states in Think and Grow rich, adversity carries within itself the seeds of success. No person who follows Hill’s advice — knowingly or unknowingly— ever gives up. Maurice and RichardMacDonald (brothers) had failed in a movie business in New England. But they were not willing to quit. Instead, they relocated to California and founded their very first McDonald restaurant, which was merely a hamburger stand (1940).

Over the years, they labored hard. They also strategized hard. The year 1948 was a defining one in their entrepreneurial journey. In that year, the dynamic duo incorporated the Speedee Service System which featured the “soon to be famous” 15 cents apiece hamburgers. 

The success the brothers saw must have inspired them to introduce franchising into their overall business strategy. As a result, the business grew into 10 restaurants, nine of which were franchises. You can learn more about the company from its official website.

Ray Kroc Appears on the Scene

Before the money and fame, Ray Kroc sold milkshake mixing machines. That’s how he ran into the Macdonald brothers. Kroc possessedgreat salesmanship skills. It’s not hard to figure out why the brothers let him become agent for their franchising business. Kroc would later (1961) acquire the business from the brothers for $2.7 million. The deal’s value was a colossal sum those days.

To organize the business he’d bought, he established a company called McDonald’s System, Inc. The company’s name would later change to present day’s MacDonald’s Corp. Even though the company was founded in California, its headquarters are in West Loop, Chicago. Before 2018, the company’s headquarters sat in Oak Brook, Illinois.

The New Owner’s Vision

It turned out that Kroc had a really huge vision for his new business. Initially, he planned to plant 1,000 restaurants in the United States. But the business ended up expanding into international markets. Canada and Puerto Rico are some of very first new locations McDonald’s grew into in 1967.

Today, the well-known fast-food behemoth owns or controls restaurants in 120+ countries. According to Statista (2018), McDonald’s Corp ownedat least 37,855 restaurants as of 2018.

Currently, franchisees own 92.7 percent of the business, according to Forbes (Feb 4, 2019). Eventually, the company intends to have 95 percent of its business operated by franchisees.  Forbes also says that McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Restaurant Brands International are the three largestfast-food chains on the planet. Other sources show that McDonald’s is the biggest chain of fast-food restaurants (in terms of sales) worldwide.

Best Selling McDonald’s Products

They include McGriddles breakfast sandwich, premium salads, chicken nuggets, baked apple pie, and the Egg MucMuffin. Other delicacies include snack wraps, Happy Meals, and of course, the famous Big Mac.  But did you know McDonald’s is the largest distributor of toys? You mean McDonald’s sells more tots than toy titans Hasbro and Mattel? Yes, it sounds incredible, but it’s true. This marketing trick aims to win over kids to their side from an early age. The strategy works.  Actually, 40 percent of kids aged 2 – 11 regularly request their parents to take them to McDonald’s. That request happens as regularly as once a week. That’s pretty much building tomorrow’s loyal customer base today.

The company also passes out books and gadgets especially through so-called Happy Meals. This marketing trick is highly effective.

Now let’s proceed straight to the core business at hand: developing McDonald’s SWOT analysis.

What Makes McDonald’s Strong?

As stated above, McDonald is among the three biggest fast-food businesses globally. Obviously, being that big does give a business certain strengths. Perhaps it’s more accurate to state that McDonald’s leveraged various strengths to clinch its current market dominance.  And because the company is now performing well (judging from 2018’s numbers), it can only become more successful and stronger. As they say, success births success. Let’s look at a few factors that come together into McDonald’s strengths.

1. A Brand that Enjoys International Recognition

McDonald’s sits pretty among the world’s most recognizable brands.  Maybe the company isn’t as recognizable as Toyota or Coca-Cola.  But that’s probably because these companies are in pretty much every country in the world.

That said, many people in the world today can quickly recognize McDonald’s logo. The logo brings together two “Golden Arches,” forming a logo that resembles the letterM. The architecture of the first franchised restaurant (1952) featured two arches joined together into an M-like shape. Very few people in countries where McDonald’s operates wouldn’t immediately recognize the company’s logo.

Being well-known comes with various benefits. Customers tend to trust well-known companies over ones no one’s ever heard of. Brand recognition is a great asset when it comes to opening branches in foreign locations.

That’s why everyone in Kenya (ever heard of Kenya?) was talking about McDonald’s in early 2018. Newspapers had reported that the company was planning to set up shop in that country. And everyone there was talking about McDonald’s as if it were a brand they’d known all their lives.

2. Highly Efficient Systems

McDonald’s restaurants operate the same way the world over. A customer who orders a burger in Morocco or a coffee in Mauritiusgets the same seamless service. In other words, McDonald’s is one well-coordinated system — a system that works.

Many small little-known restaurants probably make better burgers than McDonald’s.  But they’ve not managed to design and implement a consistently effective service delivery system.

Also, a McDonald’s Big Macalways tastes like a McDonald’s Big Mac! Most people like consistency and predictability. And this giant chain of fast-food restaurants serves exactly that. It’s accurate to say Ray Kroc bought an efficient system rather than merely a chain of successful restaurants.

Thanks to its super-efficient systems, McDonald’s cranks out roughly 75 burgers every second. Here’s another astounding fact about the company’s efficiency.  The company serves about 810 customers every singlesecond!That’saccording to McDonald’s Every Second, a site that shows real-time numbers.

3. A Business Model that Works: Franchising

The company has been refranchising its restaurants for some time now. Refranchising allows the company to expand without needing to invest vast amounts of money. The business model enables MacDonald’s to keep operational costs low and manageable.

The chain intends to eventually place 95% of its business in the competent hands of franchisees. That model lets the company rake in tons of money in franchisefees. The franchisee typically pays $45,000 in fees. In addition, the person must have close to $1,000,000 in liquid capital before they can start operating. Franchising ropes in others to help run the empire. Meanwhile, the company retains 100% control of the systems that new owners use to manage their business.

4. A Huge, Diversified Income

McDonald’s sells the majority of its products in the United States. But the company has a presence in 120+ countries. What does that mean? It means that the company doesn’t have to worry too much about risk concentration in any one country. Excellent performance in a few countries offsets “lowerthan expected” performance in other locations. 

5. Annual Dividend Hikes — Happy Investors

McDonald’s has consistently made sure investors smile all the way to the bank since 1976. That was the first year the company paid out dividends. What’s different about these dividends is that they have been increasing over the last 20+ years. 

Over that period, dividends grew at a steady annual rate (average) of 17.3 percent. In fact, the company’s dividend yield surpassed that of the fast-food sub-industryin 27 percent (in 2017).

Generally, happy investors are an asset. They can help a business raise capital for growth without much struggle.

What are McDonald’s Weaknesses?

In this section of our McDonald’s SWOT analysis, we’ll focus on the factors that somehow weaken the company.

Well, there aren’t that many weaknesses to talk of. But there are at least two that the company grapples with. What makes these weaknesses big problems is that there’s nothing much the business can do about them.  Let’s now look at McDonald’s main weaknesses.

1. Overreliance on Low-skilled Workers

The vast majority of McDonald’s workers are semi-skilled. They’re mostly people who can’t for some reason find a better-paying job. Some are college students. You bet most workers have only a high school diploma.Actually, one doesn’t need to have any skills to work there. Quite naturally, flipping burgers has never been a job that pays well.

Consequently, these employees have trouble staying motivated. They see their job as a stepping stone to something bigger elsewhere.  In the end, a great number of McDonald’s workers leave.

That means the company is always looking for people to hire. And since most people who accept such jobs aren’t trained, they need training. And training employees is expensive.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing much McDonald’s can do about this sad state of affairs. The company just has to grin and bear it. 

2. Being Associated with Unhealthy Food

When people talk of unhealthy food in general, fast-food chains like McDonald’s come to mind. And that’s can’t be good thing.

No wonder the company is nowadays trying to include healthy items such as smoothies on the menu. But as things stand, consumers will likely continue associating the company with unhealthy food.

Sure, notions and ideas change. But it might be years before food lovers start associating McDonald’s with healthy delicacies.

What Opportunities Can McDonald’s Seize?

The company has weaknesses and threats to worry about, certainly. But it is best if the company doesn’t focus too much on them.

Luckily, there are several opportunities McDonald’s can grab and dramatically improve the bottom line. Let’s look at some of these opportunities.

1. Expansion into Underserved Markets

Africa is a continent that companies like McDonald’s may want to give a little more attention to in the future. That’s because Africa is home to more than 1.2 billion people as of 2019. In addition, experts estimate that fully 50 percent of global population growth will happen in Africa by 2050.

Well, African countries aren’t the most affluent in the world. And the majority of people there struggle financially. That said, McDonald’s sells cheap food — food many people in the continent can afford. Little wonder Subway and Kentucky Fried Chicken have positioned themselves to cash in on Africa’s appetite for tasty food.

Currently, the company operates in only four African countries namely Morocco, Egypt, Mauritius, and South Africa. These 4 countries combined boast under 400 McDonald’s restaurants. Compare that to the more than 500 restaurants the company has in the Philippines. Or to the 509 restaurants it operated in Spain as of 2018.

Why Africa?

Global Finance (2019) recently prepared a list of the world’s richest and poorest countries. The data the report presents is quite interesting. It measures each country’s GDP. But GDP isn’t a good measure of wealth of people living in a given country.

With that in mind, Global Finance used GDP numbers that were adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP). PPP-adjusted GDP numbers give a much clearer idea of people’s ability to buy goods and services.

Exciting Insights

Consider this: McDonald’s runs more restaurants in the Philippines than it does in the entire African continent. But the numbers reveal that’s not the way it should be.

The PPP-adjusted GDP for the Philippines is $9,494. That compares very closely to the GDP-PPP for Morocco which stands at $9,284.

It Gets More Interesting

The GDP-PPP for Gabonis higher than that of South Africa, Morocco, Mauritius, Egypt, or Philippines. Seriously, why aren’t there McDonald’s restaurants in Gabon?

Algeria, Botswana, Tunisia, Libya, Namibia, and Eswatini are other African countries with a higher GDP-PPP than that of the Philippines.

And of course, there’s Nigeria with a200+ million populationwhose median age hovers around 18 years. There was talk of McDonald’s plans to enter Nigeria in 2015. Unfortunately, those intentions became nothing in the end.

Evidently, there’s lots of untapped potential in Africa. McDonald can move in and get a piece of this pie.

2. Adding Healthier Food Items

Nobody wants food full of sugars and carbs anymore. People everywhere seem to have joined a rapidlyexpanding religion called health-consciousness.

But that’s a blessing in disguise.

McDonald’s can add as many healthy options as it wants to the current product offerings. And it’s already doing so. Smoothies, for instance, are now a constant in the company’s restaurants.

Healthier Options Fetch Better Prices

These days, the company’s restaurants are also serving a range of healthy food. One can now order fruit and maple oat meal. Or a fruit and yoghurt parfait. A customer can even order an “artisan” grilled chicken sandwich. The great thing is McDonald’s can charge premium prices for these healthy product offerings.

 In the end, it’s a good thing that people are quitting junk food. The only thing that can limit the items the company can add is its imagination and innovation.

3. Being Associated with the United States

McDonald’s is based in the United States. And that means a lot. For various reasons, many people across the world look at American goods somewhat differently. In the minds of many, the U.S. is still the greatest country on Earth. It’s a country that pursues excellence with diligence.

Many people want to be able to say their product is “made in the USA.”  Robert Von Goeben, co-founder of Green Toys in California, rightly says that “made in the USA” means “quality.”

As a result, there’s always going to be demand for US-made products. It doesn’t matter whether those products are Levis Strauss Jeans or the famous McDonald’s Big Macs. The perception can greatly help the company when it comes time to expand into Africa and other places. 

4. Low-interest Dollar-denominated Capital

There’s lots of affordable debt in the U.S. today. Given its performance numbers, McDonald’s can easily access cheap loans and other types of debt. Capital availability is a hugely critical factor when it comes to raising funds for venturing into new markets.

Combine availability of cheap dollar-denominated debt with the fact that the company makes enormous profits each year.  What do you get? You get a giant with lots of potential to grow into a behemoth.

What Threats is McDonald’s Looking at? 

Are there any factors McDonald’s needs to pay particular attention to? Yes, the company shouldn’t rest on its laurels.

It should innovate continually, churning out products that keep customers satisfied but still yearning for more. 

Let’s now discuss 4 main threats that the company potentially faces.

1. A Rapidly Multiplying “Tribe” of Health-conscious Consumers

We saw how McDonald’s can take advantage of changing tastes and preferences. We mentioned that the company can introduce new, healthier delicacies to cater to the needs of increasingly health-conscious consumers.   But the emerging trend should worry McDonald’s a bit.

The Famous 2004 Documentary

A 2004 documentary called “Super Size Me” did a massive amount of harm to the company. The documentary featured Morgan Spurlock. The person’s health continued to worsen over a one-month period during which he ate only McDonald’s food. After that, many started looking at fast-food in a whole new way.

Burgers can make people grow fat fast.But burgers are also what McDonald’s is best known for. In fact, the company sells the highest number of burgers in the fast-food market. That means sales from this item forms a critical part of the total revenue earned. 

For that reason, the business can’t abruptly abandon burgers and other kinds of similar food. It’s been selling burgers for more than 6 decades, remember.

Meanwhile, more and more people continue to join the health-conscious movement. And that puts the company in a tough spot. Certainly, more consumers adopting healthier habits is a positive thing. Butthat development remains a threat to the company’s earning potential.

2.  Competition in Local and International Markets

Competition is a hard fact of life in almost every business and industry under the Sun. If a business never worries about competition, it’s most probably a monopoly. McDonald’s operates in an environment that sees increasing competition from companies engaging in the same line of business.

In the U.S., McDonald’s direct competitors include Starbucks, Wendy’s, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, Subway, and Yum Brands, Inc.

Other companies whose product offerings overlap those of McDonald’s include CMG (Chipotle Mexican Grill), Panera Bread Company, and Taco Bell.

Let’s briefly analyze these competitors.


Starbucks happens to be one of MacDonald’s mightiest competitors. With more than 28,000 locationsin over 75 countries, Starbucks is no small player.

The world’s number #1 coffeehouse chain, Starbuck comes immediately after McDonald’s in terms of revenue.


Subway is another worthy competitor. In fact, Subway is the largest restaurantchain globally (in size). Compared to McDonald’s almost 38,000 restaurants, Subway operated more than 43,000 restaurants located in over 100 countries (as of 2017).

Subway has already hit the goal McDonald’s has been striving toward. With Subway, franchisees own and operate 100% of the company’s restaurants. But the company’s sales (Subway’s) have followed a downward trajectory since 2012.

Burger King

With 16,000 locations in more than 100 countries, Burger King is smaller than Subway, Starbucks, and McDonald’s.

However, it’s still a notable competitor. Restaurant Brands International, the owner of Popeyes and Tim Hortons, owns Burger King.


Boasting more than 2,400 locations, Chipotle mainly operates in the U.S, France, Germany, U.K., Canada, and the U.S. The company keeps calling customers’ attention to the quality of its food.

The company uses an effective marketing slogan that goes, “Food with Integrity.” It’s easy to see why the company manages to sell at a higher price point than McDonald’s.


Wendy’s owns about 6,500 restaurants located in the U.S. and 29 other countries.  Some of the company’s restaurants are franchised while others are not. In comparison with McDonald’s, Wendy’s is rather small, but it’s still an important competitor.

Yum Brands, Inc.

Yum is the commercial might behind KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell. The company rivals Subway in terms of number of locations. The business owns more than 45,000 restaurants spread out across almost 140 countries. And like Subway, nearly every restaurant (97%) is a franchise.

For the most part, these businesses are doing more or less what McDonald’s does. They sell similar products and run similar systems. Besides, they’re deep-pocketed, just like McDonald’s is. Clearly, the company must keep working hard if it desires to keep its competitors where they belong — behind it.

3. Changes in Commodities’ Prices Could Push Up Costs

McDonald’s uses commodities whose production it has little control over. With commodities such as potatoes, an unpredictable factor (e.g. drought) can lead to sudden price increases.

Unfortunately, the company isn’t always in a position to pass on the increased cost to its customers. Luckily, the company is a large client. Negotiating better deals will always be easier for McDonald’s than it is for small, unknown fast-food restaurants.

Do you think we left anything in this McDonald’s SWOT analysis? It’s possible we did. But you certainly can create a similar analysis for your SWOT analysis assignment, can’t you?

McDonald’s SWOT Analysis: Wrapping it all Up

McDonald’s is in the fast-food business. It’s a well-known brand. Most people easily recognize its famous “Golden Arches.” Also, the company is a global business that with an enormous diversified income. In addition, the company’s extremely efficient systems ensure that it keeps its customers happy and coming back.

But the business has two main weaknesses. First, it over relies on semiskilled labor which means employee turnover is a huge problem. Second, it’s hard for the business to run away from its being associated with unhealthy food.

There are some great opportunities McDonald’s can grab, too. Many consumers in foreign countries tend to believe that US-made products are always of superior quality.  Add that to the fact that quite a few countries especially in Africa have relatively high GDP-PPP. There’s potential for growth and expansion in many underserved locations. Also, it’s relatively easy for the company to access low-cost debt. In addition, consistently good dividend payouts have kept investors happy for years. The company can raise additional expansion capital without difficulty.

Finally, there’s need to appreciate the threats McDonald’s faces. The company battles stiff competition from rivals such as Starbucks, Subway, Yum Brands, Inc., Wendy’s, and Chipotle among others.  Aside from that, the company must deal with the fact that preferences are shifting toward healthier food. The business must look for ways to replace the revenue it gets from fast-food sales. Fortunately, McDonald’s is moving fast to incorporate healthy delicacies into its product offerings.

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LG Group Porter Five Forces Analysis

LG Group Porter Five Forces Analysis

What will I learn in this LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis? You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the various forces that call the shots in the industries LG operates in. We’ll use Michael Porter’s Five Forces analysis to dissect LG. You’ll get a glimpse into the company’s competitiveness and attractiveness (or lack of it). 

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Porters five forces analysis on Uber

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Let’s dive right in and look at LG a little more closely.

What Does LG Do?

LG group five forces analysis

Before we launch this LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis, let’s learn a bit of the company’s history. We’ll also briefly talk about LG’s business and products.

The LG story starts way back to 1947.That’s when the LG Corp set up shop as Lak Hui Chemical Industrial Corp in South Korea.Later on, Lak Hui entered the plastics industry. Afterward, the company expanded into the electronics space.LG Chem is the modern-day Lak Hui.

In 1958, the company founded GoldStar Co. Ltd which later became LG electronics.  Mr. Koo Bon-Moo, the company’s founder, changed GoldStar’s name to LG in 1995. The company uses a particularly catchy tagline— Life’s Good. It’s easy to think LG is abbreviation for Life’s Good.

4 Major Business Units

LG comprises four major business units namely:

  • Mobile Communications
  • Home Entertainment
  • Vehicle Components
  • Home Appliances & Air Solutions

The company offers a diversity of products including TV sets, digital cameras, washing machines and wearable devices. It also produces smartphones, storage devices, refrigerators, tablets, smart appliances, and computer monitor.

LG is best known for its LCD TVs. The company has remained the second-largest LCD TV manufacturer since 2008. LG sells way more than just consumer electronics. However, this LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis will focus on LG’s electronics business.

What’s Porter Five Forces Analysis?

Before we start performing our LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis, let’s first grasp Porter Five Forces analysis. In 1979, Michael Porter wrote an article that was chock-full of great insights. Unsurprisingly, the article got published in the Harvard Business Review.

Then, the article attracted truckloads of attention from the business world. Today— 40 years later — Porter’s work continues to reverberate throughout academia and business. His ideas are as relevant and valuable as they were when he first shared them with the world.

Porter’s Five Forces amount to a framework that helps businesses understand the competitive forces that define a given industry. Porter believed that it was these competitive forces that decided who got how much of an industry’s total value.

Application of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Today’s world is complex. And things aren’t getting any easier. New businesses are getting established at an unprecedented rate. For entrepreneurs, cutthroat competition has now become a fact of life.

A thorough Five Forces analysis helps investors assess a company’s attractiveness. It also enables them to gauge how emerging trends may affect competition in a particular industry.

Also, the analysis helps develop a clear understanding of which industries a business should consider entering. In addition, the analysis empowers decision-makers to devise better strategies for positioning a company for success.

Let’s now examine how each of Porter’s Five Forces work in LG. But before that, let’s quickly list down Porter’s Five Forces.

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of LG

  • Threat of Substitute Products
  • Bargaining power of suppliers
  • Bargaining power of buyers
  • Threat of new entrants
  • Competitive Rivalry

This LG Group Porter Five Forces Analysis will examine how each forceis working for or against LG. But before we embark on the analysis, let’s take a peek at the consumer electronics market.

How big is the market? How is it performing? Is it expanding? What does the future look like?

A Peek at the Consumer Electronics Market: Industry Analysis

At this point in this LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis, we need to focus on industry competition. How big is the consumer electronics market? How low or high are the barriers to entry?

According to Zion Market Research, the value of the global consumer electronics market was $1.172 trillion in 2017. It’s a vast market, evidently.

The consumer electronics market in 2018 grew by 6 percent to 138 billion Euros or about $123 billion. TV equipment sales dominated consumer electronics market (75%).

LG happens to be the second largest manufacturer of LCD TVs worldwide. Growth from Knowledge predicts that the market will expand 4 percent in 2019. Of the revenue expected, LG will grab about 45% going by past numbers.

The Industry is Expanding, but it’s Quite Competitive

The industry is growing, but the growth rate isn’t encouraging. Consumers nowadays seem eager to own fewer, sleeker devices. Actually, global smartphone sales have continued to slump since 2016.

One would think consumers should be willing to pay higher prices for the added value they keep demanding. But that’s not happening. Instead, consumers want and more and more value at lower and lower prices.

The consumer electronics space is doubtless a high competition arena. And with new companies entering the industry continually, competition can only worsen. 

Are you ready for LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis now?

Let’s roll.

LG Group Porter Five Forces Analysis: Threat of Substitutes

If a company’s competitors are stronger than it, suppliers often start wooing them (competitors) for business.

In a low-competition industry, companies wield much power. They can usually command higher prices for their products. And they can easily design deals that work in their favor.

In this section of the LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis, we’ll identify the company’s main competitors. We’ll also cast a glance at some of the products facing the threat of substation in the market.

Will Personal Computers Replace TV Sets?

People can use personal computers to watch their favorite programs instead of watching LG’s LCD TVs. Pretty much anyone with internet access can do that.

But how many people really watch TV via their laptop or desktop? Very few. Preferences may shift in the future. But as things stand, LG TVs are here to stay.

But Smartphones are a Huge Threat to Digital Cameras

How many people today hesitate to buy expensive digital cameras because they can use their smartphones? It’s lots of people all over the world.

Smartphones are increasingly substituting for digital cameras. The high-quality in-built cameras that most affordable smartphones feature are the culprit. Luckily, LG’s revenues don’t lean heavily on camera sales. But there’s clear threat right there.

Consumers continue to demand LG’s TVs, smartphones and other products. Demand may slow down the road, as it often does. But it’s unlikely LG’s main products will get eliminated completely by substitutes.

One may safely conclude that LG doesn’t face a high threat of substitutes. The company should probably carry on riding the smart devices wave for the foreseeable future.

What about Storage Devices?

LG manufactures storage hardware drives. But what are the threats here? Google Drive and Dropbox are inventions that should worry LG. These two are emerging as worthy substitutes for storage hardware drives.

However, it’s likely that storage devices will get pushed out of the market gradually. There’s no Google Drive or Dropbox revolution to talk of currently. LG probably has sufficient time to think up new products or services to counter the onslaught.

Threat of New Entrants: Low Barriers to Entry Compounded by Crowdfunding

What are the barriers to entry like into the consumer electronics market? Admittedly, a new business would require a huge capital outlay to establish itself in the business. But a little research reveals that the entry barriers are generally low.

It’s relatively easy for a little-known company to set up shop today, market hard, and shootto global recognition tomorrow.

The cost of components is plummeting. Manufacturing is becoming less expensive. Throw crowdfunding into the equation. And it’s easy to see why competition in the consumer electronics market stays stiff throughout.

It’s Tough for New Entrants to Wrestle LG, Though

In this LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis, it’s important to mention that LG enjoys certain advantages over new entrants.

First, its products are well-known all over the world, especially in South Korea, Europe, and North America. Generally, it’s easier to push a good popular product than a new one which has yet to prove itself.

Second, LG has established systems and processes and is familiar with the challenges facedin the electronics market. Besides, the company is deep-pocketed. It can hire the best engineers, technicians, and innovators on the planet. However, history is replete with accounts of underdogs who eventually overpowered monstrous opponents.

Third, owing to its size, LG can always leverage economies of scale and suppress its production costs. That can allow the company to push down prices, giving LG tremendous power.

Competitive Rivalry: LG Battles Many“Serious” Competitors

Best known for its top-notch electronics, LG battles legions of competitors. In our LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis, we found that LG contends with 19 major companies.

Some of LG’s worthiest competitors includeSamsung, Panasonic, Sony, Whirlpool, Philips, and Electrolux. There’s also Toshiba, Huawei, Dell, Apple, Vivo, Oppo, Xiaomi, Haier, Midea & Carrier Midea, and Canon. And don’t forget Lenovo, HP, and Sony Vaio.

Competitors Do the Same Business as LG, Reducing its Power

Most of these competitors are in the same business as LG. Some like Apple and Dell focus on PCs. Others like Sony and Samsung are huge players in the TV and smartphone markets. And Canon competes with LG in the cameras space.

These companies are well-known global brands. Some of them such as Apple, Sony, and Samsung sell products that enjoy widespread acceptance.

But it’s not just thehard-charging competitors that worry LG. Legions of small consumer electronics manufacturersare sprouting all over. These two factors are a threat to LG’s power. The only way LG can stay ahead of the pack is to hire the best innovators it can afford. But the fact that LG’s competitors sell similar products to it reduces LG’s power enormously.

LG Group Porter Five Forces Analysis: Power of Suppliers

No business ever wants to be at the mercy of large, power-wielding suppliers. It’s best when there are many suppliers of the same materials in the market.

If a supplier dominates the market, they can easily negotiate better prices with businesses such as LG. And if they supply a unique input, they can negotiate deals that can win them serious economic advantages.

So who supplies to LG?

LG works with bothdirect suppliers and indirect suppliers. Direct suppliers provide components and raw materials. In contrast, indirect suppliers provide mostly services including IT and advertisement. This LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis will focus on LG’s direct suppliers, though.

LG’s Direct Suppliers

LG workedwith more than 2,600 direct suppliers in 2015. And the company keeps attracting new partners.

The majority of these suppliers (about 75%) are based in Asia while the rest come from other regions. About 1,000 of all LG’s suppliers are in South Korea. LG purchases roughly 32 percent of the components it needs in South Korea.

Chinese suppliers provide about 25 percent of mechanical parts while Europe supplies approximately 7 percent of raw materials. The Americas ship in about 22 percent of electronic parts. The company obtains about 15 percent of semiconductors from Asia.

Thousands of Suppliers Continually Seek to Clinch LG’s Business

Thousands of eligible companies from around the world keep pestering LG for approval to become its suppliers. LG is a humongous buyer. It’s relatively easy for the company to swap to a new supplier in case of problems with an existing supplier.

Most suppliers would love to win this big account. While LG needs these suppliers, most of them need the company more.  And that does erode their power considerably. It’s not hard for LG to approach its suppliers and say, “Look, we can get a better deal elsewhere.”

How Much Power Do Buyers of LG’s Products Wield?

Consumers are a fascinating lot.

One time they’re demanding a product with certain amazing features. Another time they don’t want the product at all. They want something better. And at lower prices. That inescapable reality incessantly piles pressure on manufacturers such as LG.

LG isn’t a Monopoly, Unfortunately

LG can’t behave like Henry Ford once did. Henry Fordonce said, “You can have any color you want, as long as it is black.” Ford gave consumers what he thought they needed rather than what they’d have said they needed.

But that was many years ago in a country where most people relied on horses for transportation. A lot has changed since then. In the 21st century, holding such commercial beliefsis pretty much self-sabotage. There are many companies doing what LG does. And if LG won’t do a great job, consumers have numerous options.      

LG’s Smartphones and TV Sets

LG sells lots of high-end TV sets and smartphones. Frankly, though, LG’s smartphones aren’t the most popular on the planet. But as mentioned elsewhere in this LG Group Porter Five Forces, LCD TVs are seeing high and growing demand.

About 50% of the TV setsLG sells are high-end and their display screen is at least 50 inches wide. It does seem like high-income and middle-income consumers want bigger, better things. But will that preference last? Only consumers can decide that. They have enormous power. And they’ll continue to wield it over LG.

LG Group Porter Five Forces Analysis: Final Thoughts

This LG Group Porter Five Forces analysis concludes that LG is an attractive investment in many ways.

Lots of large suppliers from across the world would love to have LG as their client. And that gives LG serious advantages.

New entrants have a chance in this business. But LG can leverage its systems, processes, people, and brand recognition to protect itself against competition.

Competitive rivalry in the consumer electronics space is alive and well. LG battles a bunch of huge competitors including Samsung, Sony, Philips, Apple, and many others. Also, there’s a lot of competition in the industry. And growth numbers don’t look that rosy. Fortunately, LG controls a sizable portion of the smart TV market.

But consumers of electronic goods wield considerable power over LG. If the company won’t satisfy their ever-changing needs, they’ll look elsewhere. Given LG’s ability to continually innovate, LG is likely to remain a dominant player in the market.

Are you looking for expert writers to write Porters Five Forces Analysis on Coca Cola, McDonald or any other corporation. Talk to our professional SWOT analysis assignment writers today for assistance.

How to Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

How to Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

how to write quality DNP capstone projectA DNP capstone project aims to involve doctor of nursing practice students in real-world nursing care issues. The project provides you with an exciting opportunity to demonstrate your in-depth knowledge and skills in addressing these problems. It also offers you a chance to showcase your mastery of the nursing specialty you are studying. Most likely, this project is going to be one of the most critical ones you will ever handle. You want to start planning as soon as you join your DNP program and stay the course until you finish it. Searching online to learn how to write quality DNP capstone project? You are at the right place.

America Needs More Nurses with Doctoral Degrees

One report revealed that only one percent of nurses in the United States have a doctoral degree. What does that mean? Choosing to earn such a degree dramatically increases your chances for career advancement. The report recommends that the number of nurses with a doctoral degree should be double the current number by the year 2020.  What are your plans? Will you be part of those professionals who’ll decide to get more education? A better future starts today, and it begins with preparation.

What Can You Do with a DNP?

With a doctoral degree in nursing, you can become a nurse researcher, a nurse educator, or a nurse anesthetist. Most importantly, DNPs can become independent practitioners. That means they can increase their earnings tremendously. A nurse researcher can earn up to 100,000 dollars per year while nurse anesthetists can make even more. Nurse educators may not receive as much as nurse researchers or anesthetists, but they are not getting peanuts either. What’s more, salaries for nursing professionals might continue to rise across the board. Are you a BSN? Maybe it is time you started studying toward a DNP or Ph.D. You want to become a highly sought-after professional, don’t you?

Critical Steps: How To Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

Before you start developing your DNP capstone project, you are supposed to submit a proposal first. All the members of your chosen capstone committee need to approve it formally before you can proceed. It is a short article that describes how you will execute your DNP capstone project. At this point, you are an accomplished nursing paper writer. Naturally, you know how to distill complex information into conciseness that compels. So, take your time and write a proposal the committee will approve. Your proposal needs to be of high-quality and have clinical relevance.

Write your title page

Typically, your capstone project needs to adhere to the editorial standards of the American Psychological Association style. At this level of learning, you have mastered APA and the rest of the styles. Your title page carries the title of your capstone project and your name. Additionally, it should provide for the members of the committee to acknowledge by signature their approval.


Acknowledgments help you to thank every person or institution that has offered assistance and guidance along the way. At this level of study, you have learned the importance of cooperating with others. The best and most valuable projects the world has ever benefited from are rarely the result of one person’s efforts.


Write your table of contents page. A table of contents page helps you and others to get to pages or sections of interest quickly. That saves time. You also want to include a list of tables. Additionally, there needs to be a list of figures. Using tables and figures help you when you need to present data visually.

Executive summary

Your executive summary needs to inform the reader what your paper is all about. Typically, an executive summary includes more details than an abstract. Your executive summary needs to have a brief and clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It is your compressed capstone project, after all. The overview covers all the main points presented in your paper. Some students choose to write the executive summary after they have completed the project. That somehow makes it easier.

Ensure your summary is not a mere restatement of your main points. Add sentences where necessary and use transitions to make it interesting and unique. Be sure to do the in-text citations in accord with APA editorial conventions. Here, you aim to be brief, clear, and compelling.  A well-written summary is captivating; it also has flow.

Problem statement

  • The problem statement section includes the following:
  • Introduction
  • Problem statement
  • PICOT questions
  • A conceptual or theoretical framework
  • The purpose and objectives of your capstone project

Writing this chapter involves presenting documentation of the existence of the problem, its scope and the clinical questions. Additionally, you should present the effects of the issue on the healthcare system and individuals. Also, include definition of terms. The problem statement chapter must describe the conceptual framework upon which you will clarify the issue and its resolution. Conceptual framework guides you as you develop the thesis of your DNP capstone project.

PICOT provides a framework to help DNPs formulate clinical questions and guide on how to get answers through research. This framework is known as Patient/population/people, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Timeframe or simply PICOT. Development of literature review is dependent on this framework, making it a crucial part of a DNP project writing guideline.

Literature review

In this chapter, you must review relevant literature related to the problem. Your review covers the issue’s historical development as well as any interventions or attempts to resolve the problem. Describe the level of evidence relied on. When searching for evidence-based information, select the highest possible level of evidence you can find. Aim to find systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or critically-appraised articles. Such sources provide “filtered” information. Unsurprisingly, the academic world views such evidence as being more reliable. Your conceptual framework helps you to organize your literature review.

Description of resolution plan

Here, you are supposed to provide a detailed description of your plan for resolving the issue. You must identify the method and process you will use to collect data and develop your DNP capstone project. Give details of the population targeted by your study. Additionally, describe the instruments needed for data collection. Elaborate on the interventions used in your plan. Include in the appendix documentation related to these interventions.

Outcomes section

Capstone projects usually aim to create real products that help communities and organizations resolve real problems. In other words, a capstone project aims to deliver ‘tangible” products or solutions that address specific issues. A teaching plan, community intervention plan, or media presentation are all examples of outcomes your project might produce.

In the outcome chapter, you should provide a detailed description of the outcomes from your plan for problem resolution. Include information on actual or potential impacts of the outcomes on individuals or healthcare delivery agency. Present outcome data. If you developed a product, you are supposed to describe it at this point. You may also include the outcome in your paper’s appendix.

Conclusions and recommendations

Prepare a summary of your DNP capstone project and its outcomes.  Describe every conclusion evident from the results and process of your study. You must find creative ways to tie your discussion to the literature review. Additionally, present any recommendations that can help address the problem in the future. You can include suggestions to improve how the issue can get resolved. As you provide your recommendations, you must use evidence to support your views. An evidence-based approach always gets the attention of your audience, including the capstone committee.


Your paper must, of course, include a bibliography. Here is where you present in full every reference you relied on while developing your project. As you prepare this page, ensure you are adhering to APA’s editorial standards. Essentially, every in-text citation on your paper needs to appear in full on the bibliography page. If need be, review the APA referencing style manual. You can find reliable information on websites like A well-researched and structured paper earns you top marks. But incorrect application of APA rules when formatting your document detracts from its effectiveness. You never want the committee forming the wrong conclusions about your research abilities.


It is not a must to include this section. However, there are situations where you need to have one. An appendix functions as a repository for material that improve the clarity of your research. The content shown in the appendix does not belong with the material presented in the main document. In this section, you can include:

  • Copies of copyright permission such as letters documenting such approval
  • Questionnaires
  • Tables and figures not shown in the main text

Be sure to label the figures and tables in accord with the preferred editorial style — APA in this case. Where you have more than one appendix, label them in alphabetic order. You can have Appendix A and Appendix B, for example.

All Nursing Writing is Formal Writing

You should prepare your work in perfect, formal English. No contractions or figurative language. No use of words better known for the emotions they inspire than the information they convey. Instead of writing “The researcher felt..”, say “The researchers observed….”Likewise, avoid writing “James believed….” Say “James asserted..” You are reporting findings and evidence, not feelings and emotions. All nursing writing is formal writing. Formal writing differs sharply from other types of writing.

Objectivity not subjectivity

The general rule is to build your work on a solid foundation of objectivity and evidence. Using evidence rarely necessitates the use of emotion-generating words. Having an extensive vocabulary helps. It enables you to choose the words that present your information or idea most accurately. That does not mean formal writing excludes creativity, though. Your creativity helps you when choosing transition words to connect your thoughts.

Perfect work

The DNP capstone committee expects perfect work from you. They hope your project brings new ideas and insights into clinical practice and nursing care. You want a paper you can present confidently at a professional conference or submit for publication. Such work is rarely the result of luck. Perfection demands early planning, intelligent consultation as well as excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. Additionally, you need to have top-notch research and academic writing skills. In case you lack the requisite knowledge on how to write quality DNP capstone project feel free to engage the best DNP project writers for assistance.

How to Write Quality DNP Capstone Project

Editing and proofreading DNP capstone project

These are critical to your DNP capstone project’s success. You never want to present to the capstone committee a document full of annoying mistakes. You should allocate enough of your time for this exercise. DNP editing and proofreading offer you an opportunity to review your report at the word, line, and paragraph level. The result should be a paper you can present confidently at a professional conference or submit for publication.

Focused editing involves much rewriting and writing

DNP capstone project writersWrite and rewrite your work to increase its clarity and readability. Remove every word, sentence, or paragraph that does not improve in some way your paper’s effectiveness. Aim to say in one word what you would say in three or five during conversations with friends. If you can remove a sentence or even a paragraph without making the paper less impactful, eliminate them.

Every word needs to earn its right to be part of your paper. Your goal is to inform and persuade rather than entertain. So allow a few days between completion of your writing and editing and proofreading. That provides you with an opportunity to review your work with a fresh pair of eyes. It is almost as though another person was reviewing the paper. You will be surprised at how easily you can spot mistakes when you let your paper to percolate for some time.

Keep the DNP Project Chair in the Loop

You need to relate professionally with everyone involved in your project throughout the project execution period. Avoid taking decisions that reflect on your school without informing the committee chair. Such decisions may include submitting for publishing material that discusses the project or its findings. Another situation would be submitting material that forms an integral part of your project to the public domain. Every step of the way, communicate effectively with everyone involved.

You now know how to write quality DNP capstone project. Effective planning, hard studying, excellent research and writing skills, professionalism, and focused editing and proofreading. These are the components that lead to work that shines.

Sample Essay: US Economic Shutdown In 2019

Why You Support U.S Economic Shutdown Over Border Wall Stalemate.

economic shutdownEarly 2019 saw partial economic shutdown in the United States as a showdown loomed over President Trump insistence of funding bill include his Mexico border wall budget. The United States of America is one of the world’s superpowers and economic strongholds. Mexico has for some time now attached itself to America, despite the fact that they are only neighbors and not one. However, tables seem to be turning with the election of Donald Trump as the President of America. Mexico has been known for its shady ways of operation with all the smuggling, drugs, gangs and don’t forget that they have a large number of them living in America as illegal immigrants. This spills right into the states under the noses of the government. However if only Mexico would be denied free access to the states then maybe, just maybe the cartels spreading their tentacles to America would be crippled.

Every now and then we must have all stumbled on an epic movie, say the great wall or some other 200BC movie. They all have one thing in common that they all have a wall that around their cities for security. However, incorporating this idea in this generation is quite unthinkable and quite expensive to start it all at scratch. Such plans made in a short time will definitely have an impact on the economy. I do tend to think that right now, all eyes are fixed on Donald Trump to see how everything rolls out. The wall is not yet rolled halfway at least and it already has an impact on the economy. There has been an economic shutdown (something that was quite unthinkable by the rest of the world, However, I will be breaking it down to the simple basics.

Budget projections

Every government is run on a budget and every successful economy is built on solid numbers which are quite elastic giving an allowance of an addition or a deficit of some funds to spare. However, I tend to think that the Mexican wall was not thought out clearly. There was a projection that it would only cost between 8 to 12 billion. However, this figure is in-comprehensive of fluctuation. However putting everything in place, uncertainties included and the new steel material that will be used, the figure rises to a practically an estimate of 18-25$ billion, however, this figure is variable of who is doing the projections but this is the minimum figure in play. This will definitely be a blow to the economy. I tend to think that such a project carrying such a huge amount of time and resources should be done on something that will generate income back. A prototype of the wall was actually created, going down with it 20 million dollars. The prototype was to get the picture of what is to be built and an idea of what to expect. It is also a good platform to put in recommendations and adjustments to the plan such that when the project commences, it will have very few setbacks and almost zero adjustments

Specifications of the wall.

The projected wall is supposed to be quite a fortress and it has attracted the attention of all specialists in the industry and its specifications are quite impressive.  Apparently, the Mexican border wall was in trumps campaigning agenda but in a way, people never thought of it as serious as it now appears to be. However, this wall is specified to Donald trump’s specifications. Let me try painting a picture of this wall in your mind. Once in a campaign rally, he said that he intends the wall to be a see-through wall arguing that “if you can’t have the vision, you don’t know what’s on the other side”. The wall is intended to cover about 2000 miles Homeland security took the liberty to check out the prototype and give some input to make the wall as effective as possible and perform on the primary function of denying access to passage of drugs, illegal immigrants and this means no one will be able to climb through the wall. The wall will be 18-30 feet and will be able to withstand any tunnel going couple of 6 or more feet deep. This eliminates the possibility of “Mexican moles” coming through underground. The wall will incorporate multiple materials to build as part of it will involve concrete, steel and some transparent material that we haven’t been let in on yet. The wall might be shorter than the actual distance of the border having in mind that there are natural walls all around such as rivers, mountains that will not need any additional wall. However such areas will have backup barriers and patrols just around them.

Wall funding

The border wall will definitely cost lots of money and the taxpayers will feel the pinch of that at the end of the day. However, Donald Trump says that actually, Mexico will be paying for the wall. The thought of that sounds crazy but come to think of it, he is the president, the guy in the high seat. This comes days after a couple of offers were given to counteract his offer and there was a bargaining chip on Mexico to help in the funding, but let the Mexican immigrants in the states remain. I tend to think that of all the determined people I know, Donald Trump definitely comes on top. Since back in the day while campaigning, he presented his dreams, goals and agendas and true to the word he is running with it. Nothing is coming between him and his wall. He is determined that wherever the funding comes from either from Mexico or his government it has to be done. The issue on Mexico funding the wall has been adamantly refuted by both the former president of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto and the current president, Andres Manuel, however, word is that if they don’t agree to it then the U.S will be cutting off some of its vital income generating trades and this will dent the Mexican economy. I tend to think however that being world leaders who have the whole world’s eyes on them they should talk things out and come to a fair agreement.

Economic shutdown

”We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!” is a statement from one of the many tweets from the president himself. However, I tend to think that there is a bigger picture that he is ignoring of the corporate community at large. For once now the American feels the real impact of the power that is vested into the president, the kind of power that can send people home and bring an economic shutdown to a whole economy. About 25 percent of the federal government has been shut down since Saturday, with roughly 800,000 workers affected, including an estimated 350,000 who are on furlough at home. This number will definitely have an impact on the GDP of the country and maybe, just maybe leave a mark on their international relationships. $11 billion dollars have been lost through the five weeks partial government that has been there.

Purpose of the wall

The Mexican wall is projected to able an added security feature in favor of the United States. For long, the Mexican streets have been run by gangs and they have quite a reputation for the drug trades and this spills right into America. As the saying goes, you cannot get a different result by doing the same thing, you have to do something different to get different results. This is the kind of concept that is at work on the wall project. If adding security personnel still leaves a pothole then what about building a concrete, see-through wall to keep the trade fully out. The thing is that with the completion of the wall, the whole world will be fixated as seeing how effective the wall is and that will keep Donald Trump’s wall on the weighing scale and trust me it will not only the top talk on twitter but also on the top search subject. The wall will serve a primary function of cutting drug trade and routes to the states but also the secondary function of after eliminating the issue of “importing” drugs will now deal with the domestic drug circle.

Pros and Cons of the wall

Come to think of it, the wall is not as bad as it sounds really it has also a good side to it. As much as there has been a shutdown the wall will create a good employment platform as a lot of labor will be required. They will be sourcing of not only skilled labor but also semi-skilled and unskilled guys work on the project. A couple of projections have been done and the signs show that as soon as the finances come through, the wall will commence and it should be completed in the shortest time possible. However, on the other side, there will be a strain in the relationship between Mexico and the United States of America and Mexico would suffer a bigger fate than that. Trades from the states to Mexico will also be affected and I project that the rates will go higher and the process quite longer, thanks to all the security measures and bottleneck requirements. The economic shutdown has already come once and not everyone knows that Trump will still build that wall at the expense of the economy of the nation and not sparing his reputation if need be. At this point the Congress and the Republicans in the “house “ will bend to his will as they try to see the bigger picture of stabilizing the country’s economy, after all, they still got on board after losing 0.2% on their GDP. I also tend to think that the government should be in full support of Trumps plans all the way through, having in mind that he laid all his card on the table for them and they voted him in knowing very well that he is was ready to run with his agenda. This will definitely go down to the legacy of Donald Trump but the more this story is disputed may also add an economic fallback to his legacy. Despite the fact that this may be far-fetched, this wall will definitely go down in history and be a tourist attraction later in the days.

The bigger picture

Let’s look at the bigger picture of the whole economic shutdown in the country. Despite the fact that there has been a partial 35-day old economic shutdown in the county and a strain on the economy, there is also something that will come from this whole situation. Donald Trump has set up his priorities to bring the military on board and get them a good deal out of this whole situation. The world went into mixed reactions after Donald Trump withdrew American soldiers from Syria and they thought that this has some political backing to it or some hidden agenda but they are simply coming back home and give a helping hand. He said that the American army hasn’t gotten such funding dedicated to them in a very long time and he has a huge pool to funds dedicated to them. There also is a good bit to this, right? The county will also get rid of the issue of drugs and substance and this will set the young people to purpose and this actually gets the house business in order. As much as the everyone is entitled to their own opinion I tend to think that the fact that they choose to get this government working for them, with all their agenda they are obliged to work with them and move with the flow. The economic shutdown has been enlightenment on the American people on what system they operate on and how much some decisions will flow down to the neighborhood and the household.

Assignment Topics on Economic Shutdown & US-Mexico Border Impasse

Intense debate has emerged on the impact of economic shutdown on the US economy. At we expect students to be assigned essays and research papers that will discuss the following topics:

  1. The impact of economic shutdown on the U.S economy
  2. Economic benefits of the US-Mexico border wall
  3. Your position on economic shutdown

These are some of the assignment topics that you will likely encounter. Feel free to buy economics essays from our economics essay writing service online.


How To Choose Statistical Tests

How To Choose Statistical Tests To Use in your Dissertation or Capstone Project

Are you a nursing student worried how you will analyze data for your DNP capstone project or dissertation paper? We would like to present to you a comprehensive tutorial on how to choose statistical tests for your dissertation project. In case you get stuck feel free to consult our SPSS data analysis help service

Most people can handle descriptive statistics without issues. But when it comes to inferential statistics, few people exude total confidence. But with the right statistical tests , inferential statistics does get a little easier. This post explains how to choose statistical tests that deliver high-quality findings.

Statistical analysis and testing are somewhat complex but very useful processes. They help researchers and analysts convert tons of raw data into useful information. If you don’t have a grasp of these procedures, you likely won’t see great results.

Before you dive into how to choose statistical tests for your study, study the distribution of your data. You also should spend some time extracting descriptive statistics from the data. In other words, you should calculate the mode, median, and mean. Doing that does make drawing inferences from your data somewhat easier.

What Factors Determine Which Tests You Should Select?

There are a plethora of statistical tests out there. Unsurprisingly, choosing the most fitting statistical test (s) for your research is a daunting task.

Three factors determine the kind of statistical test(s) you should select. These are the nature and distribution of your data, the research design, and the number and type of variables.

Here’s a little general advice on picking statistical tests. If your data is “normally distributed,” it’s best to use parametric tests. But if your data isn’t normally distributed (“non-normal” data), you should go with non-parametric tests.

9 Common Statistical Tests and How to Pick the Right One

Before you pick any particular statistical test, ask yourself: what do I want to do with my data? What do I want to know? After that, pick the statistical test that’s designed specifically to support the execution of that action.

Here’s a list of common statistical tests and what they’re best for so you can pick the best bet for your analysis.

Sign tests

Use the sign statistical test to study the difference between two related variables. This statistical test pays little attention to the magnitude of change in the difference (if any). However, the test factors in the direction of the difference between the variables in question.

Wilcoxon rank sum test

The test focuses on the difference between two variables that are independent of each other. It takes into consideration both the direction and magnitude of the difference between the variables.

Wilcoxon sign rank test

The Wilcoxon sign rank test is used to test the difference between two related variables.


This statistical test helps data analysts to test the difference between group means. Note: You shouldn’t run ANOVA before you’ve accounted for all variances in the outcome variable.

Paired T-test

The Paired T-test helps analyze the difference between the means of two related variables.

Independent T-test

The Independent T-test is the exact opposite of the Paired T-test. This test deepens the analyst’s understanding of the difference between the means of two independent variables.

Pearson correlation test

The Pearson test is a correlational statistical test. It enables you to accurately determine if any statistical association exists between two continuous variables.

Spearman correlation Test

The test is similar to the Pearson correlation test in that it’s a correlational statistical test. The test helps you to describe the association existing between two ordinal variables.

Chi-Square test

The Chi-Square test measures the strength of the association that exists between two categorical variables.

Multiple regression test

The test tracks how change in multiple predictor variables (2 or more) predicts change in the outcome variable.

Single regression test

The test tracks how change in one variable (predictor variable) predicts change in another variable (outcome variable).

You now know what each of 11 common statistical tests measure. At this point, picking the right test for your study should be pretty easy.

Statistical Tests For Inferential Analysis

You’ve learned what various statistical tests do. Which means you can easily know how to choose statistical tests that are suitable for your research. But you probably haven’t mastered any of the tests, have you? Obviously, you can’t leverage the power of any of the statistical tests if you don’t know how they work. Also, you should learn how to use statistical analysis software packages such as SPSS and MATLAB work. That’s because statistical tests and statistical software work hand in hand.

Infographic on how to choose statistical tests

how to choose statistical tests


Video on how to choose statistical tests
