Sample Political Essay on Battle for the US Presidential Seat

Clinton Vs Trump: A Heated Battle for the US Presidential Seat

Americans always vote freely upon the sacred right of their citizenship. This is their constitutional duty which they undertake with uttermost patriotism. There are some Americans out there who wish that somehow president Obama could be elected for a third time. I am one of these people and I believe that if we could vote today with Obama, vs. Hillary and trump then Obama will win the elections hands down.

Obama in his two terms as the president of United States of America has accomplished and done a life’s worth of work. In the years that he has been president, he has:

  • Passed the affordable Obama Care Act in 2010 which covered over 32 million Americans who were uninsured giving them a new beginning and hope for the future without any fears on health issues.
  • He was also able to successfully end the war in Iraq which has been a headache and loss of revenue to the US voters. At the same time he also began the draw down of the war in Afghanistan.
  • In his term he will be remembered for the elimination of the world renowned terrorist Osama bin laden.
  • He also reversed bush torture policies which violated the most basic human rights
  • He made it appoint to increase support for the war veterans to help them fit into the community as they had given their all to their country.

These are just some of his achievements and the list can go on and on and on.With these achievements,it is not strange that Americanization just know what patriotism is, dare to dream of giving Obama a third term in the office. A third term for Obama in the office will ensure that he accomplishes more great things. It will also mean that he gets to finish projects like the cancer research going on.

When we compare their social media life, Obama beats trump on Facebook likes, and also on twitter just to mention a few. This demonstrates on Obama’s popularity and if I dare say percentage of people ready to vote for him without hesitation as he has proven himself to be efficient and effective in his work as he has been in office for two terms.

Obama the sitting US president created one of the best media targeting programs. He reached out to more people than Romney, Clinton, or even trump. Obama successfully reached the local people using the tennis channel, HaTV or ESPN classic. This cheap cable programs reached the smaller states like Alaska and would definitely in moving the masses.

Financially speaking, Mr. Obama managed to raise over $739,000,000 and Mr. Trump only managed to raise $445,000,000 for the American campaign. This just shows how Obama is a more organized campaigner with a lot of support from the American people.

A large group of college graduates don’t like Trump, they prefer Obama as the first option and Clinton comes in second with Trump as the last option if all of them were to stand as candidates in the upcoming elections. President Obama is one of the most recognized people not only in America but in the whole continent and this gives him an added advantage and a guaranteed win If he were allowed to contest for the presidency seat a third time. This is in contrast to Mr.Trump who has majority support in the mid-western states in America while Clinton has her supporters in lowa state which largely supported the Clintons in 2008 and 2012.

Donald Trump will surely be beaten by Obama due to Trumps racist comments and lies, lack of experience, poorly stated economic issues and also issues affecting individual rights where he is accused of sexually harassing females.

A majority of nonwhite residents will favor Barrack to Trump or Clinton. The black community and Mexicans could end up being a major difference per say in the ballot box.

A vote for the incumbent Mr. Obama would be a walk in the park because as the US president, he has all the battle ground states in his back pocket. This includes Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida and Nevada. It will only be right for the American people to give president Barack Obama a third time in office as he has proven over and over how he has the best interest of the people of America at heart.

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How to Code and Enter Data in SPSS

How to Code and Enter Data in SPSS

learn how to code and enter data in SPSSData analysis involves running raw data in a statistical program to obtain results. Analysis can only be done after you code and enter data in SPSS.

Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics and inferential statistics aid a researcher understand data patterns. Normally statisticians use SPSS, SaS, STATA, S-Plus, R GUI and MS EXCEL to conduct statistical and mathematical analysis. The selection of a package depends on familiarity and simplicity of a program to the user.

SPSS stands for Statistical Package for Social Scientists; the package is mostly used by non-statisticians due to its simplicity. It has a graphical user interface that makes it friendly to users with little programming language. This is unlike other packages like R and SaS that are command oriented and require users to be conversant with statistical equations modeling. Before running analysis using SPSS a user need learn how to code and enter data in SPSS system

In SPSS, the first step involves defining the names and inherent traits of the variable. This is followed by entering values into each defined variable. Each row and column represents source of data and characteristics of the measured data respectively. In case, you wish to add variables after entering data, you just need to define new variables in the variable view. Go to variable view, click an empty row and start defining variables as stated below.

Code and Enter Data in SPSS Like an Expert

affordable SPSS data analysis helpBefore you run an analysis in SPSS, you will be required to code and enter data in SPSS. The process is so simple that you can do it within 10 minutes even for large data-sets.The process of coding data is described below:

Go to variable view, click an empty row and start defining variables as stated below.

  • Name: SPSS requires that each variable to be unique, and contain a maximum of 8 characters.
  • Type: There are eight types of variables to be found in SPSS that include numeric, comma, dot, scientific notation, date, dollar, custom curency and string. To select variable type, click in the cell on the grey box.
  • Width: This refers to the number of characters to be inputted for the variable.
  • Decimals: This is the number of decimal places to be displayed by the program
  • Label: This is a string of text that explains in details what a variable represents. You can enter a maximum of 255 characters containing spaces and punctuation marks.
  • Values:  In case of categorical data, you need to specify which numbers represent which category. For example when coding gender in SPSS you can let 1 represent male and 2 represent female. This can be seen in the data view by clicking the toe tag icon. On clicking the tag it switched between numeric values and their labels.
  • Missing: This entry in the variable view signals to the program that data is missing. You need to assign figures to be missing values. Like by assigning 9,99 and 999 as discrete missing vales. SPSS would treat these figures as missing and ignore the values.
  • Measure: This property indicates level of measurement of data source. The three measure properties include scale, ordinal and nominal. Interval and ratio levels of measurement are grouped as scale measures.

Once you are done with coding data, you can enter data values in the data view screen. This will be followed by data analysis depending on what you wish to achieve.

Code and Enter Data in SPSS To Begin Statistical Analysis

expert SPSS data analysis helpThere are two types of analysis namely descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis seeks to study frequency and features exhibited by the data.

The most common descriptive statistical methods include measure of central tendency and measure of dispersion. These statistical measures are presented in the form of frequency tables, pie charts, histograms and boxplots. These tables and charts summarize data and scale variables.

Inferential analysis goes further to study how variables in a data set relate with each other and forecasting outcome. Survival analysis, modeling, regression, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, time series and categorical tests are some of the inferential statistical methods. Besides researchers, inferential statistical analysis are widely being used by data scientists in studying data patterns and predicting future outcomes.

In case you are any problems, get in expert data analysis help in SPSS from our SPSS experts online.

Sample Essay on Strategic Management Models

Strategic Management Models, SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces

You are a strategic planning manager in a large international oil company. Explain what strategic style you would adopt and why. Cite relevant examples from the oil and gas sector. Refer to models learned on the course such as SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces

Contemporary companies operate in industries characterized by constant evolution of business environment. For example, the internet and computer industry, or even other technology-based industry, is synonymous with rapid changing environment due to invariable technological breakthroughs. Companies that fail to change in tandem with technological breakthroughs slide into oblivion due to efficiency differentials in the industry brought by adoption of new technology. Scholars assert that companies should, therefore, adapt their strategy to their aggressive environment in order to remain competitive. Nevertheless, it is difficult for strategic managers to align strategies with respective business environment due to the unpredictable and volatile nature of some business environments.

For instance, companies in the computer industry operate in highly competitive business environment typified by constant superior innovations, which make it easier for these companies to gain or lose market base easily, making it impossible to predict business outlook. However, there are companies that operate in predictable environments, affording strategic managers those companies opportunity to match strategy with predicted environment; a good example of such industry is the oil and gas industry. Due to disparity in business environments, Reeves, Love and Tilmanns (2012) posit that different companies use different strategies depending on business environment predictability and influence on the changing environment.

BCG Strategic Styles

Reeves, Love and Tilmanns (2012) point out four strategic planning styles that strategic managers use to choose strategy to deploy in their respective business environment. The strategic styles are namely, adaptive, classical, visionary and shaping. Companies operating in business environments which are predictable but whose control is difficult deploy classical strategic planning style. This form of strategic style is highly effective in mature and stable industries such as the oil industries. In this case, a company set an objective to control market share, which it deems favourable, and then engages in planning in an effort to capture and strengthen that market base. Due to globalization, technological innovations, intense competition and economic fears, technology industry is impulsive and unpredictable. Companies operating in the industry are constantly refining tactics and goals and promptly shifting resources to adapt to the reactive business environment. Reeves, Love and Tilmanns (2012) observe that companies operating in fast changing business environment are disadvantaged since predictions are often wrong and long term plans un workable. The only remedy is to engineer flexibility in their strategies by adopting adaptive planning strategy. Shaping is another strategic planning strategy that is highly effective in volatile and predictable industries. However unlike adaptive strategic planning style, companies deploying adaptive strategy try to influence the erratic business environment before their  competitors in the industry (Reeves, Love and Tilmanns, 2012). Another distinction between the two, adaptive and shaping strategic styles, is that shapers move beyond the confinements of their company to attract new markets, technologies, standards and business mannerisms. However, just like companies deploying adaptive strategic planning style, companies using shaping strategic planning style, are flexible in their planning cycle, with short term planning successions. Lastly is visionary strategic planning style. In this style, companies predict the future and devise strategies to realise the desired end result (Reeves, Love and Tilmanns, 2012).

Classic Strategic Style

Companies operating in the oil industry operative in relatively stable business environments (Johnston and Johnston, 2006); though, there are changes in the oil industry they are predictable with few erratic cases. As a strategic manager in a oil company I know that business environment in the oil industry is shaped by geopolitical forces, weather conditions, discovery and exploitation of new oil resources, income levels, weather conditions and GDP’s of economies of the world. These business shapers factors are beyond any of the oil industry players. Therefore, I will adapt a classical strategic planning style. In this strategic planning style, I will aim at consolidating my market share by engaging in formalized planning efforts, aligned to the predictable business environment, to capture and retain market position, which is favourable. Grant (2003) conjectures that companies such as Shell, Mobil, BP and Exxon operating in stable industries engage in formalized form of planning due to the relative stable environment that typify the oil and gas industry. The strategic planning process entails incorporating business environment expectations and planning priorities. Murray, Poole and Jones (2006) observe that due to the predictable nature of the oil and gas business environment, Shell pioneered the use of scenario simulation planning to predict the future, facilitating prior strategy development to confront the uncertainties. Consequently, Shell was not overwhelmed by uncertainty events which otherwise would adversely cripple its business operations. For instance, Shell using simulation planning was able to successfully predict two significant business environment events; namely, the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of Muslim radicalism and drastic changes in oil prices in 1970 (Murray, Poole and Jones, 2006). The Shell management thereby used classical strategic planning style to ensure that they appropriately respond to the predicted changes in the oil industry in order to maintain their market share otherwise would have been adversely affected by those unfavourable changes in the long run.

SWOT Analysis

Due to the predictable nature of the oil and gas business industry environment, it would be easier to use SWOT analysis as a strategic tool in the classical strategic planning process. SWOT analysis is a vital model in classical strategic planning style since it entails assessing the company’s strength and weakness to the opportunities and threats facing the business environment. According to Walsh et al., (2011) SWOT analysis is a management tool that entails evaluation of a firms internal state, which is firm’s strength and weakness, to the external business environment, which include threats and opportunities affecting the firms in the industry. Since the oil and gas industry business environment is shaped by geopolitical, economic, financial and climatic changes which are easily be predictable using simulation, economic and financial models, as a strategic manager I will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the corporation vis a viz the projected business environment to develop strategic plans that pre-empt business pitfalls posed by the predictable scenario. For example, oil companies that predicted and developed plans to curtail Muslim radicalism and Arab spring did not suffer from oil shortage that characterized the Arab Spring since they had put adequate strategic plans to tackle the oil shortage. The financial crisis that hit the world in 2009 was a predictable environment due to the predictable nature of economic and financial policies. Due to the fact that, it is beyond the control of oil and gas companies to dictate the macroeconomic environment of the world, strategic managers of oil companies would only engage in successive planning initiatives targeting favourable markets. Firstly by setting a goal in this case expanding market base and then implementing plans to strengthen the market position. Moreover the use of classical strategic style is effective in the oil and gas industry due to the predictable nature of threats and opportunities in the oil and gas business. Threats affecting business environment of gas and oil industry are majorly: geopolitical, economic and climate. These threats are predictable and strategic managers are able to develop strategies that mitigate their effects on business. Likewise, opportunities in the oil and gas industry can easily be discerned, such as market opportunities and discovery new oil fields. It is therefore evident that classical strategic style is the best strategic planning approach for my oil corporation to use due to the predictable oil and gas business environment that is foreseeable using simulation models and analyzed through SWOT analysis to pre-empt any uncertainty that poses threat to the corporation.

Porter’s five competitive forces

Porter’s 5 competitive forces indicate that the oil and gas business is not subject to intense competition. Porter (1997) highlight that there are five forces that shape competition in an industry; namely, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threats of substitute product or service and rivalry among competitors. Industries facing intense forces in the five domains of competition do not record attractive returns. Companies in industries experiencing intense competitive forces are in the airline and hotel industries However, companies in industries experiencing mild competitive forces in the five competitive spheres record superior profit. Companies in industries experiencing low or mild competitive forces are in the oil and software industries. Due to the stable and predictable nature of competition in the oil and gas industry, strategic managers are able to develop set goals and plans, and subsequently engage in successive planning to realise the goals; therefore, making classic strategic style the optimal strategic planning style in the oil and gas industry. This is unlike in industries characterized by intense competitive forces, making business environment unpredictable and highly volatile, thus making classic strategic style ineffective. Due to the fact that it is extremely difficult for a new entrant in the oil industry due to the high capital cost, I as a strategic manager will be able to analyze my competitors strategies and develop a strategy to counter them without the worry of another popping competitor. It is evident that due to the predictable nature and mild competitive forces as highlighted by Porter (1997) in the oil and gas business environment makes classical strategic style the best approach to adopt for oil corporations.


The oil and gas industry is characterized by stable business operating environment. The only forces that cause turbulence in the oil industry are geopolitical factors, economic factors, financial factors and climatic factors. Moreover, competitive forces in the oil and gas industry are mild, making the industry stable and predictable. In that respect, the business environment is predictable and strategic managers of oil and gas companies can well in advance predict and strategise mechanisms of dealing with uncertainty. Studies indicate that, Shell used simulation planning to predict changes in the oil business environment, and use the simulations developed strategies to overcome the drastic changes in oil prices in 1970. As a strategic manager, I would use classical strategic style due to the predictable nature of the business environment to position my firm to take position of the favourable market.

Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (Exploring strategy, the key module text) have developed the “lenses ” model of strategic analysis, compare and contrast their research with the BCG findings.

According to Graham (2008) strategy entails planning with a long term view of the business, with the view where the management would like the business to be in the long run. It thus entails understanding the organisations strength and weaknesses, its market position and the tactics of the competitors in the industry. There are three components of a strategy; namely, strategic planning or choice, strategic positioning or analysis and strategic implementation (Thompson and Martin, 2010). Strategic planning involves developing plans for strategic change. Strategic positioning entails identifying the position where the organisation stands, where the organisation need to be. Lastly, strategic implementation involves actualizing the plan through taking real and sustained initiatives. Strategy plays a critical role in aiding an organization gain competitive advantage in the competitive business environment (Kaplan and Norton, 2001). Different scholars hold views and models on strategic analysis that may be similar or contrasting.

Lenses Model and Strategic Styles

Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) opine that strategy can be analyzed in three forms of “lenses”; namely, strategy by design, strategy by experience and strategy by ideas. On the other hand, Reeves, Love and Tilmanns (2012) in analyzing strategies assert that organisations should plan strategies using the following four styles; namely, adaptive style, shaping style, classic style and visionary style. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) explain that strategy by design refers to the view that strategic managers develop strategies based on logical analysis of external and internal constraints and forces affecting an organisation using analytical processes to position an organisation in the competitive business environment. Strategy by experience lens refers to the notion that strategies are influenced and based on past strategies (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington , 2008). In this case strategy is therefore an incremental change rather than a fundamental change influenced by lived experiences and organisational change. Strategy as an idea is based on the notion that strategy does not emanate from the top levels of management but from ideas within the business environment (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington , 2008). Scholars assert that this explains why some companies are more innovative than others. Reeves, Love and Tilmanns (2012) in distinguishing the four styles of strategic planning explain that classical strategic style is utilized by companies in predictable business environment, whereby the company sets a goal and works towards it by successive planning.  Adaptive strategic style is adopted by companies in volatile and unpredictable environments, the companies constantly review their tactics to survive in the reactive environment. Shapers are like adapters, they operate in volatile and unpredictable environment, but they shape the environment to their advantage. Lastly, visionary companies predict the future business environment and shape it through innovations.

Similarities Between the Strategic Analysis Models

There are certain similarities between postulations by the two sets of scholars on analyzing strategies. Both strategic models concur that strategic planning is an indispensable tool for gaining competitive advantage in the competitive business environment. That is why there is need to adopt strategies in an effort to realise business goals and objectives, and strategies shape the future. The second agreement between the two schools of thought on strategic analysis is that strategies are borne from ideas that are actualized as tactics, both in predictable and unpredictable business environment. It is for this reason that in predictable environment, strategic managers develop tactics which are long tem in view to aid in business development. Similarly in volatile and unpredictable business environment, strategic managers develop tactics but continuously refine them to adapt to the reactive business environment to bring about desired outcome. Thirdly, strategies are4 shaped by prior lived experiences. In both school of thoughts postulated by Boston Consulting Group and Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008), future strategies are shaped by past and present business environment. That’s why Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) point out that strategy can be viewed through the lens of experience, which describe lived experiences of strategic managers and organisation culture. On the same note, Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) posit in visionary and shaping strategic styles that an organisation controls and influences the future business environment by predicting the path to realise it, in this case visionary strategic style. On the same view, shaping strategic style involve shaping the unpredictable business environment to realise the desired goals. Lastly, both researches agree that strategy involve logical and directive planning process to optimize economic performance. In that respect, strategy helps organizations to position themselves in the dynamic business environment.

Contrasts Between the Two Strategic Analysis Models

The two models of strategic analysis have stark contrast. The one postulated by Boston Consulting Group and authored by Reeves, Love and Tilmanns (2012) highlight the styles that organizations operating in predictable and unpredictable environment use to respond to the respective fast changing environments to bring about the desired outcomes. While the strategic model posited by Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) illustrate the different dimensions that strategies can be viewed from; namely, experience, ideas and design. Another difference between the ideas floated by the two groups is that Reeves, Love and Tilmanns (2012) exemplify the environment that the four distinct types of strategic styles can be deployed. For example, the classic strategic management style is synonymous with predictable and stable business environment like in mature industries such as the oil industry while adaptive and shaping strategic styles are used in volatile and unpredictable business environment like in the software and computing industry. This is in sharp contrast to the three lenses postulated by Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) that does not define the type of environment, either predictable or unpredictable, that the three “lenses” of ideas, experience and design view strategic analysis from. The third contrast is that the three “lenses” model highlight that ideas for implementation of strategy comes from within the organization and at all hierarchies of an organization not from the top echelon of management. However Boston Consulting Group insinuates that strategic planning is the mandate of senior management only.


Strategies are indispensable tools both in business and military. It is believed that the use of strategies in business was borrowed from the military. Due to globalization, advancement in technology and intense competition, organizations continually review and implement strategies to match the ever-evolving business environment. It is highly recommended for companies to implement aggressively strategies in order to survive in the fast changing business environment. Different scholars analyse strategies in differing dimensions. For example, Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) analyse strategies using “three” lenses, namely, ideas, experience and design. Boston Consulting Group in analyzing strategy divides strategic style into four domains, namely, classical, adaptive, shaping and visionary. However, the two analysis approaches may be differing, but also pose similarities.


Graham, T. 2008, CIMA official exam practice kit management accounting business strategy, Elsevier, Massachusetts.

Grant, RM 2003, ‘Strategic planning in a turbulent environment: evidence from the oil majors’, Strategic Management Journal, vol.24, no.6, pp. 491-517.

Johnson, G, Scholes, K & Whittington, R 2008, Exploring corporate strategy: text & cases, (8th ed.). Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Johnston, D & Johnston, D 2006, Introduction to oil company financial analysis. Pennwell Books, Oklahoma.

Kaplan, RS & Norton, DP 2001, The strategy-focused organisation, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

Murray, P, Poole, D & Jones, G 2006, Contemporary issues in management and organization behavior. Cengage Learning Australia, Sydney.

Porter, ME 1997, How competitive forces shape strategy, Harvard Business Review, Boston.

Reeves, M, Love, C & Tilmanns, P 2012, ‘Your strategy needs a strategy(devising business strategies suited to unpredictable environments’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 90, no.9, pp. 1-7

Thompson, JL & Martin, F 2010, Strategic management: awareness & change, Cengage Learning EMEA.

Walsh, DW, Christen, HT, Callsen, CE, Miller, GT, Maniscalco, PM. Lord, GC & Dola, NJ 2011, National incident management system: principles and practice. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Massachusetts.

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Sample Homework on Human Resource Management

Question 1

The ADA creates a protected class called “qualified individuals with disabilities.” Discuss what this phrase means and how one qualifies for protection.

Many were times that people with disabilities were often discriminated and overlooked in employment opportunities, and those who were lucky to get employed suffered under the weight of workplace discrimination. This led to enactment of legislations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is commonly referred as ADA. The ADA is a piece of legislation that came into force on July 26, 1992. According to Veres & Sims (1995) the American with Disabilities Act was designed to prohibit any form of discrimination against individuals with any physical or mental disability. This Federal law outlaws any form of discrimination or prejudice that persons with disability may be subjected to in private or public places. Blanck (2000) observes that ADA is akin to civil rights laws that protect individuals against prejudice of race, religion or ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, the American with Disabilities Act ensures that persons with disabilities enjoy equal opportunities in jobs, government services, public participations and other spheres of life.


The provisions of ADA created protected class of American citizens called “qualified individuals with disabilities.” Veres & Sims (1995) explain that this class of citizens constitutes disabled individuals who are willing and qualified to work despite their impairment, either physical or mental that has significantly limited their major life activities such as speaking, seeing, hearing or engaging in manual tasks. In order to give disabled individuals an equal opportunity in the workplace, the ADA Act stipulates that an employer should make adjustments in the employment practices to provide disabled individuals equal opportunities. These adjustments, under provisions of ADA are termed as reasonable accommodation and are changes or modifications done to a job or work environment to ensure that people with disabilities work successfully. Failure by an employer to provide reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities, Veres & Sims (1995) assert that qualified individuals with disabilities have a right under ADA to seek adjustments for employment practices like hiring process and on the job.

Question 2:

Compare and contrast the difference between FMLA interference and FMLA retaliation. Additionally, articulate the requirements for an employee to be covered under FMLA. Lastly, if an employer desires to provide FMLA protection for employees, but the employer does not have the requisite number of employees to qualify under the statute, can the employer nevertheless decide to provide FMLA protection to its workforce? Why, or why not. Explain in full.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a labor law that came into force on August 5, 1993 after it was signed into law by the then President Bill Clinton (Aitchison, 2003). The law requires that employers to grant their employees 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave on grounds  such as caring for a sick family member, medical reasons or to care for a newborn child or adopted child. Besides unpaid leave, an employee who is on leave under FMLA is entitled to carry-over of health benefits and other benefits during the leave and resumption of his job position on return from the leave. For an employee to be eligible for FMLA he must be employed by a company with at least 50 employees within a radius of at least 75 miles, he must have worked for the company for at least one year or having worked for 1250 hours within the past 12 months (Bruce, 2011; Walsh, 2009). On the other hand, an employer cannot provide FMLA protection to his employees if he does not have the requisite number of employees, which is at least 50 employees; however, some states have lowered this threshold. Walsh (2009) continues to observe that under FMLA, an employee can take intermittent leave as long as it amounts to 12 weeks.


According to the Family and Medical Leave Act an employee should not be subjected to any form of victimization, interference, discrimination or retaliation for having exercised his rights under the act, however, in some instances, employers victimize or discriminate against employees for exercising their rights under FMLA Act. The provisions of FMLA addresses two forms of legal redress that employees can use to protect their rights under FMLA and include FMLA retaliation or FMLA interference. The FMLA interference is a provision that outlaws employers from interfering or restraining employees enjoy benefits or entitlements under FMLA.  In this case, an employee ought to show that he was lawfully entitled to FMLA entitlements but was denied. FMLA retaliation, on the other hand, is a provision that makes it unlawful for an employee to discriminate or terminate employment of an employee who opposes practices that contravene FMLA Act (Aitchison, 2003).


Aitchison, W. (2003). The FMLA: Understanding the Family and Medical Leave Act. New York: LRIS Publications.

Blanck, P. D. (2000). Employment, disability, and the Americans with Disabilities Act: issues in Law, Public Policy Research. New York: Northwestern University Press.

Bruce, S. (2011). Family and Medical Leave Act.  Retrieved from,

Veres, J. G. & Sims, R. R. (1995). Human resource management and Americans with Disabilities Act. New Jersey: Greenwood Publishing Group

Walsh, D. J. (2009). Employment law for human resource practice. Ohio: Cengage Learning

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Data Science: is it a Distinct Field?

Data Science: Harnessing Computing Power to Redefine Statistics

Few years ago, data science was an obscure term to many, even to those who work with data. A probable response would be “that’s statistics”. Fast forward to 2015 and everyone is talking about the new kid called data science. Whether it is a buzzword or the latest discipline we all agree it is the hottest thing at the moment. Glass door earlier this year named data scientist as the top job of 2016. The demand for data scientists is expected to see 1700 job openings and a lofty average pay of $116k this year. No wonder, the Harvard Review refer data science as the “sexiest job of the 21st century“.

The moment the term data science is mentioned, most of us think of statistics. So, what makes data science different from statistics? Or is it a spruced term that refers to statistics? Thinking data science as a related field of statistics is quite right. According to the American Statistical Association statistics is defined as “the science of learning from data…” Therefore, you expect most learners to think data science as a re-brand name of statistics. Outside academia, data science has not escaped ridicule of internet humorists. One humorist is quoted on twitter “A data scientist is a statistician who lives in San Francisco” …….Big Data Borat, another twitter humorist is quoted “data science is statistics on a Mac”. Other pundits in their own wisdom to distinguish statistics from data science opine that a data scientist is a statistician who is better in programming than any software engineering and a software engineering who is better in statistics than any statistician. Though, the statement may look like a joke, it has element of truth.

Data science is it any Different from Classical Statistics?

What differentiates statistics from data science is fairly complicated, with deep roots in computing. During pre-computer eras, statistics played a key role in testing empirical experiments of small samples. The advent of super computers and personal computers heralded the birth of big data and large databases. The humongous amounts of data could not be manipulated and analysed using conventional statistical methods.  Thus need for methods that are fast, accurate and efficient in dealing with large data and databases. Data science, therefore, is a response to new computing power. According to Peter Naur in his referred publication “Concise Survey of Computer Methods” data science is not a discipline concerned with analyzing data like classical statistics. It is wholesome manipulation and management of data. These include cleaning, processing, storing, manipulating and analysis of data.

As the world grew in complexity and computing power increased, there was need to develop sophisticated tools to deal with vast data sets. Researchers were increasingly using data sets, which required advanced manipulation techniques. Early inventors of data science borrowed heavily from machine learning and database management to create tools for manipulating these vast datasets. Consequently, it was now easier to predict on erratic markets, consumer behavior and analyze clinical trials.

Statistics, as a standalone field, has not dramatically changed in response to increased computing power. The field continues to rely on introductory statics, probability theory, hypothesis testing and computing. This has not augured well with some statisticians who feel that the field should align to changing world. William Cleveland, a renowned statistician, in 2001 advocated for the renaming of statistics to data science. The new field, according to him, would place greater emphasis on computing and real data analysis. Nate Silver, on the other hand, argues that data science is no different from statistics. The well known statistician who is famous for correctly predicting the 2012 US Presidential election believes that data science is a “sexed up term for a statistician”. Nate strongly argues that data science is a fad that is just patronizing, and that data science is a replica of what statisticians have been doing over the years. To him it is a buzzword whose time has come and it will wilt down. While it is true that no proper definition has been postulated to prop definition of data science, it is difficult to refute that data science has redefined the way we deal with data.

Nathan Yau a statistician and data visualizer states that data scientists unlike statisticians have three major skill sets.
Statistics and machine learning
Programming skills

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Economic consequences of Britain exiting (BREXIT) single market of European Union

Abridged essay: “Economic consequences of Britain exiting (BREXIT) single market of European Union”

Economic consequences of Britain exiting (BREXIT) single market of European Union

As the June 23 plebiscite nears questions abound on the post exit ramification. The four decades Britain has been in the economic bloc has presented benefits and disadvantages to the economy. Economist agrees that EU membership has created more trade benefits than diversion. It has also boosted investments, increased competition, enhanced innovation and specialization, making Britain competitive.  Similar studies show that EU membership has boosted and diversified British economy. The Brexiteers, on the other hand, claim that the membership has been damaging to the economy. And it is prudent to leave the union in order to have most command of the economy. The anti-Brexit camp fears that most of the benefits Britain enjoys through membership stand to be wiped out.

Both pro and anti-Brexit crusaders agree there is economic uncertainty post EU exit. Even economics modelling cannot predict full economic ramifications of Britain leaving the EU. Economists agree that in the short term after leaving the EU, Britain will suffer economic losses. As a result of transition and uncertainity over Britain’s relationship with other EU countries, this will damage investments and confidence. According to Schoof, Petersen, Aichele & Felbermayr (2015) if Britain exits the European Union, it will see reduced exports and expensive imports. The scholars posit that in 2030, depending on trade policy isolation UK’s real gross domestic product will be lower by between 0.6% to 3% than if the country remained in the bloc. Given the dynamic effects of economic integration on innovation and investments, Britain may incur GDP losses of more than 14%.

Britain exit from the European Union is counter economic. After leaving the trading bloc, United Kingdom will have to renegotiate trading pacts. This uncertainty over future trade arrangements has already negatively dampened the Pound. Confidence in investments is also waning; current account deficit is also widening putting financial stability in limbo. Besides trade, other economic channels that will see negative impact include: foreign direct investments, financial services, budget, industrial policy and liberalization. Britain stands to incur economic losses, both short term and long term, if it exits the trading bloc.


According to Giles (2016) United Kingdom is closely economically tangled with the EU. It is estimated that 55% of Britain’s exports go to EU markets. Likewise 50% of imports in the Britain come from the EU member states. Trade between UK and the European Union has been increasing over the past 40 years. If United Kingdom leaves the union, there will be lower trade activities and increased cost of trade. Economists argue that the biggest GDP losses post EU exit will arise from trade.

Freyer (2009) agrees that expected decline in cross border trade will hamper productivity. Weakening pressure from international competition will make British companies to de-emphasis on investments and innovation, which will hamper productivity. Brexit will cause trade opaqueness, Felbermayr & Groschl (2013) observe that Brexit will lead to a real GDP per capita of between 2 percent and 14 percent depending on trade policy isolation.

Schoof et al (2015) argue that in case of Brexit, Britain will forego benefits from ongoing trade negotiations close to ratification with overseas countries (Canada, USA, Vietnam, Japan, Singapore, Idia, Malaysia etc). Britain will be required to negotiate a fresh with these countries since they will no longer be EU member state. Expected long term GDP losses from foregone trade integration will range from 1.4 percent to 7.5 percent. The severity of the losses will depend on level of economic and trade isolation.

To order complete essay on “Economic Consequences of Britain Exiting (BREXIT) Single market of European Union” ORDER NOW or engage us via live chat.

Order UK Essays


Felbermayr, G., & Gröschl, J. (2013).  Natural Disasters and the Effect of Trade on Income: A New Panel IV Approach. European Economic Review 58, 18-30

Freyer, J. (2009) Trade and Income Exploiting Time Series in Geography, NBER  Working Paper 14910, Cambridge, MA

Giles, C. (2016, February 22) What are the economic consequences of Brexit? Financial Times. Retrieved from:

Schoof, U., Petersen, T. Aichele, R. & Felbermayr, G. (2015) Brexit-potential economic  consequences if the UK exits the EU. Policy Brief #2015/05. Retrieved from:

Accounting literature review writing Service

Accounting Literature Review Writing Service

accounting dissertation writersWe at understand the hassle that accounting students go through when preparing their dissertation literature review chapter. Chapter II of a business dissertation requires a student to conduct extensive research followed by top notch writing. Unfortunately, business students are ill equipped to write flawless dissertation chapters.  For this reason, our custom paper writing company offers accounting literature review writing service to help students develop quality papers. We have a team of experienced accounting literature review writers who deliver nothing short of the best business dissertation chapters to our esteemed clients. Our professional accounting literature review writing help has made us to be recognized as the best writing company for the past 7 years. Over the past 7 years, we have offered chapter II to accounting students in colleges and universities in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. All our clients are satisfied by our services and keep coming back for other services. This has been made possible by the adept accounting dissertation literature review writers we have recruited in all our offices.

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How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas

How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas

How to develop dissertation topicsStudents in their final year of study are required to write a dissertation, thesis or capstone project. This research papers are used to examine candidates understanding of the field. Writing these advanced academic papers start with developing a researchable topic. The topic should be brief, concise and researchable. It should also set boundaries of the study by localizing the research.
Most students do not know how to develop dissertation topic ideas for their studies. They hire dissertation writers to develop research topic for their papers. A dissertation paper is as good as its topic. Same case applies to thesis, capstone and research paper. Since a topic guides and dictate quality of research, it is imperative to learn how to develop good dissertation topics. We will highlight the guide our professional dissertation writers use to develop appealing topics for your paper. We will also discuss some of the topic ideas that students can explore when writing dissertation or thesis.

Tips on How to Develop Dissertation Topic Ideas

Factors to consider when developing research topics

Before embarking on writing a proposal, you need to develop a set of dissertation topics. From the set you then choose the most suitable topic for research based on set of factors. These factors include objectivity, research ability; contribute to the body of knowledge; measure ability; solution oriented and localization. The topic should also clear and concise. We recommend the title to be between eight words and ten words long. A title that is more than twelve words becomes ambiguous and cumbersome to readers. Remember always to keep the title interesting and captivating to the audience.

Researchable and measurable

Tips on how to develop dissertation topic helpA good research topic for dissertation, thesis or capstone should be researchable and measurable. To make a topic researchable never pose it as a question. Research studies are conducted to improve understanding on a given phenomenon; therefore a good research topic should be open ended. Suppose we seek to study whether level of education determines salary levels in Walmart. And we pose this dissertation topic Does salary levels in Walmart influenced by level of education? If the answer is no then you got no study. Leave questions for your hypothesis and research questions.

A topic is measurable if it has variables. Variables are categories or phenomena that a researcher is keen to measure. There are three types of variables namely independent variable, dependent variable and, in some cases covariate. A good research topic should at least have two variables independent variable and dependent variable.

  • Independent variable: This variable is sometimes referred to as explanatory or predictor. This is a variable in an experiment that is not affected by other variables in the system. It explains changes in the outcome variable in a causal effect relationship such as regression analysis. In a study to investigate relationship between level of education and salary, level of education will be the independent variable. As we know level of education in our system will not be affected by age, gender and other factors. However, it will determine how much a subject in our research study will earn.
  • Dependent variable: This variable is the outcome of the experiment. It is changed by other factors/variables in the system. In a regression analysis, dependent variables are denoted (Y). In our earlier study to investigate relationship between level of education and salary, we expect salary to be influenced by level of education, age, gender and other factors.
  • Covariate: Most social science experiments omit this important variable; as a result negating accuracy of research. Covariate is a secondary variable that has direct relationship on predictor and outcome variables. This variable is an independent variable with confounding or interacting effect in the study. In our earlier study to investigate relationship between level of education and salary, we expect salary to be influenced by level of education, age, gender and other factors. Gender will be our covariate as we know that men tend to earn more than women. Another factor to control is the number of years out of college. People tend to earn more the longer they are out of college. Unlike other studies, inclusion of covariates in studies tends to be more accurate since it minimizes unexplained variations in a group. In econometrics, covariates are referred as control variable

Objectivity and contribution to body of knowledge

The essence of writing dissertations, capstones, thesis and research paper is generation of new knowledge. To gain top marks in your research study you need to justify selection of topic. Saying “no one in the past has done this study” is not a reason enough to warrant you burn kilos of calories going through volumes of theories. As you know there are plenty of studies yet to be done. And most don’t need to be done. Justify why the research is important, the knowledge gaps it will fill and contribution to society and body of knowledge.

Other factors worth considering when developing research topics

Before you are convinced that you have chosen good research topic for dissertation, thesis or capstone; it is important to run small checks on the following factors.

  • Availability of data and literature: Before embarking on kicking the writing process, make sure there is enough information relating to your research topic. This will enable you write an articulate literature review and discussion.
  • Emergent issues: Due to dynamism in research and technology, some topics are very fluid. It is important to know what is happening in your topic of study. This will enable you update your research accordingly.
  • Originality: It is important to ensure uniqueness of your research topic. Ensure that there does not exist a study on a similar topic as the one you have chosen.

Students who follow our guide on how to develop dissertation topic ideas have easy time commencing their research. Professors and lecturers are impressed on first glance on the topic, giving the student go ahead to conduct the study.

Professional , Thesis Capstone and Dissertation Topic Help

Professional/ capstone/ thesis dissertation topic helpAt Expert Writing Help you can get professional thesis, capstone and dissertation topic help for $20 only. We will provide you with five topics from which to select from. In case you have a research topic for dissertation, thesis or capstone but unsure of its suitability, we can offer you topic rewriting help to make it objective, researchable and measurable. Below is a set of free topic ideas developed by our professional thesis/capstone/dissertation writers.

  1. Economics dissertation topic idea: Long term economic, sociological and political implications of Britain exit (BREXIT) from the European Union
  2. Management thesis topic idea: Airline industry analysis using Porters five forces model, a case of Southwest Airline
  3. Public health and nursing capstone topic ideas: Health crisis: Zika Virus and the rise in microcephaly and Guillin-Barre syndrome in Brazil
  4. Aviation capstone topic ideas: Investigating the future of green aviation; a look into technology, design and operations of Qantas airline
  5. Marketing thesis topic idea: Effectiveness of social media marketing over traditional marketing campaigns at John Fluevog Boots & Shoes, Sony & Dell
  6. GIS thesis topic idea: Utilization of spatial data analysis and remote sensing to investigate climate change in Saudi Arabia
  7. Geography research topic idea: Trend analysis of water levels during different months of the year at Lake Eucumbene Dam, Australia
  8. GIS research topic ideas: Investigating geographical distribution of primary health facilities in Oman using GIS data.
  9. Finance thesis topic ideas: Effect of meltdown in global oil prices in Saudi Arabia: Trend analysis of key economic indicators between 2010-2015
  10. Accounting dissertation topic ideas: Beyond financial reporting: impact of adopting sustainability reporting on business strategy of UK companies, a case of British Petroleum.
  11. Biology thesis topic: investigating relationship between vaccination and autism in infants in Ontario, Canada
  12. Sociology dissertation topic: Investigating cause of different sexual behaviors; homosexuals and bisexuals: choice or genetic disposition

In case you would like to order dissertation, capstone, thesis or research paper on any of the above topics just talk to us. You can start a live chat. We can also tweak any of the above topics to suit your needs. This will be followed by writing for you a dissertation/thesis/capstone proposal paper.

Once the proposal is approved, we will embark on writing the final project. This will include writing literature review, methodology, results and finding and conclusion and discussion chapters. Our good research topics lay firm foundation for quality papers. Always remember to order academic papers from

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Best College Majors for Hottest Careers in 2020 and Beyond

Best College Majors for Hottest Careers in 2020 and Beyond

Best College Majors for Hottest CareersAre you a college student unsure which major to specialize? Some of the factors to consider when deciding college majors is hiring prospect and pay. Some courses of study offer fat paychecks upon landing your maiden job. While some careers become financially rewarding as you progress along career path. Empirical studies show that college degree offers opportunities in financially rewarding careers. With Bachelors degree holders earning 79 percent more than high school diploma graduates. Therefore, just being in college offers you a grim of hope for a better salary. But do you know that different college degrees offer different pay packages upon employment? Careers are fluid, and what used to be hot may not necessary entice the labor market 10 years from now. Similarly what was the hottest career in 2015 may lose its luster in 2020. Future pay is determined by multiplicity of factors; economic, social, political and environmental. In our blog Best college majors for hottest careers in 2020 and beyond, we will highlight jobs with the highest pay and career prospect now and in the near future.

Recent US jobs data reveal that the job market is on a steady rise. According to data from Economic Modeling Specialist Firm as at February 2016 unemployment was slightly below 5%. The market research firm noted that US companies, in the last 3 month, on average had recruited 284,000 employees. Though the numbers are encouraging to college graduates, the reported growth is not being felt across all the industries. Some industries are Best College Majors for Hottest Careersexperiencing rapid growth, absorbing more graduates and offering better pay. Before you choose your college major, it is advisable to understand the labor market trends, future prospects in different industries and your skills and talents. Best college majors for hottest careers in 2020 and beyond will seek to offer the former. Together with knowing your skills and talents you will be set for a fruitful career.

Best College Majors for Hottest Careers in 2020 and Beyond in the USA

There are numerous labor market research websites and publication offering this vital information. For those undecided on their college majors, the US News & World Report listed 100 Best Jobs of 2016 will offer a good beginning. The list includes careers that offer good remuneration, employment opportunity, job security and satisfying work/life balance. If you are studying technical subjects such as information systems, data science or software engineering you need to check 10 toughest jobs to fill for 2016 published by Forbes. TBest College Majors for Hottest Careershe list includes jobs that are in high demand for top candidates. These careers offer excellent compensation, less competition and high market demand. Finance, banking and economics students or those inclined to work in Wall Street need to check out a publication by Bloomberg Business. Though in 2015 Wall Street dominated headlines with unpleasant news including job cuts and shrinking bonus, some pockets of opportunities were created. Falling oil prices, Fed rate hike and collapse in junk rated bonds are some of the factors that has spurred employment opportunities.  You can read Wall Street’s Most in Demand Jobs for 2016 to check what once booming industry has to offer.

Best college majors you need to study now and beyond

Best jobs offer excellent remuneration, match our abilities and talents, offer career advancement opportunities, experience high demand and hold bright future employment prospects. Not forgetting they are enjoyable, poses little stress and provides balanced work-life. Best college majors for hottest careers in 2020 and beyond present college students with a list of careers that offer this mix of attributes. It is a must read to students who are undecided on what courses to study in college. For those who wish to change careers, this information armory will offer you the needed ammunition to jump start your new career life.


career in nursingAre you compassionate and caring person with strong inclination to medicine related courses? Then you need to consider nursing as a career. Demand for nurses is expected to rise like other health care professionals. With an aging population, increased cases of lifestyle diseases and number of insured people, future outlook for registered nurses and practitioners cannot look any better.

To become a registered nurse, nursing students are required to study chemistry, anatomy, microbiology, biochemistry and nutrition among other science courses. In addition to taking supervised clinical experiences in surgery, psychiatry and pediatrics. Right out of college you expect to earn $56,9000 to $71,650. With such pay, it is worth burning the midnight oil and staying up all night writing nursing assignments and research papers. Visit our website to learn more how you can improve your grades with our nursing writing services online

Actuarial mathematics

careers in actuarial mathematicsThis relatively new field deals with calculation and analyzing cost of risk and uncertainty. These mathematics geniuses are in high demand, and you will find them working in insurance, pension and finance industries. Bright future outlook is begged on increased need for their services necessitated by increased financial regulations and new healthcare laws. You will need high mathematical aptitude and advanced business skills to practice this exciting career. Expect to take advanced courses in calculus, economics, probability and statistics, risk theory, financial mathematics among other highly numerate courses. If mathematics teacher is not your favorite, stay away from this course.

To become a certified actuary you will be required to sit for SOA, CERA or FIA exams and CPDs. Going by the latest compensation report the many sleepless nights you will spend studying for this degree will be well compensated. Entry level actuaries earn $100,000 while the more experienced take home $150,000 per year. This number crunching field is one of the highest paying careers in the world. We expect better prospects as demand for actuaries grow to other non-traditional areas such as healthcare and manufacturing. The recent Global Financial Crisis has created demand for actuaries due to their skills in analyzing and managing risks.

Visit our website to learn more how you can improve your actuarial grades with our data analysis help online

Civil engineering

civil engineersCareers in engineering offer well paying jobs. For example petroleum engineering, which was not included in the list, is among the top earning field in the world. We exempted this field from our list due to the small size of the job market- with less than 39,000 engineers in the USA- and dwindling fortunes in the oil industry. Civil engineers, though, face positive prospects given nature of work. As more countries expand their infrastructure, we expect high demand for civil engineering professionals. Civil engineers design and supervise complex construction works that include road and rail networks, sewer systems, and airports among other large projects.

You need to be gifted in mathematics and physics to tackle this tough field. Among the subjects you will be required to study include geography, thermodynamics, structural analysis, fluid mechanics, engineering mathematics and statics. Most of the assignments are group projects and field work. Entry level salary starts at $75,000 and can peak at $100,000 for the more experienced civil engineers.


Finance professionalsThe recent global financial crisis resulted to most Americans developing distrust of financial professionals. However, most college students would not mind occupying Wall Street jobs despite societal apathy. Demand for finance professionals is expected to grow steadily driven by new products, complex investment portfolios and financial regulations. Compensation package is not expected to lag behind as entry level salary will peak at $78,000 per year. With managers and C-suite executives expected to earn north of $160,000 without bonus.

We expect fastest growth in job and salary to occur for personal financial advisers as top banks scale down on trading business. Other areas expected to grow include oil and gas bankers and restructuring bankers. The demand will be fueled by rising debts, plunging oil prices, Fed rate hikes and widening spread on high yield bonds.

College students interested in a job in Wall Street need to study economics, statistics, financial markets and calculus, besides taking units in accounting, investments and management.

List of the best college majors for hottest careers in 2020 and beyond

best college majors in USAThe list include: computer science, management information systems, software engineering, economics, statistics, civil engineering, nursing, finance and actuarial mathematics, GIS