How to Write Nursing Care Plans

How to Write Nursing Care Plans

how to write nursing care plansNursing care plans are unavoidable in nursing school and nursing workplaces. That’s why you must learn how to write nursing care plans. Your professor needs detailed nursing care plans. They want you to learn how to process information and think like a professional nurse. That explains why your teacher wants you to write nursing assignments all of the time. You’ll write nursing care plans, whether the class is community care or mental health. Learning how to write nursing care plans is critically important for anyone who wants to become a nurse.

What are Nursing Care Plans and Why Do They Matter?

Why learn how to write nursing care plans, evidence based practice papers among other health care paper plans? Nursing care plans are written documents or medical records that form an integral part of the nursing process. Different places may use slightly different formats, but the final document achieves the same aims in every place. Nursing care plans guide how nurses provide nursing care to patients. The documents help nurses working different shifts know the exact actions other nurses have taken for each patient. These records are a consistently reliable way of organizing and communicating the actions of everyone involved in patient care. Specifically, nursing care plans document assessment, diagnoses, planned interventions, and evaluation. Each aspect is a precise process that nurses handle with ease. Once you learn how to write nursing care plans, your confidence will increase. And you’ll likely see better grades.

The 5 Steps That Lead to Well-developed Nursing Care Plans

Nursing care plans do not follow the exact same format in every place. That said, the following five steps should give you a document that satisfies your professor. Here are the steps on how to write nursing care plans: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation/Nursing Orders, and Evaluation. Let’s consider each step and see how each contributes to the final document.

Step 1: Write the Assessment Section of Your Care Plan

nursing assignment writing serviceWhile preparing a care plan, assessment is the first step of the process. As you fill out this part of the template, there are a few critical questions you need to answer. Why is the patient here? Why are they seeking care? What’s the patient’s general appearance?  You need to be able to do an accurate and comprehensive assessment. Assessment is about collecting and recording different kinds of data.

According to the American Nurses Association, you should gather physiological, economic, sociocultural, and spiritual data. You should also capture lifestyle information. Assessment seeks to understand the physical causes of pain, how the pain manifests itself, and how the patient responds. Your assessment may look like this: Anger directed at family and hospital staff, refusal to eat, request for pain mediation. Maybe your patient’s skin is cold and clammy. The assessment section should be brief, just like every other section included in a well-written nursing care plan.

Step 2: Fill Out the Diagnoses Part of the Care Plan Template

The diagnoses part focuses on the “What” of the patient’s condition. Here, you’re trying to answer this question: “What’s the patient’s problem?” The information recorded in this section helps nurses determine the care the patient will receive. The diagnoses part of a nursing care plan lists the conditions and health problems a patient is facing.It aims to develop a nursing diagnosis statement.

4 Types of Nursing Diagnosis

North American Nursing Diagnosis Organization-International classifies nursing diagnoses into four categories. Here they are: Actual diagnosis, Risk diagnosis, Health Promotion diagnosis, and Syndrome diagnosis. Each type of diagnosis can lead to an effective diagnosis statement, which is the main aim of the diagnosis section. Each diagnosis statement has three parts. The first part is the problem statement or diagnostic label. For example, the problem may be nausea or anxiety. The second part is the “related to” or RT part. This part focuses on the cause of the problem. The third part presents the defining characteristics. Defining characteristics, usually expressed as “…as evidenced by…” means the signs or symptoms that support your diagnosis.

Actual Diagnosis

According to NANDA-I, an actual diagnosis makes a clinical judgment about how a patient experiences or responds to health conditions or life processes. Actual diagnoses are existing problems that a nurse can identify. These conditions and life processes may exist in the patient, their family, or community. Here’s an example of an actual nursing diagnosis: Ineffective airway clearance. Or, spiritual distress. Another example: Sleep Deprivation.

Risk Diagnosis

A risk diagnosis describes human responses to life processes or health problems that may develop in an individual, family, or community. Here, the family, individual, or community isn’t facing any condition, but they remain vulnerable.  Certain risk factors may increase vulnerability for different conditions. Risk diagnoses are health problems, conditions or situations that do not currently exist but which may occur. For example: Risk for shock.

Health Promotion Diagnosis

This diagnosis refers to a clinical judgment regarding the motivation or desire of an individual, family, or community to increase wellbeing. It’s also about the desire or motivation to “actualize human health potential,” according to NANDA-I. That desire or motivation gets expressed as a readiness for specific health behavior(s).NANDA-I further states that a health promotion diagnosis statement normally starts with the phrase “Expresses desire to enhance….” For example: Expresses desire to enhance nutrition.

Syndrome Diagnosis

A syndrome diagnosis is a clinical judgment that describes a particular cluster of nursing diagnoses that normally occur together. Such diagnoses typically get addressed together and require similar interventions. While writing this diagnosis, you must use at least two diagnoses as defining characteristics. For example: relocation stress syndrome.

Here’s how you would write a complete nursing diagnosis statement for your assignment:

Ineffective Airway Clearance: Diagnostic label

Ineffective Airway Clearance RT fatigue: “related to”

Complete statement: Ineffective Airway Clearance RT fatigue as evidenced by dyspnea at rest.

Note: The “related to” and “as evidenced by..” parts are important when you’re writing nursing school assignments.  However, they are not always necessary in nursing workplaces where nurses use computers to prepare care plans. One more thing: keep the nursing diagnosis book recommended by your school handy. It promotes accuracy and makes writing diagnoses somewhat easier.

A Nursing Diagnosis is Different than a Medical Diagnosis: Write the Right Diagnosis

Don’t confuse a nursing diagnosis with a medical diagnosis. North American Nursing Diagnosis Organization-International (NANDA-I) clarifies the difference between a nursing diagnosis and a medical diagnosis. According to NANDA-I, a nursing diagnosis describes a patient’s responses to actual health problems or potential health problems. In contrast, a medical diagnosis defines an injury or disease process. Only a doctor can write a medical diagnosis. So, avoid listing down diagnoses such as “Diabetes,” or “Heart disease,” or Cancer.” Based on a nursing diagnosis, a nurse can easily select an effective intervention method.

Step 3: Write the Planning Part of Your Nursing Care Plan

At this point, you need to set specific, measurable, and achievable goals that guide care for the patient. You need to decide what short-range goals and long-range goals the patient’s care will pursue. So, what goals do you want to set for the patient? Suppose you have an immobilized patient. You may set a goal suchasPatient will move from bed to chair 3 times per day. Another goal might be: Patient will tolerate clear liquids within 18 hours without vomiting and nausea. Or, Patient will be pain-free within 3 hours. Let’s write down one more goal: Patient will report decreased nausea within 12 hours. The goals are clear and measurable, and everyone involved knows what each goal means.

Step 4: Complete the Implementation/Interventions Part

The Interventions part focuses on helping the patient and care providers achieve expected outcomes. Each patient’s record reveals the specific actions nurses need to take. So, write down the actual actions that require attention, including how often and how long. For example: Nurse to assess patient’s nausea every 6 hours. Example 2: Nurse will administer pain medication as ordered or needed.

Step 5: Finally, Evaluate the Nursing Care Plan; Decide if the Plan Needs Modification

Nurses must keep evaluating their patients’ wellness or health status. They also need to keep evaluating the effectiveness of the nursing care provided. The evaluation section carefully considers each goal set for the patient. For this section, a goal was either “Met” or “Unmet.” What if a goal gets “unmet?” You may need to revisit the diagnosis step. You may also modify the goals or add interventions.

Nursing Rationales: Not Always Included but Your Professor May Ask You to Include it

Your professor may ask you to include a nursing rationale in your nursing care plan. Nursing rationales can be confusing, and writing them may give you problems. You’ll understand rationales best if you can see how they interact with nursing diagnoses, care goals, and interventions. Basically, a rationale explains why a nurse set a particular goal or chose a specific intervention. Every nursing intervention needs a nursing rationale. Here’s an example of how you might write a nursing rationale:

Pain control will help the patient improve their life by enabling them participate in physical therapy exercises.

Final Remarks on How to Write Nursing Care Plans

Writing nursing care plans can be quite confusing. Nursing students may not always clearly understand the differences between the various elements of a care plan. It’s easy to confuse “Planning” and “interventions,” for example. Also, some students may not know how nursing diagnoses differ from medical diagnoses. One more thing: your instructor decides the specific format you should follow for your nursing assignment. Hopefully, this post has described each part of a nursing care plan clearly and helpfully.

Nursing Care Plan Writing Service For Nursing Students

Are you a nursing student looking for a professional nurse to handle your nursing care plan assignment? We at provide students in United States of America, Canada, UAE, Australia and United Kingdom with nursing care plan writing services at affordable costs. NCP is an integral document in delivery of effective nursing care and achievement of desired patient outcome. The plan details actions, interventions and care that a patient receives in his treatment process. Therefore, a nursing care plan should be unique and individualized according to patient needs. Our nursing writers are well knowledgeable and equipped with how to write nursing care plans for different diagnosis, making us the best nursing writing website to seek nursing care plan writing help.

See video below on nursing care plan tutorial.

Better Schooling: Australian and British Education Systems?

Comparison between Australian and British Education Systems

UK education systemsAustralia and the United Kingdom are both English-speaking countries. Are you a teacher or student looking to join the education systems in either country? Understanding how each education systems works would help you settle quickly and start working toward your goals. The two systems differ in certain aspects, and it is in your interest to know what those differences are. This comparison between Australian and British education systems hopefully provides information you would find helpful.The comparison touches on areas such as costs, examinations, regulation, funding as well as higher education.

Australia Boasts Eight Different Systems of Education

The Australian government, a federal system, has the primary responsibility for education. The country’s population is smaller than that of the U.K. Can you believe Australia boasts of eight different education systems? What’s more, each system sets its own high school leaving exams. Being a registered teacher in one state does not automatically qualify you to teach in a different one. If you wish to move to another state, you will need to register with them.

Increasingly GCSE-focused U.K. Education

The U.K. has made significant changes to the GCSE examinations.These changes started with Michael Gove, a former education secretary in England. The new GCSE is similar to the O-levels of pre-1988 U.K. The new move hopes to address what Gove called the “dumbing down” of the curriculum and grade inflation. The new exams are supposed to be more challenging than GCSE has ever been.

Australia does not have a GCSE equivalent, and no one body sets the country’s education agenda. However, the U.K. seems to be gravitating — albeit unconsciously — toward a federal style system similar to that in Australia. That said, there will always be country-specific differences that set each country’s system apart from those in other jurisdictions.

Types of Schools in Australia

Australian schools aim to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for life after school. Their education systems covers key learning areas including math, English, arts and science, languages, society and environmental studies, and physical education. They also study technology and health education.

The types of schools found Down Under include government schools, non-government schools, and those based on educational philosophies. Non-government schools include faith-based schools such as Islamic or Catholic schools. Some of the educational philosophies guiding the establishment of schools are the well-known Montessori and Steiner. Every school in Australia needs to ensure registration with specific state’s education department.

Types of Schools in the U.K.

The four main types of school found in the U.K. are academies, maintained Schools, independent schools, and free schools.

Maintained Schools

Local authorities own and maintain these schools. Maintained schools have to adhere to all the requirements of the national curriculum. There are four types of maintained schools. These are foundation, trust, voluntary controlled, and voluntary aided schools.


Academies are state-funded.  That said, they exercise more independence than most other schools when it comes to directing their curriculum. They have the power to introduce faith-based topics or even change school hours. Sponsors from the business world, faith or voluntary groups work with the Department of Education to establish academies.

Free Schools

Funded by the government but not controlled by the local authority, free schools are like the academies. They can exercise some flexibility regarding term dates and the curriculum. Universities, community groups, parents, charities, or teachers usually establish these schools.

Independent schools

They are public or private schools run using fees paid by parents. They may also get support from various organizations.They can set their curriculum. To ensure independent schools maintain the required standards, the independent schools Inspectorate regularly inspects them.

Compulsory Education both Countries Proceeds Until the Age of 16

Just like in Australia, compulsory schooling in the U.K. starts at the age of five and continues until learners attain the age of 16. Except in one state, Tasmania, compulsory education in all states in Australia proceeds until children hit the age of 16. Compulsory education ends a year earlier in Tasmania, when learners are, often, 15.

Qualifications In Australia

Australian students strive to improve their Tertiary Admission rank — aka ATAR. The ATAR replaces by the year 2018 the Overall Position ranking currently applicable in Queensland. Queensland uses a system based on teachers’ assessments of students’ abilities. The ATAR is the main method that guides the selection of students for university programs.

Most of the programs offered at the universities usually set a minimum ATAR. Naturally, all year 12 students stress over their ATARs after they have sat the exams. Some experts have criticized the ATAR system arguing it forces learners to avoid or choose certain subjects to improve their score.  However, universities are increasingly adopting selection methods that do not consider a student’s ATAR only. Many expect the reliance on ATAR for selection of students for tertiary education to continue declining.

Qualifications In the U.K.

U.K. secondary school students focus on GCSE exams. They sit for these exams at the end of year 11. Traditionally, they have studied math, English, and science. Learners can also study the arts, humanities, technology, vocational studies or languages. Some may leave school at this point, but it certainly is not a good idea. The majority of students in the U.K. are preparing for the A-levels during years 12 and 13. Year 12 is also referred to as “lower sixth” while year 13 is commonly called “upper sixth.”

Diploma or Degree After GCSE exams

Also, a learner in either year 12 and 13 can be said to be a “sixth form” or “upper secondary” student. Successful upper secondary students can choose to join university or get a diploma. The diploma is a relatively new development in the U.K. The traditional path has always been proceeding to the university after the A-levels. In England and Wales, the law requires all kids aged 5 –16 to acquire at least primary and secondary school education.

School Terms

The academic year in the U.K. typically starts in September and ends in June or July of the following year. Each academic year has four school terms. Local education authorities in the U.K. are responsible for setting their holiday and term dates. The longest holiday break runs for five to six weeks. It is the summer school holiday when most people plan their travel.

In comparison, the Australian school year starts in early February and ends in November or early December. The term commencing date varies with states as well as whether the school is a government one or not. Earning an undergraduate degree Down Under takes 3–4 years. In comparison, it would take you 6 – 12 months less time to obtain the same degree in the United Kingdom. That means studying in the U.K. can allow you to enter the labor market a bit earlier.

Australian and U.K. Class Sizes

As a prospective student or teacher, you want to know how big classes are in Australia and U.K. Classes in the U.K. have a maximum of 30 students while 25 is the highest number of learners sitting in Australian classrooms. You may think being a teacher in the U.K. is a lot tougher than it would be Down Under. Class assistants working to support teachers in the U.K. make the slightly bigger classes there more manageable.

Tuition Costs

As a potential student, you would want to know how much it would cost to earn your degree in either country. In both countries, domestic students pay less than international or other students. And governments in both regions set a fees limit beyond which institutions cannot charge. Additionally, both countries provide subsidies and loans that make education more accessible than in most other places.

Tuition Costs In the UK.

How much you pay depends on the particular country. For instance, costs in the United Kingdom for Home students studying typical undergraduate degrees in English universities in the U.K. pay up to 9,250 pounds per year. Welsh institutions charge up to 9,000 pounds for home students. North Irish universities charge home students up to 5,220 pounds less than what England charges its home learners. It gets more interesting. Can you believe that home and European Union students pay ZERO for their undergraduate degrees in Scotland? However, learners from Wales, Northern Ireland, and England end up paying 9,250. International students spend even more.

A typical degree would, therefore, cost you between 0 – 27,750 pounds in the U.K. It would all depend on which country you chose and whether you are a local, EU, or international student.

Tuition Costs In Australia

Australian education systemsIn Australia, the costs can differ significantly across states. Institutions charge fees per unit rather than per year. A student can expect to study a cluster of courses, and each class belongs to a specific “band.” Australian universities offer subjects from different bands at different costs. That means students pay different amounts every year depending on what they are studying.

There are various similarities and differences between Australian and UK education systems. Developing a clear understanding of these differences and similarities can help you make informed decisions regarding preparation. Hopefully, you can now move forward with confidence.

However with the looming Brexit, we tuition costs in the United Kingdom to significantly change.

This post was researched, compiled and written by our MBA project writer in UK who has vast interests in educational maters. visit us at for dissertation and academic coaching services at affordable rates.


How To Write Economics Research Paper

How to Write Economics Research Paper

how to write economics research paperAre you a student undertaking economics either in university or college? Then you know that economics is the study of efficient allocation of limited resources to optimally produce goods and services. Economics has two broad branches that include microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economics students study the two branches at different levels as their concepts are interrelated. During your Economics class you will be required to write microeconomics essays, research papers and case studies. Similarly you will be required to write macroeconomic essays, research papers and case studies. Our expert macroeconomics assignment help experts will give you invaluable tips on how to write effective economics papers to garner maximum points.

In writing an economics research paper, you’re expected to demonstrate your academic knowledge on your subject. Your readers (professor or research committee) will be evaluating your ability to craft questions based on economic logic. Also in scrutiny will be your ability to critically analyze literature, and your ability to sort out empirical issues when they arise.

Your paper should demonstrate that you’re more analytical, sophisticated and knowledgeable about economics than, for instance, a New York Times editorial writer.

To write an effective economics research paper, you should provide evidence, cite sources, and clarify economic trade-offs. Your paper should also include methods of constrained optimizations and statistical analysis which is a core part of economics as a science.

Where do I start when writing an economics research paper?

Start with research

The research process is a critical first step. Research will help you:

  1. Developing a deeper and wider understanding of your subject
  2. Generating ideas for your paper
  3. Developing your thesis statement
  4. Articulating your ideas with authority

Gather relevant materials and start reviewing them. Here is a list of information sources:

  • Books and periodicals
  • Google scholar
  • Online almanacs, databases, and encyclopedias
  • Newspapers
  • Government reports, guides, and publications

As you sift through information, take notes and keep track of the reference materials so that you can cite them later in your paper.

Organize before writing: Now that your research has yielded tons of idea, you should start to logically organize your presentation. Without this important process, your research paper will lack focus and your thoughts will be jumbled.

Types of Economics Research Papers


Theoretical papers are a great option when you can’t find reliable data or when data is unreliable. This type of papers make practical assumptions about the actors involved, the environment and then make a prediction of what will ‘theoretically’ happen in case the factors described by the research question came true.


Empirical papers are an excellent choice when relevant data is available. Empirical papers use collected data to make conclusion.

Empirical + Theoretical

Empirical + theoretical papers make assumptions and then use data to approve or disprove those assumptions.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a brief summarization of the key point of your essay and a preview of the supporting points. The thesis statement is a critical feature of your paper as it guides readers on the direction your paper will take – from the main idea to supporting points.


An outline will help you articulate your thoughts in a coherent and logical manner. Once you’ve come up with a thesis statement, the next step is crafting an outline of the main points that support your thesis. Have the main points as your subheadings. You should then organize all your information under subheadings.

Information that doesn’t fit into your outline, however interesting you find it, won’t add value to your paper. Keep your focus on your thesis and leave out anything that’s irrelevant.

Writing an effective research paper

Once you’ve developed a thesis statement and organized an outline, you’ll now have a clear direction on how to write your paper.

Elements of a Good Economics Research Paper:


An introduction presents the background and the context of your paper. Engage your reader by starting with a strong opening sentence. Writing academic papers doesn’t mean writing in dry and boring prose.

Your introduction should answer the following questions:

  1. What is the paper about?
  2. Why should I read it?
  3. What steps do you want me to take?

Here is how to answer the questions:

  1. Set context – Provide information about your main idea. Help the reader make sense of your topic and your claims.
  2. State your main idea and why you think it’s important – Explain to your readers why they should read and care about your paper. Create a clear and compelling essay that gets people to read and act on its findings.
  3. State you claim – compose a brief statement that states your position.


Your outlines will come in handy at this stage. However, your writing should not be limited to the outline – an outline is a guideline to keep you focused. Be open-minded but remain focused on your thesis statement and in articulating supporting points.

Apply the rule of three. Craft supporting arguments for your points, start with a strong point, followed by an even stronger point, and then close with the strongest point.

Here are more tips on how to write your body:

Data overview: Outline the data you’ve used, point out its source, denote its strengths and weaknesses and the time frame under which it was collected.

Literature Review: Chances are, the questions you’re exploring are not new. Give a brief summary and analysis of other works in your area of focus and how they relate to your work.


It’s at this point that you wrap up your presentation. Most research papers end with a restatement of the thesis statement. Present a reword of your thesis statement. Briefly explain how your points support your argument. If there are gaps in your research, point out what needs to be researched further.

Revise your research essay paper draft.

Revising your paper takes more than just fixing typos. Here is a checklist of what you need to do:

Developmental Editing

  • What’s your thesis statement? Is clear? Is it concise?
  • Does the paper flow logically from beginning to end?
  • Do the paragraphs follow a logical sequence?
  • Are your ideas detailed and concrete?
  • Is your thesis statement fully supported by your arguments?
  • Have you cited all your sources?
  • Are any of your ideas repeated?

Line edit

  • How is your language? Is it clear? Is it specific?
  • Does your narrative flow smoothly and clearly from sentence to sentence?
  • Are their filler phrases and words that need to be cleared?
  • Is your grammar, spelling, and punctuation on point?

Writing a research paper is a lot of work, but it if you follow the suggestions above, it can be can enjoyable and rewarding process.

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Are you looking for expert writing help for economics essays? our expert economics paper writers have proven experience in writing both macroeconomics and microeconomics papers at all levels. Writing economics paper is a simple exercise if you posses excellent research and writing skills. Sometimes you will need to use your data analysis skills, more so when testing theories using empirical data. You also need to be conversant with economics theory and their applications. Don’t struggle writing your economics essays, homework, assignments, research papers and dissertation papers. Hire our economics paper writers and experience the difference in your grade.

See economics essay example: Sample Essay: US Economic Shutdown In 2019

Major Guidelines to Writing Effective Thesis, Dissertation Papers

Writing Effective Thesis & Dissertation Papers: How To

writing effecting thesis, dissertation paperYou are about to begin writing your thesis paper. It is a daunting task, at least for some students some of the time. Usually, getting started is the most challenging part, and writing effective thesis that reads like a real thesis may seem impossible. One that does not read like a topic, an opinion, or profusion of mere facts. Writing effective thesis statement is for most learners the trickiest part of writing thesis or dissertation paper.

You seek guidelines for writing effective thesis paper. Hopefully, you’ll have understood the process by the time you are reading the last word.

Write Your Title Page

The specific editorial style you are going to use, for example, APA or MLA, guides you as you write the title page. Please refer to the relevant style manual and learn how to do it. That said, it should include your name, name of the institution as well as the names of your advisors.

Table of Content

Guides readers as they search for specific pieces of information. It lists all subheadings and headings. It also includes page numbers. You can use MS Word to quickly and professionally generate your table of contents.

List of Figures

It carries the page numbers of all the figures you have included in your work. You should also add a short title for each figure.

List of Tables

It lists the page numbers of all the tables you have included.

Writing Effective Thesis Paper: Write Your Abstract

Typically, an abstract is no more than 500 words. That is about two relatively long paragraphs. Concisely tell your readers why the thesis paper matters. An abstract presents your most significant results. Be sure to include numbers where applicable. State the question or questions you are trying to answer as well as the methods you will use to investigate the problem. Also, your abstract needs to state the significant implications of your study. Implications are all about why your work matters. It is advisable to handle this part after you have finished writing your thesis paper. You do not need citations in your abstract.

Writing Effective Thesis Paper: The Introduction Determines Whether Your Paper Succeeds or Fails

The introduction is what makes or breaks a lawyer’s case. And it is what determines whether your readers will continue to the rest of the argument. For that reason, you need to get super focused as you think through this section of your paper. The jury needs to know what a lawyer believes regarding their client’s innocence from the outset.

Does the lawyer believe the accused is guilty? Not guilty? A good lawyer’s opening lines let jury members know where they (lawyer) stands on the matter and how they plan to convince the jury. A well-written thesis introduction should be like the opening lines used by successful lawyers. It should be clear and focused. It should quickly tell the reader what you’ll argue. Most importantly, a perfect introduction tells readers how you intend to convince them.

Learn to Think like a Lawyer, Present Clear, logical, and Convincing Arguments

What comes to mind when someone says they are a lawyer? Smart. Thorough. Logical. Arguments. Those are possibly the ideas that pop up in your mind. Lawyers are all of those qualities, and more. Learning to write a thesis paper that makes your professor smile as they read is pretty much like writing a defense theory.

A good lawyer listens attentively to their client and understands all the fine points related to their case. Then they examine the prosection’s evidence thoroughly. Finally, they prepare an argument that presents a specific position. Their legal and logical reasoning needs to convince the members of the jury. If they fail, their client ends up in jail. Worse, they might get the death sentence.  Mistakes can destroy a lawyer’s reputation and career fast. Your argument, too, needs to be logical and convincing if you want to earn an excellent grade.

Writing Effective Thesis Paper: Write Your Thesis Statement

Every thesis paper needs to have a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be part of your introduction. If there is one area that gives a lot of students trouble, it is writing the thesis statement. Don’t get confused. A thesis statement is not a topic. Nor is it merely a statement of fact. Most importantly, it is not an opinion. Your thesis statement needs to be the most prominent part of your introduction. Getting it wrong is like getting the whole thesis paper wrong. Typically, your thesis statement is the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.

Writing Effective Thesis Paper: Review and Analyze Primary Sources

Let us assume you are a political science student. The first thing you should do is head to the library. Search for material related to what you want to write about. A good example can be the French Revolution. What were the specific causes? What took place? When? Who were the participants? Analyze every bit of information you gather from your primary sources. Can you identify a controversial point of view? Is the author’s argumentambiguous? Have they contradicted themselves? Understand the deeper implications of the author’s argument.

You are doing all this to get a working thesis. Write down your thesis statement as soon as you mentally develop it. Writing it down forces you to think in a clear, logical and concise way.

Use Counterarguments to Refine Your Thesis Statement

Failure to think about what others have said against your thesis is the beginningof failure. Analyze opposing points of view as this helps to clarify your thoughts and strengthen your thesis statement. Also, examining the counterarguments provides you with the views you’ll need to refute when it comes time to write your paper’s body. An argument without counterarguments is no argument. It is most likely an opinion or at best, a statement of fact.

Let us Attempt to Write Your Thesis Statement Now

“Although the economic paralysis and bankruptcy resulting from conflict between the nobility and the Monarchy led to the French Revolution of 1789 – 1799, the Enlightenment of the Frenchplayed a more significant role.”

What does the reader think upon reading your thesis statement? They might say: I don’t entirely agree with the author of this thesis paper. But I will read on and see how they argue their case. You would like people to agree with your point of view. But it is good enough that people find your paper worth reading, even when they disagree.

What a Thesis Statement is Not

  • A list

Don’t write,

“Political conflict, social antagonisms and enlightenment caused the French Revolution.” Your thesis statement succeeds in letting the reader know what to expect. But, doesn’t it read pretty much like a list? Besides, thisexample states what every educated person already knows. That statement advances no argument. It merely states a fact.

  • A question

Admittedly, a thesis paper is supposed to discuss, explore and answer specific questions. And keen readers want to feel that your paper tells them something. However, your thesis statement should not directly ask the question. That’s what research questions are for.

“What caused the French Revolution?” Always remember that a question and an argument are two distinct things. And without an argument, your paper will never get anywhere near being captivating. Finding the answers to why the revolution happened is easy for most people. So, you must attempt to present the facts in a way that makes the issue look fresh and interesting.

  • A statement that is confrontational

Do not write, “Monarchies are inherently evil; that is why the French Revolution happened.” How do you build your thesis paper upon such an ineffective thesis statement? Arguing that will likely prove to be a task you were not ready for. How did you decide that monarchies are evil? Is this your opinion? Is there any authority you can rely on? Academic writing is less about being judgmental and moralistic and more about being rational and factual. Besides, such a thesis statement might end up alienating some of your readers. Not everyone thinks monarchies are evil. In fact, you might just be the only one!

  • A statement containing general or overused terms

Let us look at this example thesis statement: “The French Revolution happened due to political conflict.” The statement does not advance an argument. Besides, it is obvious to almost everyone that political conflict must have preceded the revolution. Here, you are simply reminding readers what they know already. Your thesis statement, in this case, looks overused, general and uninteresting. The kind of paragraph-one conclusion that has the reader muttering: nothing new here.

  • A Statement Without an arguable claim

Your paper is supposed to advance a specific point of view. When you state a fact and pretend it is a thesis, discerning readers will quickly notice and stop reading. Let us look at the example we started with:

“Although the economic paralysis and bankruptcy resulting from conflict between the nobility and the Monarchy led to the French Revolution of 1789 – 1799, the Enlightenment of the French played a more significant role.”

The author argues that the French Revolution is more attributable to the Enlightenment than to political conflict between the Monarchy and the nobility. Your reader probably views the French Revolution differently. But you have presented a clear, arguable claim. They would probably say “let me read further and hear what this author has to say.” When that person is your professor of political science, you are beginning to win. They might even think “Here isanother promisingscholar.”

Other Content for Your Introduction

Your introduction also includes:

  • Background to the topic at hand (sometimes your professor may ask that you have a separate section for background information)
  • A description of an existing gap in current knowledge
  • An explanation of the scope of work
  • An outline of what your reader can expect in the content that follows
  • A statement of the purpose of your paper: What problem is your thesis paper trying to address?
  • A demonstration of how your research fills the knowledge gap identified
  • Hypothesis/hypotheses or research question(s)

A Hypothesis is Different than a Thesis Statement

Hypothesis writing is another challenging step of the scientific method. Some students get themselves all confused when it comes to writing effective hypothesis. They think a hypothesis and thesis statement are the same. Well, some disciplines may treat the two as though they were interchangeable, but they are different. If your study hopes to prove or disprove something, it needs to have a hypothesis. Typically, hypotheses most commonly appear in quantitative research. A hypothesis is a testable prediction. It is an educated prediction regarding the relationship between two variables.  A researcher’s job is to support or falsify the hypothesis using observable evidence.

A Hypothesis Can be a Question or Statement

how to write hypothesisYou learned earlier that a good thesis statement is never a question. In contrast, a hypothesis can either be a question or a statement. Your hypothesis must specify both the dependent variables and independent variables. Dependent variables relate to who or what you expect to get affected. An independent variable represents what or who you predict will affect your study’s dependent variable.

Essentially, the introduction expands on what you stated in your abstract. Typically, it is longer than the abstract. How long? As long as it reasonably needs to be. Generally, the longer the paper, the longer the introduction can be. It can be a page or pages.

Example of a Hypothesis

“Temperature may affect bacterial growth.”

Here, the researcher predicts that bacterial growth gets affected by temperature. You will notice that both bacterial growth and temperature are testable. In other words, the two variables are measurable. Another way to present your hypothesis would be to ask: Does temperature affect bacterial growth? Remember we said a hypothesis is either a statement or question.

No Hypothesis Statement in Qualitative Research – Usually

Hypothesis testing does not usually happen in qualitative research. Typically, qualitative research does not concern itself with hypothesis testing. It simply explores an area of study. Researchers can later use a quantitative approach to test the hypothesis or hypotheses.

You should present your hypothesis statement before you write your thesis statement. Don’t forget we are still at the thesis paper introduction stage. It might look like this article has taken quite a while guiding you on how to write a single part of your thesis. But remember: The introduction is the most important part of your thesis paper. Getting it wrong results in a failed paper that frustrates you in the end. You care about grades, don’t you?

Literature Review and Background information: Are They Part of the Introduction?

After you have written your introduction, you can now proceed to the literature review writing section. The social and hard sciences prefer to have researchers separate the background or literature review and the introduction. Humanities students usually present their literature review or background information as part of the introduction.

No hard and fast rules guide how you are supposed to present these sections. Also, there is no widely accepted convention as to whether your paper should have either literature review or background information or both. It is best to ask your academic advisor for clarifications on how to treat the introduction, background, and literature review.

Writing Effective Thesis: Background Chapter

Let’s assume your paper will have a separate background information chapter. What content do you include there? Use this space to present pre-requisite information critical to the understanding of your thesis paper. It should not be lengthy. After all, you are writing for people with at least a rudimentary knowledge regarding your area. Describe the historical developments that led you to your research questions or thesis. Clarify key terms and describe the scope of your area. Will you be relying on disciplines other than yours? Tell the reader about the aspects of those disciplines you will include.

Writing Effective Thesis Paper: Literature Review Chapter

writing effective thesisYou have reviewed a ton of relevant material from various sources and developed specific ideas. The literature review chapter organizes your ideas into a conceptual structure from which the body of your thesis grows. Here, you should organize and link ideas together. Your intended audience should be able to see how the ideas interact as well as their relative importance. What fundamental concepts, theories, and models have you derived from your sources analysis? What are the counterarguments? Which ideas support the main ones?

At this point, you have collected various sources of reliable data. You need to have used primary sources — usually peer-reviewed journal articles and books. If you cannot find these in your school’s library, use online databases like ProQuest. Essentially, this chapter focuses less on presenting “literature” and more on analysis of existing knowledge. It identifies a knowledge gap and tells the reader why addressing that information gap matters.

Citations and Formatting

You must not write a single claim that you cannot support using credible evidence. Your preferred editorial style guides how you format your paper, write in-text citations, references, or bibliography page. Whether you are using APA, MLA, OSCOLA, Chicago, Harvard, or any other style, be sure you can correctly apply it. You can use reliable resources like Purdue Online Writing Lab to learn how to format your thesis paper and write citations. Needless to say, your work must not have plagiarism issues. Use any appropriate software package to ensure your document is authentic. Failure to do that can have others accuse you of academic dishonesty.

Writing Effective Thesis Paper: Methodology Chapter

The method chapter of your thesis presents a description of the precise steps you took to address the hypothesis or research question. Its purpose is to help even the most “naïve” reader replicate your study. Fundamentally, this chapter attempts to establish links between your research problem, method, and findings.

Qualitative studies are somewhat unstructured. However, you must not avoid being as detailed and specific as you would be in a quantitative study. You must describe your sample and how you solicited participants. If the participants are not people, you can use the term “subjects.” Additionally, the reader needs to know which instruments or tools you used. Did you use questionnaires, extended interviews, behavioral observations, or archival data? Also, describe how you selected the research materials relied on. Explain the procedures followed, too.

Do Not Merely Restate the Problem or Present the Literature Review Again

Most people tend to restate the problem and re-present the literature review in this section. Understand that the method chapter is supposed to describe the directions for carrying out a piece of research. If your study is quantitative, you must include a data analysis section that clearly outlines your procedure(s). Where you have used specialized equipment, tell the reader about the nature and type of such equipment. In that case, you may have to include an apparatus section.

Admittedly, though, a quantitative study can be a little more challenging than a qualitative one.Always use the past tense when writing the method section and the rest of the thesis.

Writing Effective Thesis: Results/Findings Section

Use figures and text to present your findings. The results section presents the facts of your research. Also, comment on the significance of your study’s key findings. Sometimes you can combine the results section with the discussion section. You can choose to have them under the same heading. Check with your advisor regarding the treatment of these two sections.

Writing Effective Thesis: Discussion

At this point, you have thought through your research findings and know what they mean. So, explain what they mean. The discussion section allows you to interpret your results for the benefit of readers. It also describes the results you expected and those you did not expect. Additionally, you must explain every unexpected result. Most importantly, your discussion section relates your specific findings to previous theory or research. At this point, state the limitations of your study. Also, comment on any research questions you did not answer. Essentially, tell the reader whether or not you proved your hypothesis.

Writing Effective Thesis: Conclusion Chapter

Take care how you write this section. It is as important as your introduction. Strive to craft it in a way that makes a strong impression on the reader. Here, tell the reader whether you achieved the aims of your research. Focus on the most significant points or results, and present them concisely. Your conclusion needs to be in alignment with your introduction and body.

Do you feel that you can handle a thesis paper like the competent researcher and writer you are? What stops you from writing effective thesis paper? Nothing. Let the confidence you have gained drive out every trace of doubt and intimidation.

Writing effective thesis or dissertation paper is often cumbersome. You need to engage our academic writing service for excellent pay for dissertation writing help, capstone project assistance among others. Our team of expert thesis writers follow the above guidelines when writing academic papers. Hire expert literature review writers today from our team of dissertation writing experts today.

Comparison Between US and UK Education Systems

Difference Between US and UK Education Systems

american vs british education systemAre you an international student looking for scholarship in UK and USA and wondering which of the two countries you ought to choose for your studies? then we have answers for all your potential questions. When choosing your future college or university, it is imperative to consider a variety of factors and see if they match your expectations. Our academic essay writers have compiled a list of factors to choose from and gone further to compare the factors in US and UK education systems.

The United Kingdom and the United States combined are home to more than 100 of the world’s best institutions of higher learning. In these countries, a tradition of a high-quality college education has continued for years. In both countries, a culture that encourages intellectualism thrives. Additionally, these nations have some of the best research facilities worldwide. It is accurate to say that these countries offer the student an excellent learning environment. However, a few differences exist between the US and UK education systems.

This article explores those differences so that you are adequately informed when it comes the time to make your decision to enrol in a degree course. Below are some of the differences between American and British education systems:

Study Duration

The time it takes to clear your degree program is one of the most important differences between the US and UK education systems. Typically, a degree program in the U.S. takes one year longer to finish than a similar degree in the U.K. While it is possible to start your PhD program right after your undergraduate in both countries, most students in the United Kingdom will usually complete their master’s degree before proceeding to the doctorate level of study. The reason it takes less time to finish your program in the U.K. is that the coursework there is kind of more focused than in the U.S.

Academic Terms

Here is another aspect where the US and UK education systems slightly differ. In the United States, most schools have their terms starting around mid or late August. Some colleges, often those teaching the liberal arts, may start their term a little later. Typically, students take a long break commencing mid-December through mid-January, when the next semester begins. Please note that for universities using different calendars such as the quarter-based system or the trimester, the winter break usually starts when the Thanksgiving holidays come around, around the end of November.

In the United Kingdom, the academic term is somewhat varied. Most universities in this country apply the semester system. However, some colleges follow the trimester and the quarter systems. The majority of the schools start their programs in September or October and continue until May or June, giving the British system an academic year that is a little longer than its U.S. counterpart. That said, you can expect your particular university in the U.K. to use a different calendar.

Cost of Education

US school systemWhile cheap is not a permissible word when describing how much it costs to get a degree in either country, education costs more in the United States. The U.K. government put in place a fee regulation in 2012 that set a limit on how much fees schools could charge. The upper limit was set at 9,000 pounds or approximately 14,300 U.S dollars every academic year. If you are an international student, expect to pay more than the maximum figure already stated.

In the U.S, the government is not keen on controlling the fees colleges charge. That said, the U.S. differentiates between out-of-state and in-state tuition fees. Also, this government differentiates between public and private universities. It is these distinctions that determine how much tuition fee you end up paying.

Typically, public 2-year institutions charge an average annual tuition fee of approximately 3,000 dollars while private 4-year schools charge an average of 29,000 dollars. You need to know that some of these private 4-year colleges can set you back up to 50,000 dollars every year until you finish your degree program. The fees in both countries might look a little intimidating, but college students can get loans with favourable terms and interest rates through the study period.

Assignments and Grades

expert writing help for admission essaysThe American education system focuses more on breadth while the British system of education considers depth to be more important. Since the U.S school system is broad, you as a student can expect to be handling weekly or bi-weekly readings, many small writing projects, major research papers, and a lot of oral presentations for the duration of the course. In contrast, the British education system tends to be lecture-based, though there will be an occasional assignment.

In some cases, there will be no assignments. In this case, the university administers one final exam that determines your overall grade. In the U.S., the grades you earn in the plethora of assignments matter, and the grade you receive in the final examination forms a percentage of your overall grade.


Both countries have resident halls where students stay while studying. In the U.K., you are highly likely to have your bedroom. If you want to study in the U.S., expect to share your room with at least one more student. After the first year, a learner in the United States might have additional housing options such as private housing or off-campus housing. The U.S. offers a range of full dining options while maid service is a common feature in U.K. college residence halls. The U.K. students pay a fee for the maid service.

Which Is Better :American Vs British Education System

You will get an excellent education whether you choose the American or the British education system. US and UK education systems have a somewhat different approach to learning, so it is up to you to decide what you want — breadth or depth. It will take you more time to study in one country as opposed to earning your degree in the other. Finally, there are cost differences to consider. With all this information, you are fully equipped to make a sound decision.

Expert Writing Help Offers British And American Homework Help

Are you a student in British or American college or university? offers PhD essay writing services to students studying in American colleges and universities. Studying in America is a no joke. You will be required to dedicate hundreds of hours per month doing serious studies. Not to forget you will need to look for part time jobs for sustenance. This leaves you with little time to do homework. You therefore need an expert homework writer to assist you complete your courseworks and homework. Same case applies to you studying in colleges and universities in UK, you need to seek British homework help services from our academic writing service in order to boost your grades.

Pros and Cons of Academic Writing Help

Pros and Cons of Buying Academic Writing Help Online

expert writing help for essays

So, why use your hard money and time to buy academic writing help from the many academic writing services online? Juggling work or raising a family with studies can be a bit challenging. Are you an international student trying to get used to an overwhelmingly new environment called college? Perhaps you are a local student with too many assignments to complete? It is normal for students to find a little help with coursework, report, essay, or research paper writing. Before you press that “Place Order” button, it is imperative that you come to terms with the pros and cons of seeking academic writing help online.

No two college students are grappling with the same set of difficulties. Each person struggles with specific issues that make their situation unique and challenging in different ways. The question whether to seek help or suffer in silence is personal. But no one can choose the consequences of not seeking help when they need it. For those who decide to work with professionals, the pros of seeking academic writing help online usually outweigh any related disadvantages. Let’s consider the pros and cons of seeking academic writing help online.

The Pros of Buying Academic Writing Help

Students who choose to enlist the help of seasoned academic writing experts stand to gain a lot. Professional guidance certainly costs money. However, it comes with numerous benefits that make it all worth it in the end. Look at these advantages and decide if they provide benefits you would find motivating enough:

Online academic writing help is available 24/7

Your professor can only be available for so many hours on a typical school day. Some learners are “geniuses” who grasp even the most complicated concepts the first time their instructor teaches them. The rest of the class might need to spend a little more time on the same topic. That is where online academic writing help comes in. Academic writing companies work with accomplished tutors who work around the clock to ensure you get all the help you need. With online tutors, brilliant minds are always ready to walk you through complicated material anytime. It does not matter whether that is at 8.00 a.m or 2.00 a.m.

Online tutors provide personalized writing help

In class, your professor is busy explaining concepts and answering questions. However “nice” they might be, it is not possible for them to provide all the assistance you probably need. You are different from everyone else. But your teacher has no time to attend to each person in the class individually. That means learners with difficulties grasping concepts within the confines of the classroom will always struggle in their studies. Online tutors will solely focus on you and your specific needs. They can develop custom solutions that ensure you maximize your potential while allowing you to learn at your pace.

Academic writing help is a time-saving solution

Are you one of those mature college students seeking to bolster their career by earning a degree? You are busy. It is extremely hard to focus on any one thing for long enough when you have a thousand tasks awaiting your attention. Time moves swiftly, and it begins to feel like you will never really have enough time to work on your most critical goals. Writing that GIS or genetic engineering assignment can end up being one of those important things that fall through the cracks. Seeking academic writing help lengthens your day so that you can achieve more and become more. Hiring others is the only known way of adding hours to your day.

Academic writing services helps  improve GPA

Life is not all about grades and GPAs. Living involves a lot of more than earning grades that make professors smile. You need to participate in your frat or sorority and make friends. These are your college days, after all. You want to build memories you will remember with nostalgia later on in life. Memories that make you smile. Memories that strengthen college-formed friendships. In this day and age, who you know can just be as important as what you know. While interacting with others in college is great, you GPA needs to be at the right place. Using online help ensures your GPA does not suffer just because you are a frat member. Such assistance pushes your research and writing skills to a whole new level, in the end. At that level, A becomes your default grade.

Cons of Buying Academic Papers Online

Students who decide getting help is not for them might be focusing too much on the cons. Before you dismiss their concerns, though, try to see things from their point of view. You might even learn something.

Online academic writing help costs money

pros of buying academic writing helpYou are probably not working. You are solely dependent upon your folks. Or you have to work part-time to buy food and make rent while paying your way through college. In all these situations, money is usually tight. And online help costs money. That can make it feel like something you can do without. And it probably is. If you are super intelligent and have all the time to complete all your coursework and assignment writing, why spend your money unnecessarily?

You don’t always become a better researcher and writer
what do you do with the sample you download from your favorite site? Submit it? Probably. It is your sample, and you can do with it as you please. Submitting that sample almost always bolsters your grades and ultimately the GPA. Unfortunately, your research and writing skills do not get the support such samples often provide. Ideally, you should use the samples you get to better your academic writing skills.
You are supposed to learn by observation. The writing service would want you to adopt its approaches to solving questions, citing sources, formatting papers and so on. When will you learn all these when all you want to do is download, print, and submit? Whether the assistance you get makes you a stronger student or not depends on what you do after receiving your sample.
Are these the only pros and cons of seeking academic writing help online? If not, which other factors discourage you from finding assistance? What other benefits do you enjoy?

Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis

Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis

Airbnb Porter Five Forces AnalysisAre you a strategic management student looking for Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis sample essay? our cheap business capstone project writers in an endeavor to assist our clients pass their essays and homework wrote a free sample essay analyzing airbnb business model. The analysis used Porter’s Five Forces Model to evaluate the strength and weakness of the company and also the operating environment that airbnb operates in.

With over 3,000,000 lodging listings in 65,000 cities and 191 countries; Airbnb ( is a virtual marketplace and hospitality service that empowers individuals to lease or rent short term accommodation comprising of vacation and apartment rentals, homestays, hostel beds or hotel rooms. Instead of booking into a hotel or B&B, users stay in other people’s properties, potentially enjoying a more quirky and personal experience. The business does not own any lodging; it is merely a broker and receives percentage service fees (commissions) from both guests and hosts in conjunction with every booking. Users can hunt for lodging using a variety of filters including lodging type, dates, location, and price Airbnb can be accessed via either the Airbnb websites or mobile applications for iOS, Apple Watch, and Android.

With the use of Airbnb App, travelers can easily search the database for available properties by entering details about when and where they would like to travel. They can additionally upgrade searches by:

  • Room style – whole place, secluded room or joint room
  • Fee – range from minimum to maximum
  • Size – number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and beds
  • Amenities – Internet connection, kitchen, pool, etc.
  • Property type – standard properties like apartments, houses and bed & breakfasts
  • Host language – English, French, and Germany

The purpose of the Porter’s five forces analysis on Airbnb is to determine competitive advantage and Airbnb strategies to reach more travellers . Porter’s Model of competitive analysis is a widely used approach to develop a strategy in many industries. According to Porter, competitive nature of the industry could be seen as a combination of top five strengths, namely rivalry among existing competitors, the threat of new entries, threat of alternative products, and the negotiating power of suppliers and customers.

Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis : The potential threat of new entries

The threat of new entries into the market for Airbnb is considered weak and flexible. On the surface it seems like there aren’t many barriers to entry and that any website could pop up to compete with Airbnb. However, Airbnb is not only well funded but is in operation in nearly 200 countries. For any company to pose a threat, they will need both access to millions in capital to venture into the account and an excellent brand equity to capture the requirements and demands of customers and compete with Airbnb.

Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis : The threat of substitutions

The threat of substitutes is quite high because switching costs are non-existent to individuals who utilize Airbnb. Customeairbnb homework writers UK, USArs can very easily choose a traditional hotel, B&B, hostel, and couch surfing, as an alternative in the future. As Airbnb is growing, so is its competitors or companies who offer the same concept. These companies usually fall into three principal categories:

Hotels: They considered as the most readily available and well-known way for every traveler to stay. With the existence of Airbnb, hotels have noticed the changes in consumer preferences due to the availability of new social-oriented products, homier settings, and more functional apps. Hotels have thus managed to achieve this demand by growing their portfolios by adding brands that are intended to appeal to millennial customers and those who want less service and more connectivity — both technologically and with shared space.

Hostels: Hostels tend to be attractive for backpackers traveling alone and wanting a great way to meet like-minded travelers because these accommodations not only provide ample opportunities for social interactions in the communal areas but are cheaper and have a more youthful, intimate vibe than a traditional hotel. Features such as communal breakfasts, weekend party occasions, and fun little structures like book exchanges and rooftop cinemas create a delightful atmosphere is attractive to many travelers who would rather waive modern amenities of pools, room service, and polite if impersonal customer service that are mostly offered in other establishments.

Couchsurfing: This is a web platform founded in 2004 where hostess of all over the world offers their sofa or a place to stay for overseas people with no cost at all. It supports a global community of 10 million people in more than 200,000 cities worldwide and does not have standard ‘listings,’ as hosting is optional and voluntary. The main reasons why budget travelers prefer using couch surfing are;

  • There is a significant possibility of finding free lodging all around the globe.
  • A traveler can choose a host based on location thereby enabling them to stay downtown instead of a low-priced motel a few minutes away.
  • Individuals on couch surfing are interesting people who are well traveled and always glad to teach and share life stories with their host. This trait makes their trips much more exciting and may even turn some hosts to longtime friends.

Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis : Negotiating power of customers

The negotiating power of clients with regards to Airbnb is high because at the moment they have a broad range of services to choose (price, location, and host rating).Expert writing help on airbnb

The economic growth has always been helpful in developing the tourism and hospitality of a country. Compared to other options like hotels or motels, Airbnb has been considered as a cheaper option for most travelers. Though travelers have no avenue of price negotiation of the rooms or apartments with the host in the Airbnb web platform, they, however, have the buyer power in the alternatives of prices and styles available for them to choose from and can thereby quickly decide on the residence where they will stay without hurting their finances.

 Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis : Bargaining power of suppliers

The bargaining power of vendors is meager because Airbnb who control the connection between the two parties has made it hard for individuals trying to rent out their rooms and apartments do not have an alternative method to connect with customers using the Airbnb App.

For Airbnb, the supplier is the host that offers the room or apartment to travelers; they are the ones that make the business happen. The hosts are the basic level that provides potential clients services that they require. Airbnb works in tandem with the host to avoid problems with the customers. Though there is nothing comparable to a union for these suppliers to work together to place demands on Airbnb, Airbnb, however, offers hosts the liberty to decide the conditions to their boarders, always following some rules and brand principles. The host can choose if he or she wants to alter the price depending on any situation. The rents are exclusive and focus on unusual places for a high volume of travelers thereby providing a range of prices for all types of customers.

Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis : Inter-firm rivalry

SWOT analysis AirbnbRivalry among Existing Firms is usually the greatest force in five competitive forces. The inter-firm rivalry is moderate or even low. There are several high-quality Airbnb competitors with networks and websites similar to Airbnb. Sites such as,,, are working overtime to overthrow Airbnb from its throne. One competitor that has inevitably caught the attention of Airbnb shareholders is Onefinestay is a 5-year-old London startup that operates as an upmarket Airbnb service, renting out expensive homes and apartments to tourists in cities around the world while the owners are away. Currently, in operation in London, LA, Paris and New York and over 10,000 homes in its books, the houses available on the site are much swankier than those typically set up on related sites like Airbnb, with the regular charge for a onefinestay property being above $600 (£382) a night. Onefinestay also washes each property before and after people stay and offers linen and skincare product, just like a hotel would. The company also takes all its photos of the properties to market them

The company is giving Airbnb a run for their money as it expands deeper into the market with the recent announcement of a $40 million (£25.4 million) new funding from an array of top financiers. Everyone from the technological arena like Intel Capital to hotels such as Hyatt Hotels has taken a ride in the investment wagon, which doubles the total raised by the firm to $80 million (£50.8 million). This, according to the CEO Grey Marsh, means that the company will be enabled to penetrate an identified market in 100 cities around the world.

Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis : Gaining Competitive Adavantage in Competitive Business Environment

The development of the industrial world is rapidly increasing competition. In the 21st century, the development of a company is driven by the information system to serve its customers. Enterprises that do not want to grow regarding information systems will gradually be abandoned by the client because it is felt to be ineffective and less helpful or interactive. The market offers so many comparable and nearly identical structures and services to meet the ever growing demands of customers. Airbnb operations have stood the test of time, although in 2009 it was declared bankrupt, it managed to dust itself off and prove it can survive all trials and tribulations that exist in the operations of a business. In the past, these types of services were used widely by thrifty tourists looking for low-cost places to stay in a particular city. Nowadays, however, more and more business travelers and professionals are looking to Airbnb for exclusive and unforgettable memories. Although there are specific hazards associated with using a standard economy system such for Airbnb, it goes without saying that the company is working towards mitigating them to continue enjoying a piece of the online service pie.

Author Bio:

This free sample essay on Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis was prepared by Alen Owen. He works at as a professional literature review writer he is tasked with writing high quality capstone projects, dissertations and thesis papers on finance and business.  Buy dissertations or essay papers from us today at 17$ per page.

Professional Literature Review Paper Writing Guide

The Key Steps To Follow When Writing Professional Literature Review Paper

professional literature review paper writers UK, USA, Canada, AustraliaWriting professional literature review paper is often a daunting part of writing a thesis or dissertation. This article provides a research and writing guide to assist students to write one of the essential and yet, for a majority, the most complicated piece of academic writing project and gives them a better understanding of what a literature review is, what it does, and how to go about doing it. Not all the times do students have the luxury of seeking literature review writing services for their papers. It is worthwhile to understand how to write professional literature review paper for your dissertation, MBA capstone projects or research paper.

Definition of  literature review

A literature review is a written overview of major writings and other sources on a selected topic. It is a summary of a complete and current state of knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic as found in academic books and journal articles. It is usually presented as a distinct section of a graduate thesis or dissertation.

Depending on a student’s areas of specialization, a literature review can take various forms: argumentative, integrative, historical, methodological, systematic and theoretical reviews.

  • Argumentative review aims to develop a body of literature that establishes a contrarian viewpoint. It is written to examine literature selectively to support or refute an argument, deeply embedded assumption, or philosophical problem already set up in the literature.
  • Integrative review is composed of examinations and critical analysis on a given topic to introduce a need for new research. It is considered a form of investigation that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes the representative literature on a topic in an integrated way such that new frameworks and perspectives on the topic are generated. The body of literature includes all studies that address related or identical hypotheses. A well done integrative review meets the same standards as primary research regarding clarify, rigor and replication.
  • Historical review focuses and assesses all the historical records throughout a period, often starting with the first time an issue, concept, theory, phenomena emerged in the literature, then tracing its evolution within the scholarship of a discipline. The primary purpose of a historical review is to place research in a historical context to show familiarity with state-of-the-art developments and to identify the likely directions for future studies.
  • The methodologically review provides a framework that enables researchers to draw on a variety of knowledge ranging from the conceptual level to practical documents for use in fieldwork in the areas of quantitative and qualitative integration, sampling, interviewing, data collection and data analysis. It helps highlight many ethical issues which students should be aware of and considerate as they go through their study.
  • The systematic review consists of an overview of existing evidence pertinent to a clearly formulated research question, which uses pre-specified and standardized methods to identify and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect, report, and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review. Typically it focuses on a very specific empirical question, often posed in a cause-and-effect form.
  • The theoretical review concretely examines the corpus of theory that has accumulated regarding an issue, concept, theory, phenomena. The theoretical literature review help establishes what theories already exist, the relationships between them, to what degree the existing methods have been investigated, and to develop new hypotheses to be tested. This unit of analysis is often used to help establish a lack of relevant theories or reveal that current approaches are inadequate for explaining new and emerging research problems.

Importance of Writing Professional Literature Review

literature review chapter writing serviceA literature review as a study requires not only scholarly but professional maturity as it shows a writer’s grasp of the field, but the procedural sophistication utilized in appraising others’ research, and the breadth and depth of their reading and understanding. There are many reasons as to why a professional literature review paper is regarded a core component of any scientific study. These include but not limited to the following:

  • It acts as a stepping stone towards the achievement of research objectives as it emphasizes on the credibility of the writer in his or her field.
  • It provides a solid background to back a person’s investigation by analyzing the existing literature and giving justification to the discussion of findings, conclusions, and recommendations. This allows one to demonstrate how his/her research is linked to previous efforts and how it extends to build on a better understanding.
  • Helps to avoid duplication, identify the gaps in other studies with the goal of filling them, borrow from the research design and methodology used to investigate that particular problem and to interpret one’s findings.
  • It provides an excellent starting point for researchers beginning to do research in new areas by forcing them to summarize, evaluate, and compare original studies in that particular field.

Components of an professionally written literature review

According to our team of professional literature review paper writers, an effective literature review chapter should include the following elements:

  • Objective of the literature review
  • Overview of the subject under consideration
  • Clear categorization of sources selected into those in support one’s particular position, those opposed and those offering completely different arguments
  • Discussion of both the distinctiveness and similarities of each source

Guidelines: How To Write Professional Literature Review Paper

Preparation of a literature review may be divided into the following steps:

  • Define the subject and scope of the review

A well-considered topic is likely to lead to a brilliant literature review. It is important for the topic not only to be interesting to the writer but to have an important aspect of the field and well defined so as to ensure that many readers are interested in the review and enough material is available to write it.

  • Select databases

The library catalog, subject-specific databases, and other search tools are useful to every writer in finding sources that are relevant to the topic chosen. It is important to read and evaluate the sources to determine their suitability to the understanding of the subject at hand. Review abstracts, articles, bibliographies and references of research studies to locate vital information for consideration.

  • Conduct Search for literature

Skim the contents of available article, book and abstract to find the claims, conclusions, and findings of the constructs one is investigating; definitions of terms; calls for follow-up studies relevant to the project; gaps noticed in the literature and disagreements about the constructs examined.

  • Review the literature

Analyze, interpret and discuss the findings and conclusions of the sources selected. It is important in writing the literature review for the writer not only to summarize the prior research but to critically examine the research related to the chosen topic then present a perspective on the research as a means for establishing his/her credibility as a scholar.

About the author

The author this blog post on how to write professional literature review chapter  is a proven writer with vast experience in research and writing. He has several years of experience in offering help with economics literature review chapter to British, American and Australian students.

See also

Guide to writing systematic literature review

Guide to writing APA literature review

Sample Essay on World War III

The Start of World War III: Kim Jong-un versus Donald Trump

free essay on world war IIIWith or without the help of Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un has the capability to plunge the entire planet into its World War III inside a century. Indubitably this one will cause more harm and destruction than the Great War, where even the use of aircraft was in its early stages, and chemical weapons were not used. It could also be more dangerous than the World War II that ended with the first where nuclear weapons were heavily used.

Currently, Donald Trump has played a pivotal role in inciting the start of World War III where he has installed anti-missile defense against the north inside South Korea.  Trump is trying to copy what President Kennedy did in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis. Note that President Reagan did the same thing during 1980s cold war: practicing brinkmanship, demonstrating strength and displaying resolve.

Just like Kennedy and Reagan, it is easy for Trump to prevail. Nevertheless, it not that trick to watch how things would spin out of control in a blink of an eye. Since this will make Kim feel that he is abandoned and exposed at the same time, he could try to retaliate by sending off a few missiles of his own, perhaps targeting Japan which is always a popular point of the target. Evident to the recent form in Syria and Afghanistan, Trump will strike back using a surgical and proportionate strike on some facilities belonging to North Korea.  The North Korean will be forced to sink a South Korean warship. In the process, some North Koreans will manage to get themselves shot to ribbons, chucking another missile over the border and it kills all the American troops. This will force Trump to retaliate by escalating the bombing of government building. With all these happenings, Kim will see his regime critically threatened, having no other alternative and nothing to lose. Having a great support from Russian and Chinese diplomacy, Kim will unleash his massive conventional force, trying to get the Americans surrender and leave him in power.

Military Might and Powerful Military Forces in World War III

The fact is that there is no shortage of weapons. In those two parts of the world, you come across the world’s biggest and most powerful military forces. The United States and Russia are now content to be more of an observer than a player. Believing what Trump says, it is so worrying to publicly chastise North Korea while pushing for harsher sanctions. Remember that there is South Korea too rapidly growing its armed troops, and of course North Korea, with a massive army and its nuclear and missile technology it has managed to build. Even though Japan us technically impaired to self-defense, the country has substantial armed forces. Note that it would not take an extended period for this superior abundant power to build a nuclear technology weapon once the need arises.

Kim is not crazy, and he is also not a nutty dictator as portrayed in team America; he is just like his father. Kim is ruthless and paranoid, as he openly eliminates all his rivals and critics. Since he has nothing to lose, once the Americans decide to depose him just like what they did with Saddam and Gaddafi, he believes that he will be killed publicly.  Because of this, nothing can stop him from executing a few million Japanese and Koreans plus a few thousand Yankee soldiers.

Clearly, this is where the danger for President Donald lies. The US president has cleverly made some augments that America does not want to embrace change. However, let’s find out of what use are those words to Kim.  The only reason Kim needs his nuclear and enjoys playing with them is precise to freak out other leaders around him, leaders who care less about human life and prosperity of their countries. What the northern Korea leader sees is the world where developed nations like America, Japan, South Korea and even China or Russia will try to eliminate you if you so dump such that you disarm yourself or let them tamper with your weapon program.  So according to Kim, this is the main reason as to why Gaddafi and Saddam were executed in cold blood. However, our primary concern should be why both the Iranians and Kim are still sitting pretty.

The threat is not about Trump personally. It is what any American president is bound to do once they feel that the vital security of the great nation is at stake. Essentially, what the article talks about here is the ultimate sacrifice made by Japan and South Korea to eliminate some threats of a North Korean missile killing American citizens in some next five years to come. The danger can be assessed as possible, and it might shift over time. However is seems implausible to vanish on its preference, for example through massive economic collapse. Nevertheless, this is never a good prospect that any president can feel contended with. No president is capable of allowing a hostile nation to be in a position to attack San Francisco with a nuclear-tipped ICBM if it has an opportunity to stop it from taking place.

If President Donald Trump felt that he had no other option other than making a surgical strike, the consequences of his action are incalculable. Just like Kim has done in the past, Trump could have opted for a low-level act of aggression. For instance, he would opt to sink a North Korean warship or drop a big conventional bomb on a North Korean nuclear facility. It is not possible to assume that Kim could respond in a kind way, worsen matters or just shout a lot. If escalation starts, when will it go critical? How many people will lose their lives in the process and how much damage could it bring to the global economy?


The cost of human life and treasure would be unprecedented is this is bound to happen. The current world, apart from the odd hermit nation like North Korea, is a more interdependent than ever before in various ways including social, political and economic aspects. This alone could make World War III the worst ever global conflict.

About us

Are you a political science or history student looking for free essays on World War III? you need to read this blog. The free essay on World War III has been prepared by highly trained and qualified political science essay writer with immense knowledge in global politics. Make a point to buy political science research papers, dissertations, essays and capstone papers from us today.

How to Write Good Nursing Capstone Paper

How to Write Good Nursing Capstone PaperAre you looking for tips on writing good nursing capstone paper? Every nursing student is required to write a capstone paper as a partial fulfillment to attaining a nursing degree in American, British, Australian, Oman or Canadian colleges. It can be quite frustrating for a student who has not mastered the art of writing capstone proposals and projects. However, this article seeks to impart necessary knowledge in developing a quality nursing paper.

How to write Good Nursing Capstone Paper: Pitfalls to avoid

When writing a nursing capstone paper, there are some predictable pitfalls that learners tend to make every time. Understanding all these potential nursing scholarly pitfalls before you start writing your paper can go a long way in assisting you to evade them successfully. Then, you will have all the knowledge of writing an good nursing capstone paper that you will be proud of and at the same time impress your instructor.

Guidelines for writing a good nursing capstone paper

Usually the final stage of your nursing studies is writing a nursing capstone paper. The capstone proposal and final project will show all the problems addressed, step you take to solve the issue, the means, and equipment used to measure the along with your recommendations. Here are few basic guidelines to assist you when writing the final report.

  • Format your report well
  • Make a summary before starting
  • Make sure you include all sources on your page of reference
  • Write clearly and concisely
  • Proofread

One of the necessary requirements for completing the majority of nursing programs is doing a capstone project. The capstone project offers an excellent opportunity for learners to implement skills and knowledge into practice. A portion of the project involves writing a paper which is a written presentation of your whole project.

The presentation introduces all the problems that your project is tailored at solving and shows in a detailed manner how the project is intended to achieve that. Some of the project details to be included comprise, tools used, time involved and methods used in analyzing the results. Following proven guidelines, you can as well include the project results, objectives obtained, unanticipated results and ultimately a recommendation based on the project degree of success. Note that the capstone paper will represent your entire project. As a result, you need to make sure you present a well-written paper for your project to be successful.

Lack of research before selecting a thesis statement

In some occasions, when stressed or busy, learners tend to rush when choosing a subject for a paper. Therefore, their concentration and connection with the subject matter can be affected greatly, and unavoidable the effect is evident in their writing. Doing a thorough research and selecting a topic you can connect are critical steps in writing an effective thesis statement, and ultimately an good nursing capstone paper.

Lack of a strong thesis statement

tips on writing nursing capstone papersThe moment you pick a subject, the next step should be creating a strong thesis statement. This is an essential, foundational element for a valid paper. One assurance of setting up a successful argument is that you take a definite point of view. The thesis statement must be clear and able to express one main idea, and it should be about the subject that permits further discussion. A good thesis statement must be genuine, compelling and gives the reader the urge to continue reading.

Try to make appropriate connections between thesis statement and supporting elements
The format of a good research paper flows from the thesis statement to the supporting elements, which includes the body of the article. A successful research paper must have a sustained inquiry and an interesting discussion of a perfectly-defined subject. Your paper should transition effectively from your thesis statement to your supporting statement.

Present strong and relevant data to support your statements

All the supporting statements in your paper must be backed up by appropriate sources which can authenticate the point of view given by the thesis statement. All your supporting statements must flesh out your unique thesis statement and must also have a basis in strong, accurate data that you cite and the reader can verify without difficulties.

Cite your sources properly

nursing capstone paper writing serviceIn your research paper, you need to give proper credit to all data and reference you use in your paper. Specific requirements for citing the sources can vary depending on the instructions given. Whether you are working in the APA writing style or any other format, every format comes with its particular parameters and rules for citing sources. Make sure you carefully go through the instructions given for you to cite sources within the required guidelines. Luckily, there is new software available that can assist you in this area of writing research papers. Whether it is APA, MLA style format or any other, the formatting software can be of great help in the citation process.

Note that the capstone project might take a very long period to be completed. The process begins once you present your proposal, it gets approved and then you receive the results that satisfy all your expectations. Simple usual mistakes on a written paper that come as a result of rushing to complete your project or negligence have been the major downfall of many projects that would have otherwise been successful. Some of the common mistakes made when writing an good nursing capstone paper include:

  • Failure to follow proper paper format, note that the majority of learning institutions provide simple outlines to follow, and past papers from former students can be used as a reference.
  • Using long sentences and unnecessary big terminologies in your writing: this is a tactic sometimes intended to impress, but that never does. Note that you can impress more using clear and concise sentences that get direct to the point.
  • Failure to proofread your paper, try as much as possible to avoid simple grammatical errors and spelling mistakes by proofreading your paper before handing it over.

Hire Someone To Offer You Nursing Capstone Writing Services

Avoiding common mistakes in nursing capstone paper is simply added up. All you need to do is to pay attention to every detail, be systematic and take your ample time to notice small details. If you don’t have the time to do all that, some companies will help you out. The companies provide DNP capstone project help that can give you an error-free, perfectly written and properly formatted capstone paper that is unique. The experienced writers are also backed up by professional editors making sure no errors slip through.